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Management Changes In Philly Started by: LottaBEssen on Nov 11, '11 00:05

Lotta steps out of her HQ and into the streets of Philly once again full of bad news. It seemed like her fair city could not get a chance to grow, no matter how hard she tried. Sighing, she turned and faced the masses.

As I'm sure you have noticed, Tonks is no longer with us. And though it was necessary, I am quite saddened by it. I have been working my butt off trying to get this wonderful city of PHiladelphia back into some semblance of a family and a working business, but it seems there were wedges in place that could not be moved. Some of these wedges caused a rift between myself and my underboss. I tried to talk to her about it. I phoned her, I sent her mail, I waited in the coffeeshops. But silence and absence were all I got in return. No communication.

What I did hear however, were ripples of dissent. Rumors of a takedown. Well, what's a girl to do?

So I did what I had to do to protect my city. I cannot have half my city living in darkness because no one is communicating with them. I cannot rely on the coffeeshops to bring unity between two halves of a whole, without the other half making an effort.

With that being said, I have found someone who has communicated with me, worked with me, helped me, and trusted me since day one. It is my honor to announce that Cataclysmic will be taking over Tonks' family. He is bound to do a wonderful job, and I am very pleased to put him in a position he deserves. It is sad it is under these circumstances, but I would not think of handing over such a fine family as The Order to anyone else. I'm sure he will bring unity and peace back to our fine city.

I do ask that no one shoots at Philly unsponsoreds that will be named in a protection list here shortly. They all have invites waiting to bring them back home.

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What has been done is understandable and i give my best to Cataclysmic

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a hard decision to make indeed. After such wars rebuilding has to be positive and in the right direction though Good luck

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I am sorry that this occured to you and your city. The bowlers have been informed or the protection of the Philly members.

Good luck Cataclysmic! I am sure that you will do wonderfully for LottaBEssen.

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The protected members are as follows;

Cameron_McGuire | Angelo_Cinquino | andrewsantellana | Utopia | JohnSmith | _JerryVieweg | Lessy | Thomas_Sparosi | kimx3710 | Fearless | BabyFairy | Redroses23 | GodSon | Makarov | Johnjo | Scarface | Possessed | seth | Mr-Fanito | Fawkes | Periander | Murder_Inc | P1TB055 | Arkan | PaulaWhite | Shamroc | ChettRyder | The_Bearjew | Rev | OpheliaNox | Hades | Instinct | Serj | Jesper | Cassiopeia | -Rayne- | Rapid-fire | Itachi | Jessica_Biel | Solomon_Rossa | Cory-Chase | Sasdin | skarface420 | skarface69

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This is business. Tonks had the ability to lead, but when someone isn't reaching their potential; action has to be taken. Tonks was a failing investment, and in this case, the action is a replacement. In Tonks's partial absence, Cataclysm had been in charge of keeping order within the crew HQ, so it's only fitting that he take over. I wish you the best in your shiny new HQ.

As for what's in store for Philly, only good things. The direction and mission of the Philly crime organizations is unified once again, and this will allow us to press forward more efficiently and effectively than before.

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Is always sad to see someone so long lived in a city as a leader pass on. However I do agree with what has been said here. When it comes down to it this is a busoness despite of family ties. If It's bad for business its got to be changed. With that said I say rest in peace to the deceased and congratulations tp our newest leader within the great city of Philadelphia.

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Pathetic Campaign? Pathetic to want to protect and unify my city? Pathetic to make every effort to handle this diplomatically? Pathetic to replace the bad investments with good ones?


I can handle pathetic.

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Was it pathetic when the people of this land banded together to end the rule of leaders, rather dictators thought unfair? But the slaying of an leader who was not there for their family or city is? I think both scenarios are acceptable and the choice should be respected as well as the professionalism in which it has been addressed.

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Pathetic my arse!

Lotta made the same decision that any city head in their right mind would do under those circumstances.

Congratulations Cataclysmic, I'm sure you will do a wonderful job in your new role and look forward to seeing yourself and Lotta take Philadelphia to the next level!

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Abdul takes a break from building his bomb, I mean, being the bomb, to check out the happens on the streets. Its seems moves have been made in the City of Brotherly Love, so Abdul takes the time to give his 2 cents on the matter...

I see Philly making "powder-moves" now, my frienddds.  Gaining powder through elimination and strength through smalla, but stronga numba.  To some it may sound like a lot of b-sing, but I Abdul see dee light! Abdul see dee rrreasoning, Abdul see dee common goal!

Adul turns and leaves, not really seeing the reasoning or the common goal, but just felt like making an appearance. Walking back toward the armory Abdul turns and says..

My friendddd!!

Abdul turns and leaves as the few people standing around pull out their handkerchiefs


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Mikey overhears the news of a fallen Under Boss...

Hopefully we all can learn from this... Communication is vital in this "thing of ours".

Congrats Cataclysmic on your new position. You'll serve us well.

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Philly has been through alot these past weeks and it's a tremendous deed to rebuild in the wake of several wars. You exhausted other options and did what you had to do. I know it's not easy to forteit the health benefits and petition of a valued friend and employee, but business is business. May we remember Tonks on a high note.

My congradulations to Cataclysmic, may fortune smile on you. 

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Its unfortunate these things happen but we must all look whats best for the long term prosperity of our cities.  I wish you the best of luck rebuilding and hope to see you suffer no more unfortunate bumps in the road like this one.

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Looks like a rough day and tough decision. Im sorry to hear about Phillys loss today, I look forward to seeing the city pick up the fallen pieces and continue striving to build and grow. On the bright side Congratulations Cataclysmic on being given the nod to set up a family. I wish you the best of luck setting up and getting situated.

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hopefully this will be the last bit of bad news coming out of Philly for a while, it is a shame o see such a great city continuosly dragged through the mud. I really do hope the city will now be able to grow and prosper.

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It is such a shame when you find out that someone is plotting to end your life, and even more gutting when that person is the one you have named Underboss.

You took the necessary actions to protect the city, and for that you have our eternal gratitude.

Congratulations Cataclysmic, I know you will do well in Philly.

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It's tough when decisions like this have to be made, but I'm behind you all the way LottaBEssen. You did what you needed to do, and nobody can fault you for that.

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Herman steps out of his campaign limousine in a snazzy double-chested, navy blue suit. He is wearing a yellow tie with a discrete floral pattern over his light blue shirt. As he closes the door, Cain winks and smiles at the pretty, young staffer inside the car.

Now isn't this an interesting situation here. I've learned a few things about management in my time as a business executive and during my stint in the Federal Reserve. One might say that I'm quite talented in the field of "turnarounds" and bringing a defective organization back from the brink. So when I look upon the situation in Philadelphia I look with the eyes of one whose instincts are to preserve value, cut costs, and bring about maximum profitability of an organization.

Granted, I do not know much about the particulars of the Philadelphia situation, so I can only really speak from instincts here. I look forward to the opportunity to hear responses to my broad impressions and to find out if (and where) I am mistaken.

My impressions when I look at Philadelphia now, as compared to before this replacement, are that the city has lost value. Tonks had been a staple of the Philadelphia community, a leader who had the confidence of the late Cassi, and a leader who had brought his own clientele group to support the city in his own right. It seemed to my business eyes that the Tonks brand had accumulated much goodwill in the community which, with the closing of the business, has been lost completely. That's why a business must always consider the decision to close a branch is always a drastic, worst-case scenario decision.

What I see here, from the outside of the decision-tree and with imperfect information, is someone jumping the gun on pulling the plug on a franchise that had growth potential. My instincts are to turn around the slumping business, not to pull the plug. Pull the plug and your value drops to zero with no potential to head back up. It's a permanent loss. On the other hand, if you temporarily wright off the asset, it can increase again with time and make the company that much stronger as a whole.

What I've heard here are signs that there may have been a nonperforming or underperforming asset. To me, that's step one on the analysis. Step two is figuring out what to do about it. I'm not sure why the decision had to be made to pull the plug completely, rather than try to work around the inefficiency and working to sort out the problems in the background. Why did Tonks need to be written off completely, as opposed to a lagging asset that had growth potential for the city? What was it about the situation that required immediate and irrevocable action instead of a long term growth plan?

Now, I'm no one to Philadelphia. I don't have any right to answers to my questions. Maybe those answers are all trade secrets, and I can respect that. But those are the questions on my mind. I would appreciate hearing the next step - why "lack of communication" had no other remedy than this one. Without knowing the facts better than I do now, all I can say is that I'm puzzled by this.

In any case, I wish my friends in Philadelphia the best, and I hope that this turns out to be a positive business decision. Congratulations to Cataclysmic, condolences to the next of kin of Tonks, and all respect to LottaBEssen.

Mr. Cain nods respectfully towards LottaBEssen, and decides to stick around for a few minutes to hear any responses his off-the-cuff thoughts.

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