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Who Stormed The Bee Hive Casino? Started by: SuperBee on Jul 13, '23 18:50

SuperBee pulls out an old crate and stands up in the middle of the town square

Alright, I need to know who bankrupted my casino in New York.

I walk away for a few minutes to tidy up some errands and I come back and $25M is drained, I asked the guards, they up and quit already. 

I need someone to come forward and let me know who cleared out $25M in a matter of an hour... so....

I can give you a high five. Incredible feet. One that I, professional gambler, have never achieved...

That said, I decided to up the ante and went and made a quick $1.4B (with a B) this morning in Dice and will be reopening the Bee Hive with an insurmountable amount of capital... we will NEVER be bankrupted again...

SuperBee starts to walk away before realizing the naysayers will say he is fibbing about his gains... so he slaps a sheet onto the wall and walks out...


...and I challenge ANYONE to surpass me.

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As a former or perhaps casino-owner at the moment (not sure) DeadlikeDead truly understood how bad it is losing so much cash in so little time, damn guards employed not fixing this by telling the owner quickly.

Has even lost a casino that and it hurts so much. Hope your guards can protect it better SuperBee

Its hard to be rich those day for sure.
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