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Mafioso Meltdown Started by: RichardWad on Feb 16, '24 04:13

It was a brisk evening, the streets of Philly were unusually quiet until the mafia members decided it was time to shake things up with a street party to end all street parties, dubbed the "Mafioso Meltdown." This wasn't your average neighborhood shindig. Oh no, it was a wild concoction of bizarre activities, crude humor, and the kind of camaraderie you'd only find among the most eccentric of mobsters. You know they type that would steal your loved one, just to return them with shaved eyebrows. 

The scene was set with Gladius and Shoresy, two of the most feared yet comically inept mobsters, attempting to set up a string of lights. "You know, Gladdy," Shoresy mumbled, entangled in a mess of wires, "if we survive this, I'm going legit and becoming an electrician."

Gladius, struggling with the other end of the lights, snorted. "Yeah, and I'll become a striper in Vegas. Focus, you mook, or we'll end up lighting up like the Fourth of July!"

Gladius smirked, "At least we decided to turn down juggling Molotov cocktails. That was a stupid idea by the way, do you think they are toys?"

"Only if you think your hairline's still a full-time employee, Gladdy!" Shoresy retorted, tossing one to Gladius, who caught it with a grace that betrayed his bulky frame. "Can we finish this job before Viagra shows up with their erect stance banting about their love life? I can't deal with another moment of it."

Nearby, Tyson and Athena, the unlikely duo of brute force and brains, were in charge of the bar. However, instead of serving drinks, they found themselves in a heated debate over who could mix the deadliest cocktail. "Bet my left hook your drink couldn't knock out a fly," Tyson taunted, his voice booming.

Athena, unfazed, retorted, "Please, your punches might be strong, but my 'Athena's Ambrosia' could take down Hercules himself." Their bickering only ended when Hayley, the event's unofficial peacekeeper, intervened with a tray of her infamous "Knockout Nachos." 

"You think you are so cute don't you Hayley?" Tyson asks.

"Well, I would say cuter than you, but let's be honest there is nothing cuter than a Mobster making sure they can't miss Lunch with their Mommy." Hayley cuts up. 

"Leave my mother out of this, I do it because of her back problems!" Tyson fired back. 

"Back problems caused by pushing out that giant dome of yours that you call a head. It looks like the offspring of an eggplant and a pumpkin," Athena said as she chuckled. 

TommyVitale and BlackRose were seen setting up what appeared to be a makeshift casino in one corner. "Do you think the boss will like it?"

Tommy glances at Rose, "Well it can't be any worse than your fruit shaped Pinata idea for DangerClose's Birthday."

"The people loved it. I thought it came out great," she defends. 

"It was well made don't get me wrong, but don't you think the apples at the bottom of the banana were a bit much?"

BlackRose smiles, "But that was the intention!!! It symbolizes the low hanging fruit he gets at that age!"

They both begin laughing, "Yeah well if you didn't notice every man's knees bent with every swing of the bat. It did not sit well with the imagination!"

Sal_Giaquinto and Ivy tried their luck at a game of craps using loaded dice, of course. JimmySilver, ever the charmer, was busy wooing every lady in sight, his slicked-back hair glistening under the moonlight. 

While leaning over the crap table, fondling dice he held Sal glances toward Ivy who stood to left side of the table. "That guy thinks he's something don't he? What does he have that I don't?" he questions. 

"Oh no sweetie," Ivy replies. "There is nothing you don't have that he does, well, maybe besides that bountiful thick black beautiful hair. The amazing skin under the low light morning sun while on his morning jogs. The bubbly yet firm gluts he possesses that seem you wave hello every time he stops to ties his shoes.  The kindness and warmth he seems to display while helping his elderly neighbor with feeding her Cat. The way he takes his shirt off during his nightly showers, did you know he takes a shower at the same time every night and uses horse shampoo?"

Ivy turns her head to see Sal shaking his head while walking toward the toss a ring for a goldfish booth when suddenly he stops scratching his head for a moment before turning back to face her. 

"On another note, who the hell puts a random game booth on the corner? And are the fish supposed to float?" 

But the real spectacle was SpikeS. After ingesting a questionable batch of mushrooms, he was convinced he had a divine connection with a deity he dubbed "Izzycreamcheese." Kneeling in the middle of the street, hands clasped together, and eyes closed, he solemnly prayed, "Oh, mighty IzzyCreamCheese, bless this mess of a party and grant us your cheesy wisdom." 

Little did everyone know that later down the road he would leave the world of crime to begin a cult who practiced their beliefs in a warehouse they got off auction after a drug raid and named it "The House of Squishy". Sadly, it all came to a tragic end after a mushroom binge when a Corvette backfired which was mistaken for Meteor strike beginning the end of times. They were found tucked into a bathroom laying on the ground with empty plastic cups scattered on the floor around the bodies. 

Sylence, always the quiet one, watched from a distance, shaking his head in disbelief. Which is rather confusing because just yesterday he was seen partaking in questionable activities with a stuffed animal. Noodle, on the other hand, found the whole scene utterly amusing, darting around with a camera, capturing every ridiculous moment. That's when he spotted Teyla covering themselves in chocolate. "I'll be your Easter Bunny," Teyla states while posturing the most awkward grin.

Rumor has it she once castrated a man for unwanted advances with a one-legged goat. Ever since that tragic evening her infamous expression was born. It morphed her once precious smile, a smile that could put even the most feared Mobster at ease, into something forever cynical. Legend has it, that very same grin is to cause pain to every man's groin who stares at her too long. 

As the night wore on, DangerClose and Stan_Smith engaged in an impromptu fireworks display, completely disregarding safety. Warmonger and Mob_Marley had sparked up a grill, somehow managing to char everything beyond recognition, while SuperDuperFlippy entertained the crowd with her surprisingly agile dance moves.

Skepta, Yeet, King-Cobra, and Ventus had formed an unlikely band while wearing nothing but Toga robes, their music a bizarre mix of jazz, rock, and what can only be described as auditory chaos. Somewhere between a duck being plucked and a cat's tail being stepped on, yet it somehow fit the madness of the night perfectly.

As the party reached its peak, a drunken TommyVitale climbed onto a table, shouting over the music, "This, my friends, is how the mafia throws a party!" The crowd erupted into cheers, their laughter and chatter filling the night air.

Just then, a cake shaped like a giant cannoli was wheeled out, led by Hayley and Ivy. "What's a Mafioso Meltdown without a little cannoli?" Ivy quipped, winking.

As the party raged on, it became clear that this wasn't just another night for the members of the mafia; it was a legendary event that would be talked about for years to come. Amidst the chaos, laughter, and outright absurdity, the Mafioso Meltdown proved that even the most hardened of mobsters could let loose and revel in the madness of the moment.

And somewhere, in the midst of it all, SpikeS still knelt, offering silent prayers to @IzzyCreamCheese, hoping for a sign or perhaps just one more hit of those magical mushrooms.

RichardWad steps back from recounting the special day, "What other events happened to you when you attended the Mafioso Meltdown?"

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