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How's the Weather? Started by: Teyla on Aug 01, '23 17:52

Teyla walked into the small hardware store and surveyed the room.  If it was her mere presence or the fact that a dozen armed men walked in behind her and than fanned out to surround her. the affect was the same.  Customers gave the group a wide birth until they slipped out the door as quickly as they could not wanting to find themselves involved in whatever was about to happen.  Teyla was still new to this part of the city, but her reputation and that of the Morningwood Elite proceeded her wherever she went.

Walking up to the counter she smiled at the owner who was trying to cover his emotions, but his eyes gave him away.  

"Good morning, Joe."

The owner swallowed, but he managed to keep his voice mostly steady.  "Good morning, Miss Teyla"

"You know why I am here don't ya, Joe?"

The man's shoulder fell a bit.  "Miss Teyla, I don't have it.  Business has been down and..."

The man was stopped in the middle of his sentence as Teyla looked at one of her boys and nodded towards the phone on the wall.  The boy jumped the counter and picked up the phone and started to dial the phone.  After a moment the boy smiled and started talking, "Yeah boss, the weather here at Joe's hardware store is as wonderful as you said it would be."

Joe's body started shaking and his eyes went wide with fear.  Suddenly he punched a number on the cash register and the it dinged open and he took a step back from it.  "Please take it all, Ms Teyla.  Tell the Don that I am sorry for all the trouble I have caused.  It won't happen again.  I swear it.

Teyla grinned and reached into the till.  She counted out what Joe owed and then put the rest of the money back into the drawer.  "Don't worry about it Joe.  The Don knows your a good man.  Tell the wife hello for him, will ya?"  Tapping the counter in a goodbye fashion the Consigliere turned around and pocketed the money as she stepped back out onto the street.

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