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Mafioso Tradizione - Issue 3 Dec 21st Started by: Africanus on Dec 21, '11 18:29

Mafioso Tradizione

Issue 3

Dec 21, 2011

by Africanus

From the celebration throughout the New Orleans - you would of thought Mardi Gras was in December. Stamina, leader of the Burger Bowler and city-head of New Orleans since the late Godfather Kimble’s passing, has risen to become the full-fledged Godfather of New Orleans. Stamina isn’t the only one celebrating a new post. In wake of Stamina’s promotion, Mafioso CorbinRussell has been given the blessing to setup within the Big Easy as well. On behalf of the staff of Mafioso Tradizione: “Congratulations!”

by Africanus

I had the opportunity to pick the mind of an exceptional breed of mafioso, you’ve guessed it! Stallion - city head of New York and leader of the Thoroughbreds.

Africanus: Thank you Mr. Stallion, we appreciate you giving up your time and allowing us the opportunity to ask you some questions. Anyways – you’ve been leading the Thoroughbreds since earlier June. A lot has definitely occurred from then to now, what event has been the most significant to you and your family and why?

Stallion: Anytime mate, always keen for opportunities like this for people to hear me out and understand not just myself but New York better. Indeed a lot has gone on since I first started up the Thoroughbreds, gotta be honest with ya I never thought I would make it through so much. Credit has to go to my core of people under me who have just made everything so much more successful. The taking out of Roman and Premeir would have to be the most significant. They were titans, feared throughout the community and thought to be invincible. My philosophy is that no one is invincible. Luckily there a fair few out there who thought the same. I did things I never thought I would ever do, but then also amounted to a position I never saw myself in. Prior to the take down I didn't see a future, now I see a future full of countless possibilities and I am looking forward to it extremely.

A: Stallion are you familiar with Clairty, who runs Guns and Horses, Inc. out of Chicago? Possible heart-throb?

S: I have heard of Clarity. Haven't dealt directly with her but hear many great things. Possible heart-throbs are everywhere, unfortunately Daenerys keeps them all at bay. Very sad.

A: From what I’ve seen, you have a strong gathering in New York. For example, in a previous issue, our friend Monte had the opportunity to interview doogle, he spoke very eloquently and expressed strong loyalty to you. So, what does your model recruit look like?

S: It is always a pleasure to work with great people like Doogle just makes my job a hell of lot easier. Everyone in my family knows I have no rules in the HQ. It is because I want smart people in my family. I believe asking them to sign something is an insult to their intelligence. Plus if someone wants to fuck around then having signed a set of rules won't stop them. We all know what is expected, I haven't killed anyone yet who hasn't known they deserved it. Anyone who isn't familiar with how things are run around here get informed about it prior to being recruited into any of my families just so they understand what is expected in New York. There are a few things I expect from my recruits, they always and I mean ALWAYS remain respectful. Whether someone is in your face spilling insults about your mum, I always expect my people to be better than that, act cool, collective, and walk away. Show them that they are better than them. Then get them back later the proper way with style. Another thing I expect for my guys is to have fun. We are here because we enjoy what we do, the moment you stop enjoying it let me know and we shall try to change that. I always find a happy member is a more productive member. Last thing I expect from my guys is communication. If ever something disturbs you, or you disagree with something then they should always feel free to express themselves even if it is directly to me. My office is always open for all members of my family and city. They should always feel like they can talk to me, as long as they maintain the standard of being respectful.

A: New York has the home to many great leaders and dynasties. Recently, we’ve seen ThomasRourke, Deimne, TheDean, Whatsername, -Premeir and now you’ve taken the reins. What is it you hope to add to people’s thoughts when New York comes to mind? Whether it be today or years from now.

S: My bloodline was here under Thomas and Deimne and Dean and Whatsername and of course I was here under Premeir. New York is in my blood, it is my home and I love this city. Each of the past leaders did amazing things, but they also did a few things that were wrong. Going over my ancestors journals I am using their knowledge of the past leaders and how they ran things plus adding my own spice to it all to run New York like it was never run before. I want people to know that this city isn't strict like some while not completely lenient like others. It has a balance of everything and focuses 100% on its members. I as the city head am here to work for New York and its people to help it make it prosper. That is my job. It would be my honour to be remembered as a fine leader of New York like those previous giants. But all I care about, whether I am here or not, is that New York the city I love continues to prosper. When people think New York I want them to think "Success"

A: Stallion, anything you’d like to say in closing to the community?

S: I want to address to those younger guys, who look up to leaders like myself and think of reaching a position like that as impossible. Let me tell you all something. Nothing is impossible. Work your ass off, keep your boss happy, earn your way up the ranks and have extreme patience. I find if you just wait it out things just work out themselves and you get what you want in the end.
Thanks Africanus, it's been a great pleasure to do this interview. Great so see what you are doing with your newspaper. Glad someone out there is finally bringing one of quality out for everyone to enjoy.


I was also able to speak with another outstanding member of the community, New Orlean’s newest godfather, Stamina.


Africanus: Stamina, thank you for your time, I know you’re a busy man – especially in light of your new position, congratulations by the way. Anyways first question: You’ve been a leader since the late Kimble gave you nods nearly five months ago. Within those five months, you’ve risen to lead New Orleans. Anyways, what has been the most challenging obstacle you’ve had to face in those five months?

Stamina: Has it really been 5 months already? Wow, I guess time really does when you're having fun? The most challenging time of my days in New Orleans include the great wars we were involved with. We lost many great people through shots from big guns of the other side, but we also lost good people from friendly fire in bizarre incidents. None of them will be forgotten.

A: The Big Easy definitely has its culture. Do you have any plans for Mardi Gras and the approaching Carnival season?

S: In all honesty, all efforts have been focused on expanding our city in recent times. I will not be ignoring the history of the city though and I will be looking to host some events when the time comes. Expect to see a great deal of activity and wealth to be spread for all!

A: From the public eye, you have some commendable and noteworthy people working in New Orleans. Consider that, what are the qualities of the ideal recruit for the Big Easy.

S: It's funny you ask this actually, I was approached by a civilian only yesterday who explained his wish to turn to crime. He asked if there would be chance for him to shine in my city, so I asked him why I should consider him for my outfit. He calmly replied by telling me he wanted to shoot many things. Alarm bells started to ring as I explained that he wouldn't be gaining a spot with me as I was concerned with his thirst for blood...

If anyone wants to come and work in New Orleans, a few key qualities are indeed expected. We're looking for people with a calm head upon their shoulders. Anyone can make a quick decision, but only those with the right mindset make the right decisions on a regular basis. Communication is king for us, without a good flow of information going both ways we won't get very far. Now last, but not least... Loyalty. We want to see loyalty from all our members, new and old.

A: There has been some excitement within the past week, whether it is the activity in Las Vegas or the resurgence of street activity – Any comments on this?

S: Regarding the recent activity in Las Vegas, I personally see it as very stimulating. We have indeed seen much activity, some view this positively and others aren't too impressed. I see both sides of the coin, if truth be told. However, people who go there know pretty much what they're signing up to. It isn't an easy ride, it was never going to be an easy ride to be successful there. We've seen plenty of debate about the rules in place and the tactics of people involved in the city, all of which I'm happy to see as I walk around our streets. Without people seeing problems with an issue, what would most people talk about?

Don't get me wrong, I don't like to see arguments. Healthy discussions are a major part of our life here, both in the streets and behind the scenes in coffee shops. As much as some people will disagree with my comment about coffee shops, they are still a huge part of this world. Points raised in the shops prompt the conversations we see on our streets. This, of course, works the other way round too.




Dear Cassi,

So I have this problem. I am in love Dear Cassi. With a very important man. But I'm starting to feel like things are not mutual. I write him letters, he never responds. Every time I fly to the same city he's in he, he up and leaves without a moments notice. He's even been seen shooting at some of my family members! What can I do to make him open his eyes and see what is standing before him??

Hoping to be Mrs TylerDurden


I'm not sure I would call what you are in love... I believe there are laws against what you are doing actually. I would suggest that you tone down the stalking before it gets you thrown in jail. Although there, you would receive more love than you ever thought possible.

Apprehensive Cassi

Dear Cassi,

What is the correct way to handle all these invitations I keep receiving? I just showed up to these shores and people keep telling me that I need to join their family. I already have a family, why do I need a new one?? What is going on here?!


Dear Confused,

Well Confused, basically you are a threat and a commodity all at the same time! Everyone is looking for a hard worker, but at the same time, we can't just let you run around these streets unsponsored, that's not good for our business. The best advice I can give you is to do your homework on those inviting you and then present yourself to the family of your choice with why you will be valuable to them. By the way, they won't replace your blood family, it's just an extension of them.

Helpful Cassi

Dear Cassi,

I have this sinking feeling that I'm part of a dying breed. I use complete sentences, try for proper grammar, and love to play around with ellipses. You see, I even know what "ellipses" means and how it is used! In a world full of so many terrible slang words, half of them stranded without the meaning they once possessed, I am an eyesore. I refuse to conform to simply putting all intent and meaning into a series of "lols", "omgs", and "rup rups". I do not understand this language. It simply does not blend with my view of this world of ours. I like the fact that I can actually read, speak with amazing diction and mock those who can't with an endless vocabulary. I bring all of this to you because I fear that I will be alone for always. There isn't another quite like me out there and I fear these skills will die with me. Do you ever think I'll find another to play mental Olympics with? Or do you think I will die cold and alone... like so many other nerds?

Please help me, Dearest Cassi!

I'm in dire straights.


Wonder Stuck English Nerd

Dear WSEN,

I kint ndrsnd wut joo r tlkng abt!! Plz spk ENGLISH! Oh, wait... you were? *Sigh* It seems I've fallen prey to this pesky text speak everyone talks about! I must take more time to enjoy the real world. Fear not my dear Nerd, I hardly doubt you are alone in this world. In fact if you visit the streets, I think you will find that there are some very clever linguists and grammarians in this thing of ours. So maybe you can look them up and send them off a mail, strike up a friendship and have nerdist talks! Maybe you could even make up a Nerdist camp!! Good luck my dear Wonder Stuck English Nerd! I hope your journey lands you right in the middle of a pocket protector convention!

Trendy Cassi

Dear Cassi,

My wife likes to step on me with her stilletos when we are about to make love. She says that I cannot touch her until I lay on the ground and let her walk all over me. She says she can't be intimate with me until she does this. I have repeatedly told her that this attention hurts but she will not give up. Is it bad that I let her do this to me in order to have sex? How can I get her to wear shorter, less pointy heels? Please help me keep my wife from digging in her heels.


Broken Down Daddy

Dear BDD,

Well. Um... Sadly, you're not the first to mail me with this sort of... Um... Errr... Particular issue. I would have to say that, given the circumstances, it would be in your best interest if you would shop for the shoes yourself. That way you could ensure that less pain is inflicted. Or, you could just hide her stilletos... But it is of my opinion that you probably rather enjoy this fetish of her...

Disturbed Cassi

Dear Readers,
If you've enjoyed this section and would like to see it continue, please, send your mails to me!!! Anything you need on advice on Dear Cassi is here for you!!! I look forward to hearing from you soon!!!

Dear Cassi


by Africanus

On the eve of issue two’s release, Las Vegas was submerged in violence. Mafioso KeithGandor, right hand man to the late DonnieBrasco, exchanged fire with the other residence of Las Vegas. Eveuntally Keith met his end not but not before the lives of other Nevada residence including StuPickles, Jesper and noted in the previous issue Funtcase. Directly following violence between Mr. Gandor and the other Vegas factions, Triggermen from the Windy City allegedly swept in an eliminated Vegas leader Hypno. The reason for the assassination is speculated to be unrelated to altercation with Brasco/Gandor. Joining the fold in Vegas this week are leaders: Abdul_Kareem_Shabazz, BudBellomo, JoeyCesari, space-pole, XL and the late Nana. Outside of the violence earlier this week, leaders Hawk and Nana were gunned down. space-pole visited the respective funerals and cited justification for each of the murders.


In light of the events surrounding DonnieBrasco’s death and the ascension of KeithGandor as a crewleader. The Godfather Council revisited and reviewed the framework and conditions for the Las Vegas gladiatorial gambit. One of the provisions pertained to number of bodyguards an individual possessed on the time of setup. From what we gathered, DonnieBrasco, KeithGandor and Acid-Rain arrived in Las Vegas with “Very Well Protected” status within the rules of the competition. Upon setup/arrival to Las Vegas additional bodyguards were purchased. After Mr. Brasco’s demise - Mr. Gandor setup in his stead, at this time “Extremely Well Protected.”

The following rules and conditions have been added to the Las Vegas competition with respect to bodyguards:

Only accounts that are 5 days old or less may be BG’d up. This does not mean let me demote him like I normally would he is less than 5 days old that way. This means from the beginning of that particular account he cannot be older than 5 days and be BG’d up.

A person cannot be demoted with the sole purpose of BGing up before departing to Las Vegas. The only reason one can be demoted is to join a CL in Las Vegas, at which point they can only be demoted to a rank below that of the CL.

If a person is VWP, and becomes EWP or higher while in Las Vegas they cannot set up for 7 days following the BG change.

by Xenos

Rumor has it that Wayne is disgruntled over the alleged killings of a man named RIA. RIA? A man? *Shouts from the crowd* Surely you can't be serious?! Yes, I am serious and don't call me Shirley!

Let's have a moment of silence for HermanCain. Rumor has it worry of his stimulus package was putting his life in danger, but sadly it was the over use of his other "package" that ultimately took his life...He took the secrets of his stimulus package to the grave. Well I don't think his stimulus package was THAT big of a secret...

Godfather Council in hiding? Sure it's been awhile since we've heard from them, but rumor has it, they're more concerned with their late night sekrit poker games than they are with actual business! Well that and bossing Las Vegas around! I mean seriously, who wants to sit around discussing politics when you can drink and gamble the night away instead!

Speaking of Las Vegas! I guess I spoke too soon in our previous issue. They proved me wrong with everything (except for their secret plot to use Durden's to do their bidding!). There was quite a shaking going on there and in the midst of it all a casino popped up! Rumor has it Creep was found squatting at a slot machine, giggling like a little girl on Christmas morning as the coins came tumbling out!

Well folks, it seems after just one week on the job, Sgt_Santa is brokering to take my position as the Rumor Has It writer! Why just look at the huge article he wrote up! It's filled with more rumors than I hear in a week! Although, rumor has it, he's not nearly as funny nor as cute as I. Have no fear my dear, faithful readers! Sgt_Santa shall not be taking over my job anytime soon! He just may give me a good run for my money...

It seems that Stallion has been busy fighting off Zombie Jim Youngs! The nerve of some guy to come into this life and expect something in return, surely none of you fine readers have ever been guilty of this! Although rumor has it that I AM THE MIGHTY JIM_YOUNG AND I DEMAND A LITTLE RESPECT AROUND *BANG*




Interested in becoming an editorialist, contact Monte on IRC avenue.

*Disclaimer: Views expressed in editorials aren’t necessary shared by the Mafioso Tradizione*



Tradizione will be offering Advertisement opportunities for services, contests, family recruitment, special occasions and any other public announcements you would like advertised!

For Advertisement inquiries please contact: Monte or Sal_Giaquinto on IRC Avenue!


Happy Holidays - Be safe, be responsible.

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Merry Christmas..... NOT Happy Holidays... Sir!


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As a Christian, you have me at a disadvantage here. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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And to you as well old friend. To you and yours as well.

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Cool paper, I enjoyed it.

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A fantastic read on this cool early morning. Id like to thank the paper boy for giving me one for free as I sipped my morning coffee. The interviews where solid and informative. Dear Cassi, well, I hope that continues. It truely is very entertaining.

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I enjoyed this read, thank you Africanus.

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