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Who Was The First Mafia Terrorist? Started by: Bigfoot on Jun 13, '24 13:07

The term rogue for parties who step out from the standard hierarchy and rule structure of the mafia to undertake oftentimes random and opportunistic killing sprees dates back as far as anyone can remember. 

There have always been rogues.

A different classification, however, was handed to the most recent gunman by none other than Godfather-Chairman DangerClose himself: terrorist. 

And so having moved past the Rogue Era of the American Mafia and into the decidedly more politically utalitarian and rabble-rousing Terrorist Era, one important question presents itself: Was Hugo the first Mafia Terrorist? 

A couple historical candidates immediately spring to mind.

1. Lincoln_Lawyer once pried open the malevolent, gaping maw of the most deadly Competitive Writing Competition in mafia history, an event that swallowed the lives of upwards of five hundred participants and non-participants alike down its pernicious piehole. It was his actions, however, and not his hand direct which created such an absurd amount of fatalities, leaving him in the tricky grey area between blundering tournament-based manslaughter and true widescale terrorism. 

2. The Telkin lineage's most famous act as a mafia community member was to bring a big Debbie Downer end to the widely-celebrated Mafia Basketball teams in Detroit, ordering the deaths of HeadCoach and friends, just hours before he and his own chums were razed to the last man by a correctly distraught, heartbroken and athletically-decaying society. Would this act of devious betrayal and senseless destruction make Telkin the first Mafia Terrorist? There's a strong argument.

3. Notorious guerilla warfare savant Kuku once engaged in a campaign of aggression against the Illuminatiated crew, murdering upwards of 14 of his members in a series of carefully-planned precision strikes, before requesting and receiving a sum in the range of 8 to 55 million dollars as a peace settlement from the Chicago crewleader. An act of Mafia Terrorism? A work of blackmail artistry, at the very least. 

Was Kuku the first Mafia Terrorist? Telkin's suicide mission into Detroit? Lincoln Lawyer's civilization-leveling writers nightmare? Or was it Hugo himself, the terrorist of the moment, killer of LilPeep, angerer of LilPeep's children?

Or is it someone else entirely? Any suggestions? Thoughts?

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I would like to put forward the name of Constipated. Perhaps not the first, but most definitely one of the most effective that there ever was.

A joke told by someone else (some rumours even say that it was not one but four people who told the joke), used as a clever casus belli to brutally murder her own hand, young John_Fareham, all while touting "as jovial as I am and like good humor and have acknowledged such". A real act of "terror", one which would have severe consequences.

This injustice, of course, spawned what we now know as The Fareham war, plunging the world into a conflict similar in scope to the Thirty Years' War of Europe. A large percentage of our society got embroiled in this event (now that I think of it, the exact opposite of the average LongLeggedLarry speech), some defending the name and memory of the late Fareham, others suppressing his defenders.


Eventually, The Fareham Coalition was victorious, peace returned to the lands, and the JFMAST was formed.

God Bless.

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Constipated's excuse was not believed then, and it's not believed now. Constipated was NEITHER jovial, nor liked good humor (humour) and such (suuch).  Regardless, it begs the question, what is terrorism (terrourism)?

If we accept the definition that it is a violent tactic used to spread fear and influence the behavior (behaviour) of others, then it was most certainly an act of terrorism. It's not an exaggeration that for some time after Fareham's death, the coffee shops and streets were devoid of jokes out of fear of being the next John Fareham.

However, many recent correlations to terrorism seem to omit the portion where there is a purpose to it (to influence the behavior/behaviour of others). Was Hugo trying to influence others? Or was he simply satisfying a personal vendetta? The motive is important for this conversation. Without motive, it could have simply been a bizarre accident. Several guns accidentally going off at once, over an extended period of time. Stranger things have happened. Remember ChickenCat's reign of terror?

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Excellent topic, Bigfoot.

I believe I may have been too quick to judge Hugo and his comrades. The impassioned speeches given during his reign of terror just felt disingenuous. They denied the reason for the terrorist action so emphatically, even going so far as to support purging as the only real viable strategy, it seemed to be an effort to throw people off. Kind of like those firebrand pastors who demonize extramarital sex shortly before they are caught with their pants down, literally. After hearing CyraxxNation, the leader of Cyrax Nation, speak at my other appearance, I believe I could be wrong. Maybe Hugo was solely motivated by LilPeeps alleged lack of style. If that's the case, we have entered a terrifying new era where you could be gunned down for simply not matching your socks to your shirt. A terrifying prospect indeed.

On to the topic. For me, there is a difference between a common rogue and a terrorist. Terrorists often have a cause or long-term goal in mind. The rogue Pika was mentioned by another speaker in my previous speech. I knew Pika and have spoken to his bloodline. He did not have a specific cause or desire for change. He just had a blood feud with the late, great Marius. It was a longstanding feud that the two bloodlines had had for decades.

The first terrorist is pretty hard to nail down. Given how long our world has existed and how sporadic my memory is, I am hardly a scholar on the topic. The first real terrorist I remember was a man named Captain_Stubbing (I think) in the old country. A fierce man, he gunned down many and left a trail of destruction that left me in awe. My bloodline, being freshly blooded into this life back then, stood frozen in shocked wonder that one man could be so devastatingly effective in his mission. I'll admit I was not important enough to know the Captain's reasons for killing so many, but he is the first one that comes to mind. This happened so long ago that the journals I've read about it are falling apart all together.

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Thank you, John_Farehamtaro and Willie_G_Skull, it's good that the subject of Constipated has been brought up early in this discussion. The utter desolation of humor that followed the death of John_Fareham was no joke indeed. If they truly were jovial and liked good humor and did acknowledge such, such an acknowledgement fell on deaf ears, and that joviality on blind eyes, as Constipated could often have been described as nothing less than morose, if not outright lugubrious. The manner of a terrorist? Most assuredly. 

The key to investigating Hugo's psyche, as DangerClose pointed out, seems to be in knowing whether it was in fact a targeted attack of LilPeep or a signal to some greater cause. If we are to believe the assessment that Hugo made of LilPeep as A) Completely devoid of style, and B) Too lame to live, points I will pass NO comment on, it does speak to a personal vendetta. Could LilPeep really have been such a chump as to provoke the aggression of an unhinged maniac? Could the mere existence of such a clueless boob in the same world Hugo inhabited have proven such a burden for the killer as to send him into a seemingly inexplicable rampage? Who am I to judge, having known neither of these men.

Was it all just a big joke? Is it possible for someone to say something and not mean it? To do something unseriously? Who would do something like that in such a serious world? And why LilPeep? Could his charges of grotesquerie have possibly been valid? I would be curious to know if LilPeep himself has ever felt jovial - in the sense, at least, of liking good humor and acknowleding such. It could answer a lot of questions.

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paulie finishes off his cocktail, steps out into the open air to take a drag off of cigar and tosses his glass into the street and watches it shatter before approaching... he starts to mutter something under his breath


i do not know how long any of your bloodlines have been around but some of the most feared members of our community go back a decade... or almost two decades at this point.


Premier and Father TeQ were some of, if not the most, feared lineages of a time that seems to be long forgotten. even mentioning their names struck fear into the most obscenely well protected leaders of that time.  i remember stories passed down through the generations of those bloodlines cleansing and taking control of our fair cities when they felt "change" was needed.  


I have heard stories of great wars and my bloodlines have experienced the cleansing of our world (ooc: multiple game resets) and those two names and reputations still live rent free in the minds of those bloodlines who experienced it. the tales passed down from generations paint a picture of a bloodier time when the streets were ruthless.  


i am not discrediting the stability in our world at the moment, nor do i know the ongoings from the last several years but it strikes me that the world now seems to work in some level of harmony that hasn't been seen in quite some time.  however, that does not change the fact that some of the most "notorious terrorists" of all time were from a time that, maybe, some bloodlines did not experience.  


paulie motions to his entourage before stepping back into his limo and departing 

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