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Yaveos Consultations Started by: Yaveo on Sep 20, '23 15:13

The room was bright as you walked in. Motivational posters of the propaganda type propelling you to take a step forward in your life to become the very best person, or mobster in your case, you could be. Yaveo stood at the desk reviewing a file of a recent client as you approached. 

Oh, Hello! My name is Yaveo. This is Yaveos Consultations. Here, we seek to provide you with practical tools and motivational moments that will propel you further in your career. I’d like you to follow me in the lounge area we can speak more there. 

Yaveo smiled as he poured a nice pot of coffee. He handed you a folder that had tons of notes written in it with services that he provided. 

From creating a team of wonderful recruiters to ensuring you have the highest caliber of individuals who can take aim and fire in the direction you desire to go, Yaveo Consultstions provides the necessary resources a thriving business needs to amplify its efficiency in a tough market. We show leaders how to display quality leadership, we help new hires in their desires to be great, we help you take a team faltering and turn the ship around. I want you to take a look at our options here and feel free to share with me what interests you the most. 

Yaveo peers over the list of options as he sips his coffee. Then he leans back allowing you to take the lead in your wishes.


Yaveos Consultations

Quick Reference Guide


Services we provide:

- One on One Consultations 

- Recruiting Seminar (Helping find best practices in finding new talent.)

- Take Aim & Fire (Motivational movements to help your most active team members develop a deeper sense of loyalty to the company.)

- Team Strengths (Helping team develop a sense of seeing their strengths and play into them.)

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Silentassassin walks onto Yaevos Consulting and was greeted by a smile and a cup of freshly brewed coffee. As he skimmed through the pamphlets he was thinking to himself "my crew is dedicated and loyal they communicate excellent."

He looks at Yaveo "alright here's a question hiw do you keep a,crew motivated to be at their best so thru dont..plateau so to say? Your thoughts please abd.mthe coffee is great. Nice touch
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silentassassin This has long been the question of many Mafia families. How do we keep our focus not only activity but motivations. From my experience the best weapon to combat apathetic frustrations is actually not being utilized enough. It is playing to the strengths of your team. And the only way you can know that is by engaging with them in one on one conversation establishing a relationship. Then, when you learn that they are either a hitter or someone who posts or whatever they enjoy about the game it’s involving that strength to be used for the crew. 

Yaveo shifts his hands to the side as he continues speaking to SilentAssassin

For example - as you brought in someone who desires to build a canon. Make a wager with them - first person to 100 kills gets ten credits or something similar. What happens then is this individual will be more available for conversations and their activity will increase overall. Another example, if you have someone who loves the business district, make it a point to be there with them regularly. Even invite them to go to a place you are flying to and play the businesses there! 

Yaveo smiles

As the left hand I believe your role is one of the most important for crew culture, it’s a term I coined for generating healthy activity in a crew. The only way to effectively do this is by one on one relationships truly getting to know the members in your crew and second playing to their strengths- that which they enjoy. 

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S.A watched and took in every word of Yaveo's reply. The way he explained things even his mannerisms displayed the intelligence he possessed.
He grabbed a notepad abd pencil that was provided to jot diwn a,fewckey points,S.A had an amazing memory but wouldn't be able to recite all the detailed information thst was given to him
Upon completion Silentassassin stood up abd shook the man's hand gratefully.
"You know I have been doing a few of yhe things you mentioned already however yiu also have gave me new ideas thank you so much!"
*fills a,Styrofoam cup with coffee adding sugar abd cream "may I take this to go?" He grins
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Yaveo was very happy with Silent Assassin seeming to be more ready to engage his fellow mobsters to help them thrive. He poured himself a cup of coffee and awaited any new comers. The business was slow but all great businesses are when they start out at first 

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