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Ligambi, The True Leader of the Streets Started by: LongLeggedLarry on May 23, '24 04:43

Larry checks the statistics in the paper. His eyes blink a few times. He walks over to octopus EmperorSao and shows him the stats recently posted. He looks up and points to the headlines between sips of his espresso. He shrugs.

"I guess it's true. The leader of the streets has been dethroned."

Larry brings out the tallest lillypad he owns and steps up on it. Someone should really make larger lillypads for longer legs. A discussion for a different time, perhaps. He jumps up on the lillypad anyway with a champion jump.

"We finally have, what I believe to be a more humble and reasonable leader of the streets. A leader who will work for the people and not against them. A leader who pays his debts and honors his business endeavors with an unwavering dedication."

LLL adjusts his feet once again.

"I think we can all agree this is a better direction for the streets. If anyone has any issues with this decision, please see Ligambi at his numbers game location.

The champion jumper has spoken.


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Ghost_hunter was down fishing at the local lake when he over heard some commotion...


He notices something rather unusual... A frog sitting on a lillypad spouting off about a new direction for the local city streets, a new leader perhaps...


He can only think to himself... "man I ought to get home and get the popcorn cooking" He then chuckles and packs up his fishing gear and starts to head home...

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As the proclamation of a new leader rang throughout the streets the sun burst through and the clouds receded.  Godmother Teyla turned her face upwards and enjoyed the warmth upon her skin. 

Smiling brightly the godmother turned to Larry.  Her voice a blend of steely resolve and maternal warmth as she spoke, "As always you speak true words.   For the first time in a long time, I see hope for these fair streets.  I see a man, nay a leader, who will unite and inspire those both great and small to venture out and experience all that the streets can offer.  He is a true giant among men.  Long may Consigliere Joseph_Ligambi reign!"

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Having heard the news of his accession to the coveted Leader of the streets position by the voting committee of awesome individual's, Uncle Joe couldn't of felt more honored. He was beaming with pride and a sense of community. It was a position he never wanted or sought after. He was truly a leader of the people, appointed by the people for the people. Uncle Joe thought about the previous leaders of the streets and with some, their inability to honor debts or the title bestowed upon them by the great people of the community. Uncle Joe would never use hurtful words against his nieces and nephews for he was truly everyone's favorite, albeit crazy Uncle. He would graciously accept this honor and continue to strive to be the voice of the masses. Which is fact didn't really care much for the position or the ramblings that came from the men holding it. Was it whimsical to a certain degree? Yes very much so but it didn't take away from the fact that it was what the people wanted.

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Very good words spoken which Rufus liked very much.

We really loves this new appointment and for sure Uncle Joe gets all my respect in this matter.

Of course is the peasents behind this we need you, we want you Joseph_Ligambi

Everything is good now again!
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I believe this to be valid, LongLeggedLarry. I think we can go further with this, rather than solely the leader: Joseph_Ligambi is the King of the Streets. We shall all benefit from the quality of leadership and his pure and good intentions that he brings with him. Thank you Joseph_Ligambi for gracing us all with your words, and may you reign for a thousand years, maybe more. Thank you so much. 


Goes off to feed EmperorSao, the octopus, some shrimp. 

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I'm not sure I like the idea of being called "Nephew" rather than "Son". That's all I have to say about that.

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Sao looks between LongLeggedLarry and Spike and listens to the discussion around them. This seems to be some kind of crowning achievement moment in our way of life. With 9 brains, Sao finds the discourse rather easy to follow. He hears Spike call Uncle Joe the new “King” of the Streets. While Sao has no objections, he did just have one thing to add. 

“There may be a new King in the streets, but there is only one Emperor in the hearts of the masses.”

Sao then slithers off with Spike once he catches the scent of shrimps, knocking over trashcans and newspaper stands with his tentacles as he passes by. 

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"Indeed, EmperorSao will always have the hearts of the masses!  That is why I have declared that all shrimp in Queens is to be offered free of charge in the name of the Emperor.  It is the least I can do for such a legend."

The godmother looked to the King of the Streets and spoke with pride and admiration.

"I recently heard on another street corner a former self-proclaimed leader of the streets disgracefully take the words of another man and claim them as his own in an effort to selfishly gain ranking, status, and ill-gotten financial rewards.  As someone who is always willing to support the philanthropic efforts of honorable and respected gangsters on the streets I find this action without honor and frankly unredeemable.  I am so glad to finally have someone that approaches the street with true originality and charisma and will commit right now to fund a writing competition setup and ran by you.  Are you willing to accept my gift to these streets?"
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Ezio watches the action from a high church tower. As a respectable number of people have now gathered around Joseph_Ligambi, he takes the opportunity to pay his respects to the Leader of the Streets in person. Ezio skilfully parcours his way down and finds himself among the well-wishers.

Very nice, Joseph, well done. I know that you are the youngest offspring of a prestigious family that has helped shape our world here for years. I don't begrudge you the fame and wish you a long-lasting reign.

Ezio, for his part the great-great-grandson - or was it great-great-great-grandson? - of a former street champion, nods goodbye to Joseph and disappears again in a matter of seconds.

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StripheCorelli had been out of town on a fishing trip but even he had heard the news of Joseph_Ligambi. He knew Uncle Joe to be a businessman and a good guy so when he when fly fishing catching massive fish, Striphe was not surprised by the news.

While on the airplane on the way back to Philly he made sure to have a small care package to be sent to Uncle Joe. The package contained some of the best cigars he could find from his secret stash, along with some fancy wine and some really old playing cards that were just for show and not for play

Striphe was excited to see what the streets would bring in the weeks coming. It was getting closer to summertime with the days getting hotter and the days were getting longer. 

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For those who don't believe in miracles, check THIS out.


Someone from Transistor's disgraced lineage managed to get a modest amount of attention on the Streets!  I mean, he used two other people's hard work, and one of them's style and panache, but Goddammit, he wasn't ignored like every other time in his life.


Imagine what he could achieve if he exclusively used his own ideas? The square of diddly squat, if we're being realistic, honest.

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Irish was about to go to his favorite coffee shop in New York when he hears the news, a new leader of the streets. He thinks about it and is not super impressed as the previous one had not offered much except conflict and accusations. Wait Irish grabs the mans arm, did you say Ligambi.

With that his entire demeanor changes, uncle Joe had been a big influence for Irish and he was excited for a change, for a leader that had the desire to bring fun rather than fights to our streets.

Irish turns and heads into the coffee shop in a hurry to get back to LA and spread the word. 

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From the shadows midnight stood watching draped in his dark cloak. With a skeptical eye he would have to keep an eye and see how long this new king would last. Perhaps it would be a day a week maybe a month but on these streets it only takes a moment of weakness for a new king to be enthroned. Just one day of hiding in your house as the competion was just that fierce. A silent applause he gave before disappearing into the night.
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Well, this watchdog will protect our truthly leader of the street, no matter what happen Rufus stands near Uncle Joe in any issue, happy is he and will stay very near the house he is in.

Life is truly good those day for us and all matters that happened in the nearest past. We can easy have fun together.

All hail Ligambi!
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