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Terrorwhat? Started by: Skrull on Oct 16, '11 02:43

Asshole. Scumfucker. Bad guy. Bastards.

There are any number of words in language that can be used to describe someone you don't like, someone you've had conflicts with, even someone you're ideologically opposed to. They all convey the same message "These guys are the ones we're against" and, while hurtful, can easily be overcome by the people you're describing. There's no lasting damage if I call someone a bastard, but it gets the point across that I'm against him.


This is the word used to describe a group of people, a group that to be clear I am not nor have I ever been a part of so I have no personal interest at stake, that our crop of leaders (including several staff members, and the part-owner of the game) are against. A group of people using the same methodology that has always been used by small groups trying to take out fortified enemies in this game, and that will always be used to do so. Yet now, the ones on top - who have used these same methods in the past - call it terrorism.

And yes, I know, not all the leaders used that word to describe these people. But nobody objected to it. Nobody said "hey now, isn't that going a little far?" Nobody questioned the decision to label fellow players of this game terrorists.

Obviously, calling people Nayouknowtherest's isn't tolerated. References to Hilittlemustachedude are met with admin wacks, as they should be. Yet, calling people terrorist is, somehow, acceptable? Let alone the fact that the word is completely inappropriate from a language choice stance - everyone here is a criminal, a member of the mafia. Killing a rival's BG isn't terrorism, it's business. But where do we draw the line? What's acceptable to call someone, and what isn't?

We live in a world where the effects of terrorism are felt wherever you live. Nobody is immune to it, everybody knows how it feels to wake up and see the devastation caused by REAL terrorists, to see lives affected by terrorism. It is unconscionable to label other human beings who want to come home and play a fucking GAME as terrorists.

There is something deeply and irrevocably... broken in the soul of this game. There is something deeply and irrevocably broken in the souls of the players, of the leaders, and of those in charge who allow (and even use) this kind of language.

This is the game we want new people exposed to? "Fall in line, or you're a terrorist." This is the kind of language that we'll say is acceptable? 
All day long I've waited for a leader, hell a member of a crew, to step up and say "Hey, um, maybe calling them terrorists was a bit harsh. It was in the moment, and I'm sorry" and it hasn't happened. And, let's face it, it won't happen. Because this is the world we live in, and the game we play now.

And I've never been more ashamed, which is why I can't be a part of this anymore.

Regardless of whether it was right to kill those involved in killing other people's BGs (it was) or to ban those involved in killing other people's BGs (it was) or to ban those "associated with" people who kill other people's BGs (it's not... think, for example, about the logical extreme. Members were hiding in New York Crews, Prem's the GF of New York, as GF isn't he, by default, "associated with" those people? Shouldn't he now, by his own statements, kill and ban himself?) Can't we all come together as a group and say:

"Hey, you know what would be good? Not calling other players terrorists."

I guess that's too much to ask for.

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? ?[ter-er-ist] Show IPA
1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.
4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.
5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of terrorism or terrorists: terrorist tactics.

? ?[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

I personally think you are overreacting to the word. By the definition, by using violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes - you are by definition a terrorist. Harsh language? Sure, but most of us are grownups here and we can take it.

When someone labels you by your actions and goes out of their way to no longer allow you in their homes - you should realize you are being a thorn in their side and either a) congratulate yourselves on annoying them and keep up with it b) deal with the consequences of your actions or c) go incog and have a few good accounts and clear your names.

Isn't this what you guys wanted? You wanted to piss off the top, now you are doing it, so why do you now throw your hands up and scream bloody murder when you guys are starting to get under the skin of the people you are against? Keep at it, give up, or change tactics, do whatever you guys feel you need to do, but don't cry when you realize you don't like what some people see you as.

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Firstly, Squishy, I'm not involved in any way. So I have no personal stake at this. I still think Kuklinski and TeQ are idiots and should absolutely be banned for being involved.

But, by those definitions, aren't these leaders ALSO terrorists? They're using fear and intimidation to strike at people they don't like, in order to ban them from the game.

Not to mention that this is the mafia, or more to the point this is a game roleplaying the mafia, there is no "government", unless you want to say that Kuklinsi and TeQ and the others are aiming at you, in which case, I'd have to say they have HORRIBLE aim, seeing as they've been... shooting at everyone but you.

I love language, I love words. There are so many of them out there. Can't we agree that "terrorist" is one we ought shy away from when it comes to labeling other players?

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skrull; the title "terrorist" can be applied to anyone for any reason, as it really corresponds to "anyone who brings terror". so the leaders may be terrorist to the blacklisted, and the blacklisted may be terrorists to the leaders. it's based on your point of view, and the fact is, "nuisance" and other synonyms grasp the same intended meaning, and i'm surprised people get caught up in the semantics of it. i think this crackdown is quite outside the realm of "mafia" as its about who youve been in a past life (you cant really roleplay that), so trying to suggest that we're "mafiosos" in a roleplaying sense is a bit out of scope. i think you're looking for censorship in a world that has none, so you wont win this battle.

i think, on a game-level, we have a government. we just had ambassadors from multiple groups come together to fix a problem, which sounds an awful lot like when the UN puts resolutions together. there is a government, or a group of governments, and pleading otherwise is just naive. this IS a systemic crackdown of a group of people based on (at this point) their behavior, and extending that punishment through their future game names. it really just sounds like the typical "scare lockdown", which has surprisingly never ended well for those being locked down, or those locking down on them.

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Of all the things you could have an issue with... you made a big deal of the word terrorist? I mean theres an obvious connotation there but thats hardly the issue at hand?

If someone tells a joke about a pastor, an electrician, and a blonde walking into a bar you're not going to be confused because the blonde figured out how to operate a door. See what I mean?

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Is this serious? You're crying over the use of a word? And it's not even one of the words that people usually overreact to and act like somehow they're really being damaged by it.

Should we start calling it the "T word"?

Do words really hurt?

What about the children?!?!?!?!

Grow the fuck up.

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" go incog and have a few good accounts and clear your names."

Scenario, I buy into the game which i DID on a regular basis, I go incog, I'm found in a city , bloodlined, and killed for it, then I waste RL monies on an account that can never be anything more than an average Joe!... It goes far beyond any player orientated decision! How can I now buy into the game with the knowledge that I'm not allowed, legitimly in any city, surly can't be good for business?!

Anyhow at least we now have the opportunity to plead a case!

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Personally, the term "terrorist" doesn't bother me too much.  There is the dictionary definition - but the real definition is basically "someone that ther powers-that-be don't think should have the right to use organised violence".  That's true in Real Life and it's true in this game.  

Put bluntly, there are enough of us to constitute a family, an experienced one at that.  For example, I rarely shot at anyone, someone on the list never shot anyone.  

The constant use of the word says far, far more about those that use it to those who are shunned by it.  It's an attempt to categorise, embarrass and summarise.  It doesn't work - it gains up more support.

Here's the thing, people - we are living through MR times that will be talked about for some time.  This is unprecedented.  Kuklinski has long said that he is a scapegoat - it's true, it's obvious.  

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I meant to add, I think that our American cousins might possibly find the term more offensive - so I understand the concern.

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I don't see this as being as big a deal as you are making out. In fact, I think it is a pretty accurate description of what some people are trying to do.

I don't know whether this just doesn't translate across the Atlantic or whether it is just a personal grievance you have with it, but "terrorist" doesn't need to be an outlawed term in my opinion. Seems to be pretty apt all things considered.


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Personally i think the term Terrorist is way over the top, Dickheads arseholes or whatever yes i agree but Terrorists seriously?

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Renegades, even paramilitaries - or even "The Plumbers" (though not strictly accurate) but terrorist is used because it is a prejorative.

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Of course it is.

To the ruling powers, anyone actively engaged in removing them is going to be described negatively, such as a terrorist, whilst they themselves consider their actions positively and would likely choose a more semantically pleasing description when evaluating themselves.

That is why rebels often consider themselves freedom fighters; it is all a matter of perspective.


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Chuckle, while that's true, At times there can be a consensus that the actions and words of particular groups are morally reprehensive.

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I think that a consensus only really comes from those who are objective to the situation. I think, for example, most dictators feel whatever they are doing is justified and those who are persecuted feel it is unjust. For us, on the outside looking in, we can consider the evidence objectively without bias and emotion and formulate an opinion that is probably a fair evaluation of the circumstances. This is likely to be extremely different to the opinion of the persecuted or the persecutor.

Therefore, I don't think that the ruling powers declaring those who oppose them are "terrorists" is particularly offensive or particularly inaccurate from their perspective. Similarly, for any of those who have been labelled "terrorists", if they considered themselves to be "renegades" or "freedom fighters" instead, then I would have to agreed, from their perspective, that is exactly what they believe themselves to be.

It is both sides of the coin and which you feel is appropriate entirely depends upon which side you want to be showing.


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To be honest, I really am not bothered by the usage of the word terrorist.

Its being used to describe the behviour of a virtual character in a virtual game with virtual blood.


I find far worse behaviours being displayed on a daily basis.

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True story.


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