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GAME STATE: MR, Other Projects and You. Started by: Squishy on Nov 16, '11 00:10

When drastic changes happen in the game that result in us being further away from being able to cover our bills, then we have 3 options to us. We can wait and hope that we can stay alive financially long enough to weather the storm - We can make code changes to try to counteract the imbalance - We can segregate the income from our various projects and just allocate what a particular product earns back into itself. I think that it is in the best interest of the company to isolate our projects and their man-hours from each other. Running at a loss is fine, but it quickly eats away at the date where we have to start sacrificing quality of service or loosening up our ethics on not giving advantages to those who purchase credits. All of our financial woes would be solved by treating the game as a cash cow and exploiting it at every turn. We have shown extreme restraint on creating a level playing field. Simply changing MIA daily limits would solve all of our financial problems, but, it would push into the realm of "someone with real life money has a distinct advantage over a hard worker". This is a direction that I do *not* wish to go towards. It is incredibly important to me that everyone, regardless of if they financially support the game or not is afforded the same opportunities to advance to the top.

As a small company, we only operate with about 1 week reserve of income. When MR has a bad week, it can only afford to pay part of its payroll. To ensure that our employees keep a steady paycheck, we are filling any remaining hours that can't be supported by MR and putting them on another project for the rest of the hours. The remaining part of the unfunded hours a week will go towards the development of another game that is its own entity, a separate world from this, with its own unique set of features that is fully isolated from MR. If MR does well a particular week and can carry the full 134 hours, then it will be a great week for MR as far as keeping things working smoothly and development of new features. Anything under 134, the difference will be funded by our personal savings to keep the employees with a steady paycheck they can count on, and an alternative project to work on. Anything over 134 will be split in half between paying previous debts and the MR advertising fund.

MR will stay in it's basic current state, and income from MR will go towards development of MR's new features and support. The other project is being developed in hopes that it will augment MR's income and staff. is a live report of how MR is doing and what we can expect to happen in the next week as far as development. If MR does well, then we can afford to give it as much attention as it deserves. If it doesn't, we can only split our time with another project that may be able one day help support MR down the road.

I bring this to you not to whine or complain, but to show you that sometimes reactions do have to be based on money. There is no greed in wanting to be able to keep a steady paycheck for your employees. There is no greed in being incredibly selective on what features cost money and what kind of advantage they give. There is no greed in trying to run the company like a non-profit so that we can keep the game as free and fair for all that play. Because we stay on the "community" side of paid features rather than profit, this normally leaves us very little wiggle room to survive when there are drastic changes that players create.

I come to you with a few promises here, and I hope that you can also return the favor.

I promise that none of the owners will be taking a paycheck or receive any compensation for the work performed or money invested unless all employee's paychecks are taken care of first. I will always put the employees and their family first. I do not have it in me to lay off an employee while there is any tiny glimmer of hope.

I promise you that I will always stay on the right side of "ethics of advantages given to supporting users" as long as the employees are still getting reliable paychecks they can count on for the work they do.

I promise to surrender the politics of the game and how its run/played to the users 100%. I will no longer be involved in this aspect. Code changes will happen to counter-act bad things that happen in the atmosphere in the most sane, rational and ethical way to fix whatever problems arise.

I ask that you, as a user, understand that this community only works when it is full of life. Development and support, as well as a great userbase is what keeps this little biosphere we have here alive. When you make drastic sudden changes to it, sometimes the game will have to be corrected. The more time we have to figure out a work-around, the more sane and smooth the correction will be.

I ask that you, as a user, understand that we do not always get things right on the first try. Constructive criticism is always listened to. Suggesting viable solutions gets results.

And finally, I ask you as a user, to treat us in the same manner you would like to be treated. It is amazing how smooth and comfortable things can be when people are able to set differences aside and work towards a common goal. I understand that MR is a release for a lot of people, as it should be. Let us all escape to an alternate reality and ignore the troubles of life. This is so much easier when we check all our troubles at the door. There is no reason any of us, admins and users alike, can't be civil to each other.

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I understand, with times like today, we have to do what we must in order to keep everything on track.

You have my full support, do what you must do!

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I echo Heavy's sentiments.

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I would personally like to thank the game administration for all the hard work that they do, particularly in stressful times like the last 48 hours.

Over that time one common thread seems to be emerging from every group: we all love this game. We all want it to flourish. There may be differing interpretations of how to go about doing so, but it all comes from the same starting point.

I can only speak definitively for myself, of course, but it is my belief that if there is any way this user base can help this game we will certainly do so. The game administration certainly bears the heaviest burden, but you are not alone.

Again, thank you for your dedication!

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Scott, I must say from the bottom of my heart again and again, Thank you. I have been involved in this game for 2&1/2 years and in that time, the only reason I have felt that game play was in danger was because of the users, not the staff. I know I probably sound very much like an ass kisser right now but this game is one of the very few outlets I have. As a single mom with two children who suffer with mental illnesses, I'm not afforded a lot of "me time." MR has provided a place, a sanctuary for my sanity. I try to do my part when I can to financially support the game because I believe THAT MUCH in it. In addition to that, I have had the extreme pleasure of meeting with you face to face and I can honestly say that you and your team make one feel as welcomed and loved out of the game as they do in the game.

I don't know what the future holds but as long as you and Billy and Kendra and Belle are here, so will I be.

I don't have much else to say so I'll leave off here

"Stay Gold Ponyboy" -Johnny from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

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You know, reading this makes me proud and happy to be part of this community.

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Only people that would disagree with what you've said there are arrogant greedy people that don't care about their fellow human being, that being said...

If you guys ever hit a rough patch letting the community know outright is a good way because most of us will be able to support this and you'll get the help you need.

Also I remember when you guys needed to raise cash fast the promise of Durden spawn and mapping in relation to donated dollars seemed like a smashing success so you guys always have that to fall on when you really need an influx of cash. (I realize its not feasible to do this often and would off set the balance of the game)

People will always support what they believe in and I know that even though theres times users and staff will clash its because we know you guys can do some great things and thats what we've come to expect, so keep up the good work and we'll show our support!

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For me, I always thought the game was a hobby. The players played it for fun. The coders coded it due to enjoying coding and the interraction it bought them. When I returned and discovered that the world was no longer being run as a hobby, but as a business, I feared the worse, and was proved fairly right. Whilst I understand the need to raise money to cover server/admin costs, as well as some compensation, I feel the move to try and make the game generate incomes for numerous people is misguided. It caused the admins to code features to create more money, then features that make the game more enjoyable. The game is good at the minute. It does not need more options. It does not need more things to click. Therefore it does not need a lot more code. It is good the game has been 'handed over' to the gamers, as they can continue to expand it. No amount of code will attract more players. Only advertising and fellow players making the world exciting will.

I have seen amounts up to $10,000 a month that this game generates at its peak. This is crazy. I look at stats such as those which you have provided. 12.9 hours coding for the game. How much of a salary was taken for these hours? Does MR really need 3 coders and 2 other staff? Maybe the issue is more with the business model of the game? Anyway, I digress. It will be interesting to see where the players take the game without much outside interference and code changes to react to ig changes.

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I think FattyFats touched on an excellent subject; which is that this game thrives when it... thrives. That sounds moronic, but activity fuels activity in this game. Increasing incoming players (which, I realize that a text-based MMORPG isn't what a lot of gamers are looking for now-a-days), and increasing retention rates would bring a seriously positive effect to the game, and could actually solve some serious problems that we're facing. If we brought in enough players; we could leave "the good of the game" up to the admins and play how we wanted.

So with these promises from the admin team; I'd like to respond with both a promise and a request of my own. I promise to put effort into expanding the userbase and bringing up retention. With that, I request (from other players) that others do the same. I was introduced to this game at a youth group at my church, and I was hooked. So don't doubt the effect this game can have on someone.

Put your OOC efforts towards "the good of the game" so that your IG ones can be to have the most fun you can.

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you said it pharol.

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The game has generated $10,000 a month!!!! I would be amazed if it has done that consistently over a prolonged period.

What amazes me in the mafia returns world is the unwillingness of a number of the user base to embrace change.

The coders and owners took this up as a hobby we can all agree on that. At some point though as it grew it clearly became a place where it was taking over the life of some people and decisions had to be made. At that point it became a business as such business decisions had to be made and will continue to have to be made to grow the game.

Within the organism is a hell of a lot of talent what is unfortunate for people like Izzy, Billy et al who own the company is that talent can't be harnessed to make the world grow even better because so many long for the old days.

Chaps best of luck for the future and you know I am more than happy to help with testing, ideas etc if needs be.

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Manu, I agree that there was a point when the game was taking over that a decision had to be made to make it a business. The issue I have is when it comes to the 'business plan.' Is MR on the correct one? Are they looking long term? Or are most of the decisions they make short term? etc. etc. And also, is there the user base for a business to be run off the game? 400 users will never generate a great deal of money. Therefore should it be taking up so much time that they need to move into being a business? Or does the user base dictate that it should only be a coders hobby?

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That is a mute point in all honesty FattyFats.

They have chosen to make MR a business and as such will make business decisions based on that. If the game can't cover itself then they own the source code etc ultimate decision is to take the game down.

If the users want to be arses about it and bite off their noses to spite their own faces so be it. They will no doubt do what they normally do and bitch and whine about how their game has been taken away from them. I guess the point that is made in the streets frequently can be applied here.

If you don't like it code your own game to play it how you like. If not stop bitching and get on with it.

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True story.

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Manu, where have I bitched? I have actually said that the admins have taken the correct decision in focusing there energy on other ventures. I have actually said this game is maybe as big and good as it can get. I am happy with there decision.

Do we need 3 coders, 40 hours a week? No. Probably not. It is a waste money. A waste of resourcers.

Like I said, good look in there new venture!

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Having also had the great pleasure of meeting Squishy, Kendra, BillyBathtub, Belle and such, I can see their dedication to the game and it's inspiring. Even on his "holiday" period where I was visiting, he was happy to sacrifice a few hours to resolve issues that happened to surface on MR during this period. It's times like those that you realise that despite the redirection from hobby to business, Squishy and co. have dedicated more time and personal hands on attention to users than any other game that I know of.

As a quite extravagant comparison, if you had an issue with Call of Duty, ie. the commando lunge when someone knifes you from 20 yards away, do you see the coders of COD taking a personal interest in it and assess it? The attention to detail and users both that is shown on this game is incomparable. I highly doubt you'll be able to find many other online games such as this where such dedication and user based attention. To make a slightly more understandable comparison, you could compare this game to Travian, where you have about 1% chance of being paid attention to when you attempt to speak to them about an aspect of the game.

The lack of appreciation and general respect for the ethic of the people who dedicate their lives to keeping this game afloat and functioning irks me. When people put so many hours into their game to keep other people happy, I think it's perfectly reasonable to attempt to use that to put food on the table every night. I don't think that's asking too much.

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