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Who was NickC Started by: James_Kuklinski on Oct 12, '11 14:31

Hello my friends

Many references have been made to a Mr C, a Mr Nick C. 

Who is Nick C? 

Where did he come from? 

What did he do? 

Why is he remembered? 

Does he have any relatives around here?

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A no name idiot. Only one man has ever proven to be more of a fool than Nick C...

Think its fairly clear who that person is.

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Worley, you ain't that much of a 'tard.  Try contributing something, for once in your sorry assed life?

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Please, Mr. Kuklinski cannot even compare to the retardation that was strewn all over these streets by NickC. To Kuku's credit he at least has a solid message and a few valid points. Though I disagree with Kuklinski's tactics and message, at least you are consistent. If I remember correctly NickC just spewed whatever shit came to mind weather racist, sexist, or just straight up dribble. Picture Kuklinski with half the IQ he has now and you have NickC.

True, I did recently come to the streets comparing Mr. Kuklinski, but that was only in the view of they are both attention seeking whores and have an undeserved sense of self worth. In my opinion, NickC was a much worse plague to deal with.

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I am an egalitarian.  I don't dislike anyone on the grounds of their sex, race, inclination or religion. 

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Pulling out an ancestors frayed diary by weather and the fire he died in, he pulls out whats left.  he noticed the dates had faded and many of the corners gone but he tried to read some of the messages regarding Nick C.



Today I headed to IRC Avenue to meet up in the coffee shops with J Kanada and MKM.  As  i sat waiting a scruffingly dressed man approached me, placed himself at my table and started talking to me.  To be polite i conversed with this man who seemed to feel his worth was above his demeanour  as he oozed self importance and alleged superiority over many.  Explaining to me all his connections, and how he would become a crewleader due to his links I payed attention.  Soon after he excused himself as my colleagues arrived and with a confused look i asked them who the hell he was, they said dont worry thats just nick c.

I have decided to talk to a few friends who have warned me not to associate myself with Nick C as his family line dies a lot.  As i revisited the coffee shop yet again like a leech he latched on to me as if i was an old friend and started talking to me.  Explaining i was busy seemed to not matter to this character as the words seemed to go in one ear and out the next with no connection in the middle.  I made light pleasantries and he invited me to mix with some of his friends, as he spouted his dissaproval of a man called Premeir.  Knowing  this would not end well he talked to JoSmooth to dis-associate himself from Nick C but he asked me to look for further information.

It seems that Nick C wants to recruit people for an underground group although not describing it as an underground group.  I watched as he tried to extract my abilities from me as i had built up a reputation as a jailbreaker spending some time in jail with IzzyCreamcheese, Pallida, Emilia, Chilid and J Kanada.  I had recently also achieved Wise Guy which allegedly made me an attractive prospect as a recruit.  I played along and reported the names back again to my boss, my loyalty was always going to lie there even if Nick C  had interesting but dis-organised plans.  Watching this group of misfits I decided they would be lucky to achieve anything ever.


I received an invite to a wedding today, it seems that Nick C will tie the knot.  He had seemed to find himself important enough to invite many of the crime world to a public ceremony i was guessing to feed his ego.  As it was a nice gesture and i thought would gain me deeper knowledge plus a free meal and a few drinks was always nice.


I decided i didnt want to be too late for such a garish affair and thought would be interesting to meet NIck C's bride.  I decided to drop my car of at Vinnies autoshop as expected it to be hard to park  nearer the church,  Walking the remaining block and a half I was hoping this woman could be the making of Nick and maybe he would settle down and gain a little stability.  As i got closer to the church i noticed police cars so knowing i had no warrants or any weapon on me I walked into the church.  Noticing a bloodied sheet over the body I asked the detective who the body was, he raised an eye brow and said the groom.  I sat in shock.  Rubbing my chin at the time i thought you make bad plans and anounce them to the world things are never going to end well.

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Well, this only shows how new your bloodline is to this thing of ours Kuku.. The people who laid the groundwork for how this world came to be.. So here. If you truly want to learn about Nick C, Clown Extraordinaire, follow this MAP to a listing of some archived newspapers I was able to dig out. They were published before your time, which isn't hard since you are still a new bloodline despite the number of your kin that have littered our shores and graveyards.

Within these PAGES you will learn why things are the way they are.. Why terminology is the way it is. You may even learn a bit about how things SHOULD be when it comes to making your way through this thing of ours. Our world. No one else's.

I know it will fall upon deaf ears and blind eyes, but at least I can say I tried to educate someone about the history that set the basis for how this place works and provided flashback moments for those of us that decide to read the stories for what they were and remember when our grandparents and great grandparents told us the stories how they happened.

I suggest checking out his poetry submissions... Even he could teach you a thing or two.

Good luck, I mean that. I hope that one day you can come to understand why this place is what it is and who made it that way.. We ALL did. Not just one or two leaders.. WE ALL did it. Our parents, our grandparents, and those before them... Give the Old Gazette a read, there may be many.. But it's worth the EDUCATION you may receive and have not before.

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By way of showing you that this is not the first period of 'stability' - some people get bored and frustrated with periods in our history like that. This isn't the only one, by any means - and all of them, without exception, have ended. How that comes to pass is still anyone's guess, but moaning about how unfair your life is, and targetting a few BGs from cities you don't like probably won't be it.


From Issue 88:


Ms Mother,

Just a question: why on earth do no other bosses try to take out Sam? Surely, after watching the Godfather and several other gangster movies, it seems feasible that a powerful don should be able to take out another don. Why doesn't this happen? Are people scared that war will break out? Where is the sense of rivalry on our streets? I came to this place looking to climb the promotion scale, to deceive and back-stab but so far everyone is just too scared to do anything. Given the chance, would I take out Sam, Il-Postino or SteelDawn? The answer is a resounding yes. The position of don is not so easily attained but surely other mafiosa should be given the chance to at least try to be successful.

It just doesn't seem fair. I'm not asking that admin should take to the streets and massacre everyone again, but how about illnesses. Does Sam suffer from a heart condition? Does Dawn have a heroin addiction? Surely the life of a don is stressful to the point that a strain would be put on their body. How would admin feel about reporting a few lives lost through natural death: a car crash or too much sex? It's all very well everyone getting shot, but we never get to hear about the natural deaths.

My life in these streets in an enjoyable one. I have a good business, some good friends and an insatiable ambition. A fear of one day waking up in cement shoes keeps me edgy, keeps me on my toes... shouldn't it be the same for the Dons too?


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Lovely flashback SK.


Samtheamericaneagle, original boss of bosses.


happy days

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Given the chance, would I take out Sam, Il-Postino or SteelDawn?

Booey's proudest moment right there when he killed SteelDawn.


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And yet, the ideas to which he wished to incorporate fell on "deaf" ears. The logic of natural deaths is resounding and should be used in this world we live in. I mean, I get the flu sometimes and have to call out of my daily duties. I know my boss understands. But contracting a powerful disease that could incapacitate a person gracing are shores would be more "realistic" in the Out of Character view point. Just a thought and a hope that even the lowliest gangster to the most powerful Wise guy can attract a futile disease. Because I mean, who doesn't want to go to the hospital and wake up and receive pretty flowers and a possible blow job from the female nurses.

Michael tips his hat and walks away with the same gruff look.

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and then we have the other side of the story.... the admin at the time actually was the one who took out Sam.. abid for different reasons



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