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Sins of Your Father Started by: Andrew_Paxton on Oct 16, '11 23:58

So, what about those sins of your father? I say YOUR father, because it's obvious that my father never sinned. So, let's just talk about your father. Or his father. Just not my father.

Anyway, before I lose my way, I should get to the point. There has been a lot of discussion over the last couple of days about bloodline hunting. Even more than discussion, you've been witness to many deaths.  Deaths because of the actions of an ancestor, or words of an alter-ego in a coffee shop.  I have not yet given my opinion regarding the matter, but I might later on in this speech. But I did want to take a moment to discuss this issue, and to get the perspective from people in the community.

What do you think about bloodline hunting? Should a son die because of the actions of his father? Or an even more interesting question - is there even any such thing as father and son anymore?  Are the generations so intertwined that you cannot escape the actions of your ancestors.  Can a person even redeem themselves anymore?  Should they be allowed to redeem themselves.  Wait, that's not right.  It's not themselves they're redeeming, but their parents, or grandparents, or even that alter ego.

Back in the day - and I don't know what day, just THE day, we had these places called coffee shops. People could go to these coffee shops and plot, scheme, or just converse, but because the words were spoken in a coffee shop, there were no repercussions outside of that coffee shop. It was like going to Vegas. What happened in the coffee shops, stayed in the coffee shops.  It was even a place where you could go to blow off some steam.  "Damn, I wish so and so were dead."

Then one day - again, I don't know what day just ONE day - that all changed, and the coffee shops became intertwined with this world. Conversations were recorded by spies and played for others, who in turn took that information out of the coffee shops right into the streets and bullets began to fly. People began to die over statements made in those coffee shops.

Now, you're not only dying for the actions of your father, but for actions or words of an alter-ego that doesn't even exist in this world. You are dying for actions done by somebody who transcends generations and worlds; dying for their words. Words that we attach meaning to without fully understanding the context or the subjective intent. But because of the words of that alter-ego, you die, your son dies, and so on.

It's an interesting new world that we live in. Are you happy you live in this new world? Or are you afraid that you are going to die for something "your father" said in a coffee shop six months ago. Nevermind what your "great grandfather" did.

Anyway, quite the philosophical debate, don't you think?

But, again, back to the original point. Do you think it's okay to die for the sins of your father? Your father plotted the murder of crewleaders, city heads, even Godfathers. Should you be responsible for his actions? What about your grandfather's actions? At what generation should the bloodline hunting end?

And doesn't this bloodline hunting lead to even more violence? My thought is this - some great-great-grandson is roaming the cities. Nobody knows who he is, but he hasn't forgotten anybody. Don't you see a problem with this scenario?

Regardless, we've broken new ground and we are now living in an era unlike any before it. 

I'm sure there are many among us who have made mistakes, at times have lacked judgment and have done stupid things.  But, those mistakes used to end with the death of the person.  Not anymore.  And even if my grandfather and father were both scoundrels, what's to say that I would be one too? 

I don't have the answers.  Right now I only have questions. 

But I can tell you this - I'm not a fan of bloodline hunting.  Is it a necessary evil?  Perhaps.  But I haven't come to that conclusion yet.  I think there is a fine line that we must walk. 

I admit - I've thought about this so much because of the death of a member of my family.  He wasn't an associate.  He was a highly trusted MEMBER of my family.  But his grandfather, or father, or brother or whoever it was lacked some judgment.  I knew that his family member had died for his misdeeds, and I gave him a chance.  I accepted the responsibilty and had faith in my ability as a teacher and a mentor.  That's not being arrogant, it's being honest.  My family has been here for ages, and I feel like we've turned out some damn good mobsters.  Some of their descendents are crewleaders now.   We preach things like honor, loyalty, honesty and omerta.  We don't just say 'em, we preach 'em, stress them, and expect nothing less.  And in turn for their willingness to follow my code, I commit to them that I will give them a home and protect them. 

I did not protect him.  While I slept, he was killed.  A meeting was held that I was not a part of, and he was  added to this list we've heard so much about and killed.  He had done nothing wrong.  Nothing at all.  And he had plenty of opportunity to engage in such misdeeds, but did not.  Instead, he gave his all to his family and to his city - a city that did not protect him at all; He earned the right...EARNED the right to be a hand and important advisor.  And he was unceremoniously shot. 

I believe, if I would have had the opportunity, I could have convinced the powers that be that this man was worth saving; i believe it was the responsibility of my city head to defend my member.  And perhaps, his son will be saved.  But it's too late for my member.  And now here we are.   He is gone, and I am left to apologize to him for not following through with my end of the bargain.  And so - I can't stand by silently.  I will speak.   We will speak. 

I stand here and offer this speech as a forum - a place to come and debate the merits of this new policy, and to debate bloodline hunting. 

So, what's your take? 

I understand there are many that are angry.  And should be angry.  But I offer this forum as a place to have a meaningful, but RESPECTFUL debate.  If you can't do that, find somewhere else to say your peace.  

I am angry.  But I find it better to attack this in a constructive way.  And that's what I'll do. 

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The one thing to remember is bloodlining works in both directions. When you die and come back and hold a grudge and plot against those that killed a previous account, that is bloodlining.

Take this into consideration with this entire debate, since everything said works both directions.

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Bighead still wants to kill Clarence.

Quite right too

Looks over his shoulder

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I think in this thing of ours that things have gotten a bit too real. Does a mother go to jail or get life in prison when she says "I'm gonna KILL that kid" after discovering that her $40 bottle of parfum has been dumped all over the bathroom floor and her precious child reeks of it and is covered with brilliant orange Tangee lipstick? No! In that case it's understandable to be frustrated, angry, incensed! The mother goes on to bathe the child, clean the bathroom grumbling and possibly cursing, put the child to bed with a story and a kiss like every other night, and most likely invests in some heavy duty locks for the bathroom. The child is allowed in the bathroom but may be carefully watched for a while so that there's no repeat. Human nature is unpredictable. Some people are recidivists, some people change, but we can't predict what a person will do in the future based off of a few words spoken in anger or even previous misdeeds.

I think the same principle should stand here. In a coffee shop or private conversation, sometimes you need to let off steam. "OOh that person makes me so mad I could spit bullets!" YOU know that you're not going to actually kill them, but you say it because it's the only thing that fits. The problem I am seeing these days is that the "altar ego" or coffee shop conversations sometimes turn into perceived (or even real) personal attacks on the person, the character BEHIND the name. One person says something rather harshly, and the other fires back in a hot headed manner. Words fly, anger rises, friendships destroyed, and more often than not someone ends up dead. Sometimes they are shot by the other person, sometimes they end their life and take others with them in anger. More often than not, they don't come back which leads to others who were friends with the dead person to "rage quit" their lives as well.

This is not how I imagined this life to be. Left and right seeing age old friendships and unions broken down but dirty gutter sniping and suspicion. When did it become acceptable for a crew leader to verbally take down his crew? When did it change so that people, for fear of being shot, won't even speak their minds any more? Why do we have to have so many "underground" groups plotting and whispering veiled and rather unsuccessful threats of destruction?

To answer your question of bloodlining, I think that it's a case by case basis. Some people screw up once and then they're done. Some people will always try to repeat their offenses. Even the law systems have policies regarding repeat offenders, and seeing as we are the law makers, we can have adult conversations based on evidence regarding the possible ban on a person. Often times people carry grudge matches to their graves and leave explicit directions for their children to carry on their wishes. While that is stupid and damaging, they have that right. We as the leaders have the right to say "no" in return.

Trust comes from being trustworthy. Sometimes you need a person to vouch for you. Even financially, you sometimes need a cosigner and if you default on that debt, you and the person who signed with you are held accountable. I hope that in the future, the "sins of the father" in most cases can be left and buried with the father, instead of having to explain to the family why their innocent family member was shot.

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Yes TheWildCard everything works in both directions, but is not part of our life to have a goal that we someday hope to achieve. For some it is to become a family head, others have more lofty ideas of becoming the next godfather. However on the flip side there are those out their who's goals are to see reigns fall. They wish for many a thing to be different around here. How many times I wonder has there been hushed conversations in the coffee shops about Roman and how his reign should be finished. How many times has Premier's name been whispered as one some would like to see dead. I give these as examples as they are unquestionably the driving force of the current crop of leaders.

But in turn I'll flip that round, did Roman not come out here a month or so back and regal us with his story, that while he took his time he was able to finally avenge the death of Colin? So in turn he himself has admitted that while he was building an empire a goal always in the back of his mind was revenge for his long dead friend.

For this world to survive people need to have goals, they need something to work for. Be it what is acceptable to the majority or something that is nefarious and is only spoken of in close circles. As much as we need those who fall in line, we also need those who cause upset. I fear part of the problem is the longevity of life these days. People have become lazy, they hunt down these so called trouble makers and attempt to remove them, sometimes without proof, sometimes even when the person is innocent, however their other world persona has a shady history so at some point may be a loose cannon.

I think that all the leaders need to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror, for at this time I feel that they are all living behind a blanket of fear, not fear of specific people. But fear that their precious effort( I'll use that term loosely though, while we have some leaders that are leaders, we have a great deal more who are nothing but figureheads, who run a bed and breakfast that collects for the godfathers) will be undone and oh no they may die and their son or daughter may end back down at the end of the pile.

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Pookie, I like the way you stated that.

"I think that all the leaders need to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror, for at this time I feel that they are all living behind a blanket of fear, not fear of specific people. But fear that their precious effort( I'll use that term loosely though, while we have some leaders that are leaders, we have a great deal more who are nothing but figureheads, who run a bed and breakfast that collects for the godfathers) will be undone and oh no they may die and their son or daughter may end back down at the end of the pile."

I think that is what holds a lot of people, (myself included) back sometimes. Taking the time and effort just because I am afraid of offending someone or getting killed. Meek at heart, I am usually the last person to stamp my foot and shout "ENOUGH!" I usually attempt to be a peace maker. I felt though that it was time for me to say something, as I hope others will as well.

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Mr Paxton is no longer with us..  What happened?

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he was killed

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I'll rephrase - does anyone know, or care to speculate, on why Mr Paxton was killed?

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I think the reasons are quite obvious, Kuku. This is lame, even for you.

Ciaran, I like your first exposé, but I see things in a different light. A mother has an unconditional love for a child that won't let that woman hurt him/her. I know it was just an example, but I do mean that the people who let off steam, unless they are in the same crew/city and are somewhat forced to make up to help the city then that is just going to fester and grow.

So the little wise guy that one day is just venting, in a few months is a Consig with a few hundred kills and may try to do something nasty. So in this case, it might be a case of nipping it in the bud.

I don't agree with bloodline hunting. I will follow any orders that the people above me give me, including ones related to bloodline hunting, but I won't like them.

However, speaking badly about important people in other cities is always extremely dangerous.

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