Get Timers Now!
May 04 - 19:30:59
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Chapter 3: Past Regrets turned Vengeance (Adeline) Started by: Adeline on Apr 24, '24 02:34

As I seemed to go through this roller coaster of color and memory, I watched as it all unfolded before me. Each voice out of turn mocking me, yelling at me. calling my name.. each kick reminding me of what I needed to do. Each stomp, each touch, each nashing of teeth from my own jaws. Every drop of sweat and blood, every humiliated thing they did to me, every needle enjected into me. I was reminded how alone and pitiful I was. Just as I was thinking I needed a reprieve, like there wouldn't be one, suddenly I saw a small white light. As everything got louder and tried to take me over, I concentrated on that one small dot of light. As I concentrated I noticed the light was getting bigger fast. As if it was coming towards me or like I was coming towards it, and fast. 

Frozen in shock or fear, I couldn't tell which, maybe it was a bit of both. I went to scream but my voice wouldn't come. Maybe it was from the past events that seemed to boggle my mind that I went through. If I hadn't of gone through it, I wouldn't have believed it. Thinking I was going to crash into something or an explosion, I used my arms and hands to try and protect whatever I could of myself. Then as the light became so bright, I covered my eyes until they could slightly adjust. Feeling a bit wiped and dizzy from all of that, I blinked, my eyes sight blurry. Suddenly I saw what seemed to be the guy who saved me. But I couldn't exactly see anything other than a blurry shadow at this point. 


"Finally you made it, just relax I got you. We've got a lot of time." His voice was but a whisper.

It was soft, and deep baritone? I wanted to think but I couldn't exactly stay on my feet. I tried to take a step and ask him a question but something caught me. For some odd reason I could feel cool hands to my heated soul? Or body? I couldn't tell yet. 

"Easy little bunny. I've got you..just sleep." Was all I heard, then suddenly I was enraptured in the deep pull of sleep.

As if the tides of fog finally let me up, I felt a cool hand on my forehead, was I subconsciousnessly feeling someone touch my body? I didn't know. I wondered why he helped, I started to try and open my eyes. They rolled as they fluttered open, then fluttering closed. 

"Easy..sleep a bit more..we still have time little bunny." He said in the same soft tones. 

Something told me his voice was only like that towards me. Something also told me he wasn't usually this sweet to everyone, interesting. I wondered why he saved me in the first place, and just as I was about to fall deep into that rabbit hole, suddenly the tides of fog is taken me under. I tried to focus, but everything was so floaty and heavy. It was comfy, I wanted to stay there forever, but then the fleeting tides seemed to roll me under, only to pull me up and slam me against awareness. It felt like it was days, but it could have been only hours. As if my conscious or soul was trying to get used to all of this. After all it was weak for the time being, powerful but weak for the moment. I began to keep my eyes closed and not panic. I felt I was on something  soft and fluffy. Cool to the skin, I without thinking open eyes, I could hear foot steps, I couldn't see anything. It was so blurry. 

"Always so eager to fight on your own." The voice said, I turned to see blurry foot steps coming towards me.


As I lay there trying pto gather my barings, I notice a few things, I'm not exactly in the outside world yet. I'm in my deep consciousness. Which seemed to amuse my visitor, of how I seem to come to this knowledge. Don't ask how I know he's amused, it's a deep rooted feeling no one will understand unless you've through it. I tried to wake up again only to be pulled into the tides of deep fog. I wondered yet again as I come up, from swirling around my deeply rooted haunted memories of my now past life, why the hell did he save me. What's in it for him. I knew from the world I grew up in, you don't make a deal with the devil and come out unscathed. So I tried wonder what do I have that he wants so badly enough to save me. It made no sense for him to just save me without something in return. 

As I came back up from the deep tides, I realized just how alone i was, alot of the people that truly cared about me, was either dead or gone. No one was in my corner, if it hadn't been for him saving me, no one would have known I'd died. And on that thought a tear slipped from the corner of my eyes, although 5hey were closed, it still made its way to appearance. As it began to slide towards my ear, I felt a cool finger wiping it. I couldn't help but fall down that rabbit hole. Out of either loneliness or fear i felt my own hand grab onto his sleeve. Wanting my visitor to stay I suppose. 


"Hush, I'm here..little bunny. You don't need to think about useless things. Just think of someone now protecting just need to fight..don't give in." The male spoke, as a coold hand wrapped around mine.

Then suddenly, I'm taken back into the tides of fog again, as if a slight weight had been lifted. Then what seemed like days again, could have been only hours. I didn't know, time didn't seem to exist here. As I slowly opened her eyes, the blurriness began to disappear from my eyes. I groaned, it was too bright. And my throat was sore, I whimpered. My eyes fluttered back closed.

"Ah..sorry about that, give me a second to adjust the lightening." He whispered, I opened my eyes to that.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I began to let my eyes adjust, I noticed a few things. The lighting seemed a dim, and more than just slightly. As I blinked, trying to adjust my eyesight, my eyes roll closed. I try again, trying to focus, I go to swallow and then I whimpered from the dryness and the burn of my throat. 

"you need more water little bunny. Don't fight me, let me intern show you what it's like to have a monster protecting you." He whispered. 

I open my eyes and see the man leaning over me, it was still a bit blurry. I felt lips against mine, sending cool water for me to swallow. I didn't have the energy to fight him, I swallowed, and I whimpered again. I tried to figure out why i was so like this, but also who was this man. As I blinked the rest of the blurriness and fog away. The first thing i notice was a small ghost of s smirk playing apon his lips. Then as I looked up from his lips, I noticed his features. My eyes widened in shock then back to normal as if it was imagined. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion and sadness. He leaned over again, putting more cool clean water into his mouth for me to drink. His long hair fell over his shoulder, as he leaned down towards my lips, as I took a few more swallow, feeling the burn and the dryness disapate, I watch him as he smirked. I couldn't believe my enemy had saved me, or at least he looked to be him. I raised a brow, then went back to confusion.

wait..didn't he hate me? So why did he save me? Betrayed by everyone else. This guy wasn't exactly better but he didn't go as far the rest of the assholes. 


Unlike the rest of those dumb assholes,this guy always did things with a purpose, meaning behind it. It may seem like chaos, but it always had meaning behind it. If he did something, there was a reason he did it. I know this why? You may ask. Well because I studied him like I did the others. I just pretended not to notice. As I watched his features change, it from angry, to sad, to amusement. As this guy watched me, i noticed the color of his eyes. They were a silverish blue to a bright blue. It was as if they were studying me,looking right into me. I raised a brow st him in defiance. Then inconfusion as as remembered something right before the incident that brought me here. As I remembered, I was sitting outside alone, at my adoptive father's estate. It was a nice day, for once I was having a good day. It was sunny yet breezy. It wasn't too hot or too cold. It felt just right.

Then as I set out the blanket for me to sit on, I had also set it all up. I giggled at the wind making my hair tickle the skin on my neck. As I sat down, I began to eat my grapes, I poured myself some milk from the glass vase that had a glass cork in it, after taking it out of course. I then set it down and take a bite of my sandwich that i had personally for myself. Even though I was right i preferred to be independent. Self sufficient if you will. Then as I looked up, I realized I picked a perfect place. The water lightly hit against the beach. The grass moved in the wind and the branches of the trees brushed against themselves. Birds whistled as wings flapped, bussing of small bees moved around over the freshly blossomed flowers for the spring. 

All in all it was a beautiful day. I was going to finally have a good day to myself, or so I thought. I've never been more wrong in my life, than I was in that moment. As I began thinking of my projects and enjoy my lunch suddenly my enemy decides he wants to make an appearance before me. I sighed as I began to drink my milk.

My plate was set before me, well infront of my on the blanket. My legs under my butt, and i had my sketch book out, drawing my blue prints out for a few business ideas I wanted to make. Suddenly my sketch book is snatched from my hands.

"give it back zain." I almost growled.

His had fell to the side, as if he was studying me, I look away. He was the one guy I couldn't seem to stop crushing on no matter how I chastised myself for it. I quickly looked away annoyed. Then suddenly as I began to get up and leave. Suddenly he was ripping it, I turned back as if I became the devil, I clenched my teeth, trying to keep my calm. Then suddenly he reached down crouching pouring milk all over it. Then I started to feel tears slide down my face.

"Awe thr poor baby is crying. What a drama queen." He says.

I laugh bitterly. Suddenly his face contorted of mixed emotions, "yeah I'm the drama queen but you take time out of your day to bug me and destroy my hard work like it means nothing to you." I whispered into a low growl.

Now that I think about it, I never knew his name, just a nick name that I gave him because he seemed like a beautiful villain made for deep sin and wickedness. As I look into the horizon I took a breath and used the wind to anchor my emotions. 

"you almost had fight in you..what is it that can make you explode and burn brightly. I see everyone else's colors..except yours. I mean I see it in your work..or in the way you do things..but i don't see it in your aura or in what makes you burn brighter than anyone..I seen it once..but like a candle light it got snuffed out..your time is nesring quickly than I wish..Adeline..isn't there any regrets you have?" He whispered.

I snapped my eyes open in confusion as I gave another saddened bitter laugh. "You think I want to live like this? you think I just going out of my way to just take darkness?" Suddenly my colors show brightly for him. 

"there it is..interesting." He whispered.

i then began to unravel for him like a painting being unrolled to be revealed. As I remove my powered mask on my face. Showing him the bruises, I rip the top buttons of my blonde do he can see more bruises. 

"zain I have no one, my people are either dead or gone..everyone that's close to me did this to me.. and worse.. the people you see I pretend to laugh the same people that hurt me..what more is there very one? How can I fight with nothing to help me? Im just trying to survive..and this is the only way I know how?" I whispered as if I sounded exasperated.

"you realize you're going to die soon right?" He whispered back in a droll, I let the tears fall as I looked past him.

my colors gone now, nothing in me left, as if I was fighting on fumes. "If you're hear to kill me zain, please do..You're just doing myself and everyone a favor..then I can be at peace." I say.

when I look at him, he looks to be shocked and then saddened, but none the less still shocked..


As I came back to the current situation, he was still watching me, only this time his eyes turned to slits. I looked away quickly as I tried to get her in my surroundings. I was right, i wasn't connected to my body just yet, so I was in my consciousness or rather my third eye. A place where I could gather my mental barings and figure out my plans. As I looked, I saw a few things that made me shocked and awed and confused all at once. I looked up and saw two holy beasts, massive as if they were so far away but still able to be seen clearly in the background. One looked to be a massive dragon like serpent swirled around, part of his body coming out of the ground as if he were made of it or merging with it. His head massive as he was looking down. The eyes were a bluish green like the Bahama waters. Blended in with nature. As I looked over I saw a massive Phoenix. It looked to be of a black with dark blues. The eyes looked to be like I was staring into deep galaxy space. The void. 

wondering where I was, I looked back at him, he seemed to be studying me, not at all of what he expected probably. Or maybe he was wondering what he could say that would make me believe him. I again kept thinking of why he saved me, was it for his own amusement? No he wouldn't be that bored would he? Nah, probably not. Was it because he might like me? No, he never showed any indication that he did. He raised a brow as if he could read my thoughts. I looked away. 


"They are your soul contracted beasts." He whispered as I looked back up.

I think looked around him, it had a weird combination of deep sqpce and nature. As if it were floating, mountains..oceans..beaches..moving galaxies. Tries..different creatures that made sounds as if they were real. Water seemed to move around, flowers seemed to bloom around me. I gasped wide eyed as I looked back at him. My eyebrows knitted together as I tried to swallow. 

"you're more beautiful than the last time i saw you..little bunny." He whispered.

I instantly flushed, then again thought about how how got here, and my brows knitted together. At his comment I rolled my eyes, annoyed that I even liked that compliment from him. Suddenly he leaned back and poured more water in his mouth. His lips lightly touched mine, I gave him entry big enough for water to slip in. As I swallowed I felt the fog began to fully disapate from my consciousness.

"that's it little bunny. Hold on to your will to live for me." He whispered.

I then remembered his wards back then, as if he was trying to get me to fight. I then thought about how I got here. I noticed if he hadn't of found Mr I would have really died and no one would have known. Tears started to slip again, I hated it, I hated how I was reduced to nothing, only to be forced to take all over again the next day. I mean in that moment I was done fighting, I did want to die, but why was he so adament on me staying. Then I remembered who this guy was. He easily my oldest brothers best friend. My brother back then died, maybe, just maybe he wanted to help me get revenge? Dare I hope? 

"hush...I'm here little bunny. You can hate me if you like, but I'm not letting you leave. When you wake up from can do whatever you want..why? Because I have you're back..and I'm going to help you." He whispered determined.


He put his forehead to mine, taking a deep breath as I moved my fingers, balling into fists, making my palms bleed. As he moved back he looked down, as he clucked his tongue at me. I looked away seeing floating scrolls and cultivation methods along with herbs and such. Monuments of ancient writings for powerful techniques for me to learn.

I finally used my voice, "Why are you helping me?" I asked in a rough whisper. 

he looked back at me, "finally she speaks...lady's and gentlemen." He spoke teasing me.

"why do you think?" He asked.

"a few out of boredom..two you want something from me and three because you want take me down after you build me up." I speak with as much honesty as I can without feeling like I'm about get punched.

"Pft really think so low of me?" He asked with a brow raised at her bluntness.

"I don't have do you say ..ah right ..much of a good impression of you." I say rolling my eyes.

I try to sit up, as I felt something being absorbed into me, I looked over at him with wide eyes, his eyes looked serious, half massed drolled. "Tell me little bunny..for a bunny ready to die back are you so full of fire?" He whispered as he rubbed his lips barely against mine.

As I sat up, I pushed him away feeling an electricity shock through us. I removed my hand, gathering my barings before I completely connect to my body.

"so are you going to catch me up to speed ..or am I gonna be kept in the dark?" I ask looking up at him.

he was massive, now that she gotta better look at him, he tall muscular, wide even. I felt like I was not staring, so I looked away at my surroundings, I felt him watching me. At my curiosity, my wonder. 


"You come from a long line of ancient assassins. one of the most power beings in the this world.. or probably any world if I had to guess. But your ancestors enemy has come, his daughter is your "Best friend". These people that were currently around you and that will be around you are his faction. Or his underlings. You not only come from asassins. You're a princess of the mafia. They want what you're family has. They figured if they kill you mm they'll get it..but one problem. If they kill you. Something evil will come into the world. Most of your blood line only carried one holy beast but you are like you're first ancestor. The founding father of your bloodline, like you, he carried the most powerful holy beasts. Your existence breaks all logic and the laws of nature but you do get along with all natural things and none alike." He started. 

"The dragon is luchi, and the Phoenix is Malaya. They help you purify the human body from anything that is not of this world if necessary. You also have powers to kill humans and revive them. In some cases you play as the angel of death. Or so some come to believe. Like you're ancestor, you have the ability to pass judgment." He finished, and I just felt like I went blank.

I was flabbergasted by this information, I asked as if i was on autopilot. "So why did you bring me back?"

"To give you a chance for revenge, to take back your life, to make up for your regrets. To show you that I will do anything for just gotta believe me..I also you want you to do as you wish without worries. So take this time to steal you're spine and go for anything you want. Because if there is something you can't do..I'll be in you're corner helping you." He whispered and I gasped.


"So what are all these stuff here?" i ask confused by all the good things suddenly appearing into my consciousness.

"that is apart of a jade bracelet I made, it has all the things you will need to get you started...I'll just be in the shadows until you need me to come out. I'll always be watching, to catch you when you fall." He promised. 

his thumb wiped my tears, as he let his nose touch mine. I couldn't even argue with him, I almost sobbed. He put his head into my chest and shushed me. His fingers combing my hair, as i finally calmed down.

"Now little bunny, i want you to concentrate on merging with this body..and when you wake up..You'll see me if you know where to look." He whispered kissing my forehead.

Then as I do as he says, I began to feel my my core abosorb the qi in my consciousness and around me. As I began to remember where exactly in my younger past body I am, I began to put my mental state onto my bracelet. Thinking of the cultivation methods I need. A thunder body method. A breathing method and a sword method along with a foot work method and then a defense method along with another body method. Absorbing them into my consciousness. I began to connect to my body fully. Hearing the surroundings, it was quiet except at my door. I moved my hands. After all that chi, I was finay at to move. As I remembered what happened, I was drugged than beaten. Luckily hadn't been sold for experiments yet. I opened my eyes as I heard who was supposed to be my best friend. Best friend my ass, as I looked around it was a little bright. Filled with warmth, the bed was soft. I wanted to cry. I sat up quickly in a rush panicking suddenly. My breath coming and going way too fast, my heart beat about to blast out of my chest. Then I suddenly felt him. My shadow, my enemy. I looked over, in the back, the darkest part of my room, he was there, and like he promised, he was watching. 

As my wild eyes suddenly went to a calm, my breathing calm down. It was like he was coaxing me without actually doing anything. Suddenly my room doors opened, as I was getting out of bed. I turned to look at a nurse decreased dropping the bowl of water and ran to probably get a doctor or help.

I rolled my eyes, as I got up, I stretched as my entire body popped from the stress. I sighed. Then I heard the girls footsteps, as annoyed as I was, I was. I didn't show it.


I walked over to a seat next to the massive door like windows and I sat. Looking out the windows i let the stupid girl who thought I was naive come in. Playing dumb was my Forte, and I could feel his amused expression. My shadow was near my bedroom door, pretending to just now show as if he hadn't been near my side this entire time.

"Well..aren't you going to greet me?" The girl ask.

"No..I'm sick..why would I greet you?" I asked, dead panning her.

I mean, if it was rude to state the obvious, how can sick person greet if they are on bereft, is she dumber than I remember? I thought to myself. My shadow snorted. I shrugged as she gave me a glare.

"because we are best friends." She said, and at that i raised a brow.

"And just when in the actual fuck have we ever been close enough to call each other best friends?" I ask, again dead panning her. 

"Excuse me?" She asked, seeming offended.

"you heard me..I'm pretty sure I didn't stutter." I say as I looked up to seeing a made check my basic vitals. 

"How dare you treat me this way..I saved your life." She accused.

I gave a sarcastic laugh, "No actually.. you may look like you did on the surface but..we all know deep wanted to fool me, then ruin me I right?" I stated as I am not looking at my shadow, who seems to have come in and lean against the wall watching this entire interaction.


"As if I would that..We've been best friends for years Adeline. You know's me Sarah..your childhood best friend." She seemed offended again.

I was filled with rage, but I didn't show any emotions, as she walked over and slapped me. i felt the sting, as my shadow winced and stapped forward a little. I touched my face, as she gasped and i finally showed her a menacing smile full of evil intentions and full of malice. 

"Best friends? You're funny..I've never known you to make jokes that make me laugh." I say sarcastically

"I'm being completely serious." Her voice started to rise.

"Oh? I can't seem to seem to be bullying me or making jokes all over the place..I mean would a best friend hit me?" I dead pan as she stepped back.

"I never did such a thing..I've always been here for you." She began to yell.

"Oh? Then riddle me this come when I asked you step in and protect me? What was your answer? Oh aren't worthy of my help..and would a best friend have a malicious hidden agenda to my family? Don't think I don't know your plans." I said, as my voice dipped towards cold death.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She stated.

"You were so smart before..when did you become stupid..alright let me help about you going after my enemy, opening your legs for him..telling him that you love him..only to to do the same to my brother..then as if doesn't sound bad go to the enemy of every family that I'm connected to, including yours to open your legs and lay on your back and give him 3very detailed information about every family around. For what? Oh right because one my enemy who's only using you for sex because he's bored and you think he's inlove with someone else..and as for my want what he proposed marriage and my brother and your father are against it..that's only the tip of the iceberge of your plans..need a I say more bestie." I said aloud enough for her and my shadow to hear.


"zaine you promised to help me." She started to yell, then it was my turn to watch.

 "Whoa..hold up miss thang..I promised to stay out of it..I never said I promised to help ever I said if it gets too heated to where you can't defend yourself I'd step in, but only once..but since you now pulled me into I now have no choice but to intervene tell me what Adeline just spoke of..I mean I maybe her enemy but I've studied her for if I find out you call her a liar now and I get information later that you actually did this..what you all did to her will look like child's play compared to what I'll do to you." He spoke with no emotion but with a sly smile at me. 

I looked back at Sarah, and then back at Zaine. "I wouldn't betray you like that. You know me." She said in disbelief I just watched as the maids quietly gave me refreshments.

As if I was being aloof I made up mine and their team and set it on the coffee table before me. It was rectangular. "Do I though? You betrayed your so called best do I know you won't do the same to me." He dead panned.

"I never betrayed her. She's my best fried I've always..." She started to say but zaine interrupted her with a chuckle as I poured creme and sugar into my tea. 

"Ah so giving me her personal information that she told you inconfidence is what?" He asked as I looked between them both.

I was confused by him but ignored this and stated. "I mean this isn't the first time I was hurt by called best friends huh? I'll ask this again..when have I ever been close to you enough to be considered that..I told you what I told you because we were both girls..well the only girls there..and you happened to be there..I have no friends. What I have is enemies. As the saying goes..keep 6our friends close and your enemies closer..but you know I'd like to go to bed without waking up to a knife at my neck at ever turn or to a poison cup of tea or a cake. Get what I'm saying?" I dead panned.


I looked over to seeing him watching me, I offered them tea, pretending to be gracious to her. I could hear people coming as I looked up and my brother spoke, he seemed to pretend to not have over heard.

"little sister..zaine..finally some relaxation and I can finally see you guys.." He said with a softened dead pan expression.

"big brother..would you like some tea?" I ask cheerfullyand this made zaine raise a brow but give a smirk to my brother but his best friend..

It was as if they were having a secret conversation, "My dearest little sister..I really hope no one is bothering the red mark on your face I'd say someone is about to lose a hand. 

I decided to play victim, so I shaped my eyes like a kitten with big eyes in need of protection. I felt my lower lip tremble, I clenched my pajamas trying to not actually cry..because I'm trying to fake it. But I had to admit, I really missed my brother. 

"Del what happened?" He was quickly infront of me, touching my swollen cheek.

"Sarah hit her..and without a reason..she wanted adeline to greet her..but you know your sister..she's so kind and gracious..Sarah arrogant and disrespectful..I stepped in what i heard something that Adeline said that made me wonder if it could be true..I mean it would explain how our enemy is one step of ahead of us..also when you take care of this..I'd like the three of us to talk.." zaine said as I almost sobbed for Zaine taking my side. 

"do explain Zaine...but before that..maids call Sarah's parents..and guards clock the door so she can't get out." He ordered as the maid and guards did as they ordered.


Zaine pulled out a container, it was small but big enough to look like it fit in the palm of my hand. It was a cream of some kind. "Put this on her face. The swelling will go down snd it will prevent her from scaring." He said as I looked over at him.

he looked saddened and annoyed all at once, perplexed even, As her brother Alex took it. As he took it I heard people come in and gasped at the scene I look up slightly embarrassed by this.

"what is the meaning of this? Why do you hold our daughter hostsge..have we not done everything you asked..have we not been loyal to you?" Sarah's mother said.

"It's funny you say that..Adeline is wounded and she couldn't get out of bed to greet her..and why should she. Her rank is too high up she shouldn't have to..but knowing Adeline, she is on bed rest due to heavy injuries..when Adeline couldn't physically greet her..your daughter hit her Adeline was beneath her. They argued. Adeline even offered her's funny you say loyal because I heard a bit of information out Adelines mouth that made me question things..that seemed to be putting puzzle pieces in place for me." Zaine said coldly.

"Zaine?" Alex asked as if pretending not to know, I could tell by the way he was acting. 

he wasn't really shocked by this, "tell me did your daughter ever propose marriage?" He asked, I could Zaine looked disgusted.

"Yes?..Why?" Sarah's father seemed confused.

"whose name did she propose to married to?" He asked. 

"Alex's why? I mean I wouldn't agree to it..that doesn't produce disloyalty." He said and I wanted to laugh at him.

"It might if you find out she's not a virgin..does she have a friend..a male friend?" Zaine asked and I raised a brow.

"yes..she said his name is exodus. harmless isn't it?" Then we all looked at them wide eyes and I laughed.

"Harmless my ass..his last name is Torelli..that enemy of all of I know how we lost our shipment and how you two got robbed." Alex said putting it all together. 

"what? I didn't know that..he just said he wanted to be friends. we hang out at the local dinner. Nothing happened." She yelled my brother pretended to let it go.

"that's fine..but you are to be stripped of fifty percent of your allowances. You both are on my pay roll and my sister is disrespected? Who do you think you are?"He said as they nodded.

I got up and pretended to hug Sarah. "Keep it up and I'll make you regret the day you ever met me or messed with me. Just sit tight and I'll arrange your marriage. Keep trying to play stupid and go after what doesn't belong to you..and I'll make it so you can never raise your hand against me. Understood." I whispered.

"I'll get you for this." She hissed. 

I giggled, pretending we were being easy, "please do try..I always love a challenge." I said as I backed away and they left. 


" looked like you two were close..if I didn't know any better I'd say you two were besties." He teased.

"let's just say I challenged her. I'm coming for everything they said I could have that belongs to me originally." She said coldly.

"Jesus..I never want to be your enemy." Zaine teased her brother laughed.

to be continued.....

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