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Joe “Lucky Boy” Melizzano Started by: Gordon_Zola on Oct 09, '11 20:30

Gordon takes an unfiltered Russian cigarette from its packet, ignites it, takes a long draw and looks towards the gathered mafioso stood before him. He releases the smoke from his lungs as he begins to speak.............

You heard of him? I guessed so. A man of impeccable taste I hear, considering the houses he owns in Detroit, New York, Malibu and Hawaii. Not to mention his latest acquisition, a 75 foot clipper built in Liverpool and fitted with the finest naval brassware, and twin accommodation.  His personal fortune is estimated to be in the region of $10 million, plus hardware, Art collections and the bricks and mortar.

Now I`m a realistic guy, I grease the palms of the FBN, who doesn`t? I know how to lean on people for the boss and I know how to get the money in. However, I don`t go throwing it back in the face of the mugs I take it off. They know why they pay for protection, and they sleep at night because of it. “Lucky Boy” on the other hand, flaunts it for all to see in my opinion. He`s now one of the fattest cats this world has ever seen.........slurping away at the golden cow for all it`s worth. Making no bones about the fact that he`s the man, the guy with the information you need, the guy with the largest slice of the pie.

Well, I say this guy`s getting a little too cocky. I know what I`d like to do the next time he holds out that grubby little right hand of his for his “cut”. I know that the repercussions would be hard to bear however. They`d be on us like flies around a week old dead Goomba. They would however, probably think twice about the level of their “cut”. It could bring a little sense into their otherwise over populated exuberant lifestyles.

Taking a final draw from the cigarette he drops the butt to the ground and extinguishes it firmly beneath his boot.

I believe the time has come for a little reality check for the FBN. We`re the biggest source of their under the counter income and I for one am getting a little pissed off waving bye bye to the guy who`s just relieved me of thousands of dollars of hard earned cash.

Now is it just me? I know I`m a tight ass when it comes to the green but shit guys, how long is this going to continue?

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Favara had been listening to Gordon for a while now, he agreed somewhat with what his friend said but unlike himself thought he'd give his two cents on the subject.

I see where you're coming from Zola my man, these guys are getting too fat and on our dime too! And believe you me I'd love to take care of these guys, especially that Donahue schmuk who's been draining me dry for years now.

Although I will say, I'd rather put twenty large in their clammy hands than spend twenty big ones up in Quentin.

After offering his extremely wise perspective on things he nudges Zola for one of them Ruski smokes and makes his way to the bank... pay day at the FBN office again.

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