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INPUT NEEDED: Design the ideal forums. Started by: Squishy on Oct 06, '11 02:52

Sometimes you have to sacrifice realism for the better of the game.. In this case the community. If we were to make all of the RP forums city specific then where would the community come together? This is why the Business District exists. For city specific role play.

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I don't know how hard this would be to input but I think the business district would have far more usage and interaction if there was a function in there for money to change hands for EG: drinks, items brought and even an ability to set and entrance fee to get into the business if its a club. That way it actualy becomes a business with a profitable return. Of course there would have to be some kind of risk invovled maybe having to pay for a weekly security on the business?

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Do not allow an edit button. To easy for someone to say something regretful then run back and remove it before they're noticed having said it.

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The features of this game have already become boring, no offense. Petty, felony, petty felony, buy drugs, petty, felony, sell drugs, that's it. I think that using in-game money in Business forums is an excellent idea.

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Preview post option, yes.

Column showing how many views a thread has got, yes.

Edit button, no.

City specific streets = Business District.

Job done pal.

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So the majority want Preview Thread option. To be unique I'll go against it. Go Edit Button!

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I would like to see the back alley be an invite only type thing. So they don't need a link you need to be invited. That way the creator can easily control everyone that can view it. This would be especially useful for things like Hit Squad notes and when someone dies they are automatically taken off it.

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Also I would like to see that if you create a topic you can delete a post or "mark for deletation" which would make it unviewable to other players and the admins would have a page were they can go look at see what posts are marked and then decide to delete it or unmark it.

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I think for the Streets, I'd concentrate on enforcing the fact that it's a Role-Played environment, In Character. We have "Help" with Rules of Role Play Engagement, which was really never needed a few years back, and even though people were a bit lazy with coming out to the streets to play their part, the players made it happen, and usually dumb shitty threads were deleted as they had no business being there.

Nowadays, you look at the business district, and you see people role-playing, or actually trying. The streets however, majority is just a bunch of text, and with that I mean just people speaking, you don't know how the fuck they got there, what their emotions are, unless they start going bold and/or all caps and you sense they're YELLING AT YOU LIKE THIS. Or if they've even left the speech, or wherever the person having the speech might be, which you might not even know as the one who prepared the speech might just showed up out of the blue, doing the same thing as the rest.

It would be veeeeeeeeeery nice to see the streets look at least somewhat like the business districts do now, where people actually try a bit harder to role-play their part, the title of this thread might say "forums", but our streets are our streets, not some forum where you're just expected to leave a comment or post your thoughts without even trying to role-play it. Leave all that to OOC, Suggestions, Outside etc that isn't required for you to be In Character.

Other than that, I really can't complain much when it comes to the forums - I like the views on threads idea, would show how many actually read it or glanced at it. I'm not sure but there might be quite a few people that are scared to post, I guess, but maybe a Poll for certain threads in the Suggestions area would be nice if Admins saw an idea that they liked but wanted opinions from the players before they decided whether they should or shouldn't add it to the game, allowing the players to vote for the idea or against it, so if you want to post your opinion you can do that and vote whatever, but if you're too scared to make a post thinking you'll offend someone, you can just vote.

And no edit button. You can't erase words you've "spoken", you can however make it right by apologizing, role-play it if IC, stand by your words, or explain further on what you meant with what you said if someone isn't getting it.

I also like SerialStabber's idea about making the Back Alley threads invite only, meaning if you die, your new character won't have access to it, but it would complicate things if the owner died... so maybe rather than character based for the owner, make it master account? Or allow for the owner to appoint a co-owner of the back alley thread? Not sure which one is easiest, both could die too so lol. Still like the idea, just needs some tweaking.


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With my idea with the back alley idea I had (also using AgentVX's idea as well). It could be invite only but the topic is tied to the creaters master account and any one who gets invited it is only for their character.

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