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Rogues Started by: Teyla on Aug 06, '23 08:56
In the smoky dimness of a jazz club, Teyla sat at a corner booth, carefully observing the room. A high-ranking mobster, she was respected and feared, but tonight was different. Word had reached her that a group of rogues were operating against their boss and threatening the fragile balance of power in the city.

The young consigliere narrowed her as she recognized the faces of the rogues. There whispers spread like wildfire. She knew what she had to do to maintain order and protect her family.

The night was tense as Teyla followed the rogues into a deserted alley. The cold wind bit through her overcoat, but she remained resolute. Her grip tightened on her Tommy gun, as she knew that she had no choice but to act.

In the dimly lit alley, a showdown ensued. Teyla confronted the rogue mobsters, giving them one last chance to back down. But their defiance only fueled her resolve. With a heavy heart, she fired the first shot.
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