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Newspaper Power Rankings Started by: CYRAXXX on Feb 13, '24 14:25
Yes yes yall, Cyraxxx in the house! Raise the roof! We currently have seven newspapers on our streets. When most regular people sit down to enjoy their morning coffee, they usually read one newspaper, not seven. This is too overwhelming. I decided to get a ranking of the current papers to make the decision easier for you, the reader. Here is the current list of newspapers in no particular order:

-The Saddle Flashing
-The Cyraxx Tribune
-The Weekly Gazette (not to be confused with the pre-existing MR Gazette)
-The Banker’s Digest
-The Harold
-The Cyraxxxplicit Forum
-MR Gazette

Please keep in mind while ranking these papers that the Cyraxxxplicict Forum is the only newspaper that gives away millions of dollars to its readers. Also keep in mind the Weekly Gazette has yet to publish a single issue and should be ranked dead last
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SDP is in a bit of a pickle Mr. CYRAXXX. Assuming the cost of each paper is five cents and I have exactly eight cents I wish to buy the paper that has the comic strips and crossword puzzles. Editorial cartoons would be nice too. I don't need the weather because I can just stick my head out the window. Which paper do you recommend? 

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I've got my eye on this street corner. You all tread carefully now. I know the chaos you media folk like to indulge in. This is an honest town and we go about our business in an orderly fashion. There's a reason y'all haven't seen a writing competition here in years. I made my mark. We lost enough good people. Don't make me do the same to your news. My personal power ranking has all of you wretched journalists treading water in last place but I am a reasonable man and will grant you that the unpublished one slots in at super-last. 

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My brain is a little rattled at the moment as I just got smacked from pillar to post in a robbery gone wrong, not a StreetSheriff in sight at that time I might add, but is "The Saddle Flashing" a new competitor I need to be wary of? We at The Saddle Newsflash have taken the strategy of letting the competition get themselves killed and it has proven very effective thus far. Knowing we have 1 (Gillian's as yet unpublished works) and now possibly 2 (Saddle Flashing) papers yet to drop, I am concerned.

Not that concerned mind, because I've read some of the other offerings and only TommyVitale's paper carries any sort of substance to it. The others, well...there is a reason their authors got themselves shot in the face and I don't think it had anything to do with kissing horses. Although I can't be sure. Yet. 

If you could give your eight cents to me, SuperDuperFlippy, that would be great. Better yet if you could turn it into an amount worth getting out of bed for and then tip that amount to me, it would make me as happy as a two-day unwashed diner about to have their lunch selection pitiably chosen for them. 

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Gillian won't publish a newspaper in this crowded house of a market.  Everyone you go, you always take too many newspapers with you.

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