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Las Vegas Crime Syndicate - A New Beginning Started by: HighSociety on Nov 17, '11 18:45

High Society stepped out into Las Vegas Square, near Las vegas Circle to addess some growing concerns.

Ladies and Gentleman, and any Rourkes still out there, thank you for coming out tonight.

Las Vegas is many things…It is the City of LightsIt is the City of SinIt is the City that never Sleeps...

It is also the City of Dreams, for those who want to make a name for themselves.

 In recent days however it has become clear that, many have tried and most have died. The reasons and finger pointing is endless but the fact remains that now we see need for more proper, formalized order.  That is why I ask you all here today.


Myself and Sgt_Slaughter, are taking lead on Las Vegas, with myself acting as Representative of Las Vegas, to the Godfather Council. This is a move by us to help bring order to this great city and create some structure.

Sarge and I will continue to work together to create a unified Las Vegas, open to those who wish only good fortune and long life. If your intentions for joining our city are malicious in nature, then we wish you to reconsider your move here.

We do not wish for blood spilled in our streets. We do not long for the suffering of decent, hard working men, so we can all scramble for table scraps.

We offer an olive branch, a place to grow and prosper, and a place where we can all be civilized to one another. If this concept intrigues you and you can abide by this, we welcome you to our fair city. If you can not, than Las Vegas may not be the right place for you. We are here to be productive, and to live long and meaningful lives. We wish no discourse on this place we have all come to know and love. We only want what is best for all of us.


Thank you for taking the time to listen in. Please, feel free to come and visit. We hope to have a Casino open soon as well!

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Scout runs by, clapping his hands together as he sprints circles around the square, not even winded as he speaks.

Yeah, yeah! Las Vegas is a swell place to chill in. Seeing order being brought to our streets is great! Can't wait to see what we're going to do next.

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Ladie's and Gentlemen this Is only for the better.

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I know the level of experience you and your rh will bring to the city will only benefit it.  I wish you the best of luck helping the city

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Dunn who just arrives the shores wonders into the city of Las Vegas in a wild car ride with a monke.....nevermind long story. At the speech he hears his new crew leader with the new start up with Las Vegas. Dunn comes up and claps his hands.

Congrats to both of the men to the future of Las Vegas. Hopefully the city will reach heights of the times of Aurora. Long live Las Vegas!

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Omni shoots his gun in the air to gain everyone's attention

I believe Las Vegas chose you two to run that fine city, I'm sure SinCity is in great hands and can only go up from here. Keep it in order and you both will do fine. I wish you both the best with your future endeavors. Much love.

Omni realizes he isn't wearing pants, he goes back to his cave to put on his speedos

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Sarge laughs as omni runs away with no pants revealing his bird legs.

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Congratulations on your promotion to City head. I only hope you can succeed where the other CL's from Las Vegas have failed recently. Good Luck.

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Telkin steps out of his vehicle slowly, snuffing out the last of his cigar before progressing to the gathering ahead of him. Smiling throughout the announcement, he walks up to HS and shakes his hand, still grinning.

Most excellent news old friend. Our lines have known each other for a while now and I can't begin to think of the wonderful things that should be coming from Vegas. 

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Starts to applaud after listening to HighSociety's speach. Reaches in his coat pocket and pulls out a wooden box filled with some of Detroits finest cigars. Calls out Sgt's name and tosses him the box and smiles.


Nice speach Society, your speaking like a true leader. I am proud of you and Sgt Slaughter for what the two of you have started to create and build. I wish your families the best of luck and looking forward to seeing some good changes in Las Vegas. Congratulations to the both of you, I wish you the best of luck. Im cheering for you guys!


Tips his hat to show respect before taking his leave, looking for the nearest alcohol.

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DelBoccio finds himself waking up tired and dried up on the shore of California, it was going to be a long trip to Las Vegas, a city he had heard much about from his father.

A city that would have great potential for prosperity, hope for a new life, a place where people would all be involved of the making of such a significant city.

He breathed in a great sigh of relief as he could see in the horizon the streets that he would be running up and down, the corners where he would be giving his first speeches, the business district where maybe someday he would be able to run one of his own.

It was going to be a great opportunity, one he looked forward too with great anticipation.

"This is it!" he said

"Dreams in the making!"

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