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From the Desk of Goku: A Response to Transgressions | Started by: Brick on Aug 18, '24 02:47 |
Oh Spike. Spikey Spikey Spike. I have been waiting for this. Waiting for you to post your inevitable PR thread to try to keep the game under your thumb. I knew it was coming, and I was prepared. I was prepared for the veiled insults, the outright lies, and the manipulative vernacular that I know you to so well possess. And I have a response. I thought about replying to your thread in character, and even began a response. But it didn't make sense. So many of your transgressions are OOC, and your way of playing and leading is predominantly OOC, so it only made sense to skip the eventual movement of the thread and go straight to OOC Avenue. I'd like to start by bringing to light your "pity." You pity the people who turned on you? You, the man who has been so consumed by the mere idea of me playing for the past nine or ten months that you lie awake in bed at night shaking? You, who purged over a dozen times thinking you'd found me, setting a purge date of 30 days knowing how fast I can build, killing the members of your "friends" or even killing your "friends" themselves? You, who might just be the all time MR leader in lies told? I did not play from October until I created Static in late May. I knew how your regime would be, and I had no interest in taking part. Nearly once a week I received a message from someone within the game that you were hunting me.
Every message I got, I chuckled to myself, and I fed the fire. I told whoever it was that I was still alive, building slowly and avoiding RATs, biding my time. I told them I died in X city and was back in another. I told them they would never find me. I told them things knowing they would get back to you and keep you worried. I had no desire to play, at all, but I still found it funny to hear of how worried you were.
They would realize that I am not a misogynist, or a racist, or a sadist, or inherently evil or whatever nonsense lies you were spewing at the time - all terms that better fit you, in all factuality. Remember, we're dealing with facts, not feelings. That they would realize that I am a servant of the truth - and have died for it numerous times. That they would realize that the true reasons you hate me are based in envy, hate, and shame. They would realize the things that you and I both know to be true. That I am just a regular guy, with kids and a life outside of MR. That I am far more trustworthy than you. That I am a better hitter than you. That I am a better speaker than you. That I am a better leader, godfather, and chairman than you. That I am a better player than you. That I am a better person than you. In fact, there are few things that I am not better than you at. For instance; lying. Manipulation. Subterfuge. Being creepy. Those are what you have always excelled in. You were this way a decade ago when I was your RH and ran your family while you gambled earnings, and you are still this way now. You spend your hours looking for bloodlines, creeping on girls (not to mention guys, but I don't judge), and spreading misinformation. I spend my hours (when I'm allowed to play properly) adding notches to my weapon, substance to the streets, and spreading laughs and learning to anyone I engage with. For the record: I did not ask, convince, or force Yax to rogue on Remy. She came to me asking for help, so I helped. I did not ask, convince, or force DeadlyIrishman to rogue. He came to me asking for help, so I helped. I did not ask, convince, or force Transistor to rebel. O'malley came to me asking for help, so I helped. I became fast friends with the people you betrayed this run, because I've been there before, more than once. I made zero effort to prevent your rule, because I knew I would be hunted and stalked from day one. People fell for your lies hook, line, and sinker as they had before, and I knew how it would be. Which brings us to your thread and the actual events of the past few days. I'll pick out a few points you made, eviscerate them, and move on.
Within hours of our attack, the salty attacks on Transistor began. You can't play WoW with us anymore. You can't come to our meet anymore. You can't be in our discord anymore. You'll never be allowed to play MR again. Boo fuckin' hoo. Sounds like whining to me.
Outright lies. You've never forgiven anyone, except maybe JTG when he betrayed you (before you could betray him) as DoctorBoom. You did need them, because you had already betrayed so many people that few were willing to take auth. Your "inner circle" has never been wider than the two of you, and perhaps a couple others rotated as needed between betrayals. Myself, JackRuby, Severe, First, Remy, Nefer, Joe. The list goes on. They may have been in an uppers chat or a super secret discord, but they were never inner circle, and never will be.
You have succinctly described your relationship with almost everyone every time you have ever been in power - you have always been underhanded with a knife from the start - remember, I was there, and learned how you play at your side. I watched you do it. And now, when someone returns the favor, you break down and cry, and piss your pants in the streets and claim to be straightforward? Ridiculous.
This reflects something else I heard from the lips of JTG, which is laughable, at best. That we could have won the war if we had a better leader. That we wasted our shots. Saying this shows either A. you don't know how the game actually works, or B. that you're just trying to downplay how incredible we actually were. Probably a bit of both. We had eight total shooters, five capped guns. Two of those capped guns were locked into their home city, or sister city at best for one of them. Of the other three, one was barely even a cap hitter. Our other three first wave shooters were 950, 900, and 650. When we took our locals and got the lay of the land, it was clear that there were no shots in Chicago to be had. Ketamine was in New York, and no other GFs were in Chicago or Detroit at the time. Our plans had originally centered on Ketamine being in Chicago, but alas, not all things go to plan. So we made due. I assigned our city locked guns to targets in Detroit that I knew had large wackstats and would be loyal, made sure that you would die (obvious), and used our smaller guns to kill lower ranked lickspittles we knew would send a message. My personal shot I left up to Larry, and he decided that Ketamine was the better target than Sniffler or Allie. Undoubtedly this was for personal reasons as you say, but that did not concern me in the moment. Our goal was never to "win" but to send a message. And in sending this message we crippled you with a mere eight guns and a raggedy band of proers (who are all absolute heroes). Could we have won? Perhaps, if certain people would have helped us after having been betrayed so many times. But we knew we could not trust them to hold their tongues back from the snakes. Neither of you has ever led an attack of this type, of this magnitude or of this level of damage against these odds with so few guns. You do your warring against your friends, in the dead of the night. You purge innocent people just because you aren't sure who they are on the off chance they could be me, or any other number of people you have lied about and tried to ostracize. You hide behind pros while better players chase shots, in the name of longevity. It is despicable. Every time either of you has been in power it has been because of betraying those who got you there. You then keep power by betraying those who helped you. And, miraculously, they keep coming back to you and standing by you as you do it to others. People you just had killed less than a month ago helped protect your side in the war, despite having been gunned down for no true reason. I could name names, but I shall not. This isn't about them.
I will also say, please do not try to play a victim. You have spent near on a year forcing this game into the dirt for your own personal pleasure. The streets are dead. Activity is rarely more than 70 players online at a time. Active daily players was at an all time low. RATs never last more than 5 kills, because you would go after anyone who did them. New players are doubted and analyzed to death just in case they aren't really new. The transgressions you have committed have gotten several regimes removed by the gods - but not you. You're doing the same things Curtis, the numbers, Niflheim, etc. did, arguably even taking them further. Grilling new players about past history is not normal. Killing your friends for refusing to grill people or kill people is not normal. Sending people on whatsapp to try to out incogs is not normal. You should seek professional help. And lastly,
How many of them will be alive in 60 days? I suppose we shall see. The saddest part is, the ones defending you right now this moment, are worth no more to you than me. The truth is, Larry, Sao, Pest and the rest "won" this war. They didn't die in their sleep, betrayed a second time by the worst regime this game has ever seen. You sit there and lord yourselves over everyone and think you're the best there is - but you're only good at one thing - treachery. And sooner or later these lickspittles who still support you will learn it. The hard way, most likely. Kind regards, Goku P.S. I still have more godfather accounts than you. |
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I'm glad you care. Sleep well. |
Reply by: DeadlySpike at Aug 18, '24 02:51 | |
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I'm glad that you care that I care. Sleep weller. |
Reply by: Brick at Aug 18, '24 03:01 | |
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Coming from a known cheater Someone who used an admin to get peoples incogs Used a glitch to put billions and when you got killed ran and snitched on all your boys asked someone to go on someone’s personal work computer to get someone’s pro time Ban evaded Just face it dude you’re a cheater and need to get a grip |
Reply by: Mahomes at Aug 18, '24 07:11 | |
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I haven’t said anything (at all) to them in general. I did not say anything like this to others either. I never have played WoW in my life. No one was disinvited from anything. However, no, they cannot be in my discord. They are totally allowed to play MR. I can only guess these conclusions are simply… imaginations running wild or frankly feelings of guilt or fears… or bait, but still needed to be addressed. |
Reply by: DeadlySpike at Aug 18, '24 08:17 | |
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mahomes every one of those things you said are false, or partially false in a manipulative way. As a servant of the truth, I will deign to correct you. I never used any admin to gather IPs. This is a ridiculous claim. All interactions I've had with any admins have centered around game features and theoretical questions. I never used nor profited from the glitch you mentioned. I did know about it and keep it secret until I needed it - and I admittedly regret that. Of the two other two people who knew of it, one was "my boy" as you say, the other I had no love for. I've made my apologies and mended the bridges. I have definitely never asked anyone to check a work computer for a pro time LOL. This is just chucking blind darts at the board hoping to cause damage. You're reaching. I did indeed ban evade about 12 years ago, but that ban and the ban that followed it have both been forgiven, as many other people's were. Idk who you are, but please get your facts straight, mate. |
Reply by: Brick at Aug 18, '24 14:12 | |
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I wish there wasn't such personal fights and shit with years of anger and stuff that no one ever gets over idk ruins it all just the nature of the beast I guess but a shame on all sides. I guess that\s why I actually still enjoy stuff because I cant think of anyone I hate this much. I guess everyone has a different experience and internalizes it different. idk yall need to build a bridge drink some coffee and get along :p |
Reply by: StripheCorelli at Aug 18, '24 14:27 | |
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I am confused by this Goku/Spile feud. You two should be friends, you’re practically the same guy. | |
Reply by: Tomorrow at Aug 19, '24 12:47 | |
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Y'all are something else. I'm with Striphe on this, and Tomorrow gave me a good chuckle. I know this game wouldn't be much if we all could stay allies and work together. This game is basically built to be about betrayal and power struggles. But y'all need some chill pills. We have all played this game for too fucking long now to keep acting like this and honestly - I think that ruins the game more than any "regime". It is really disappointing that just because we're not all on the same side that we can't at least stay friends, be friends, or at least get along. You don't have to like everyone, but you should still be a decent human being towards one another. This is the only game I've ever played that I've seen so many people hold grudges, shit on each other, and end friendships because they got a game. It doesn't make for a fun game and spare me the "it's the current regime". It's y'alls goddamn attitudes. |
Reply by: Elspeth at Aug 19, '24 18:19 | |
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People on the winning side are ghosting their friends for shooting them, one person even took it a step further and has sworn off playing video games with certain people over their actions. At the end of the day, both sides do these things where they take deaths too far because this isn't like another online game, this is more of an aggressive hobby where you put in potentially over one thousand hours honing a single character and then someone erases it and forces you to start all over again. It always hurts more when it is friends who do the erasing. It'd be like doing some sort of competition where you know after you've spent dozens of hours that people are going to attempt to sabotage you, and then it ends up being one of your real-life friends who invited you to the thing. You'd never expect it and it would hurt your relationship even then too. MafiaMatrix straight up doesn't allow players to sign up anymore without signing some sort of discord waiver because of how toxic it is over there and .org has like 40 active players who all hate one another. This is just a permadeath thing. It's easier to feel a sting when you're not playing a game like [redacted so I don't spread other games] where you just get sent to the hospital for a few hours when someone's warring you, and you know you've lost nothing., Serious time investments mean taking things seriously. Saying 'It's just a game' is always a copout by people who don't want to be talked shit for their actions in game. Which is completely fair. Once shit-talking gets too bad towards me I always get sick of it real fast and want it to end and start wondering why people are so mad, but then when you're on the other side and can't even have an account eventually you just sort of either take a break (which right now the game can't super afford too many people doing that all at once) or snap and start wanting to annoy people. With that said, you shouldn't swear off friends because of what happens here but that's not always easier said than done. Sometimes people's actions here make you question their character off of the game. Sort of like if I witnessed someone talk shit to a waiter even though they're nice to me, you have to question if you want to be friends with somebody like that. I've had people swear off friendships with me here a few times, it's sadly normal. Most of us have done it.
At the end of the day, threads like this are just good drama. But it's time to move on and get to rebuilding the game, so let's get to it!!! |
Reply by: Porkchop at Aug 19, '24 18:37 | |
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Nicely put Porkchop but I suppose without this sort of drama and conflict between people the game wouldn't be what it is. A lot more 'politics', backstabbing, name calling happens more than I can imagine and we all have our own ways of playing. I don't believe we should all get along, healthy enemies and a bit of hatred is good for the game and it is also hard to not take it out of the game when so many of you have been playing for as long as you have done. But the reality is the names mentioned in this post are part of the best players to have played it and the amount of money, time and effort put in makes it difficult for some characters to not feel like they are top dog. Bottom line is 95% of all the players are probably decent people in RL the other 5% maybe not. Keep doing the good work folks, copout or not it is actually 'just' a game. I think Spike and Goku can kiss and make up (out) 'If two people are meant for one another, that doesn't mean that they have to rush and be together right away. Real love takes time to grow' |
Reply by: Ira at Aug 20, '24 07:52 | |
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You both suck | |
Reply by: Fresh at Aug 20, '24 11:25 | |
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Speaking of SS, remember that time Assassin catfish him | |
Reply by: Jono2 at Aug 29, '24 02:46 | |
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Reply by: Goku69 at Aug 29, '24 17:14 | |
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All I can wonder about, hearing this, is why there must be a response to transgenders at all. |
Reply by: PeterJones at Aug 29, '24 17:18 | |
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This was a good read. You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned you were wanted. Many have died because it could have been you. You were unable to be traced because you did take a decent break. Otherwise, the obits are informative when one returns within a reasonable amount of time. I sent someone to you to let you know. As a matter of fact, I came around (incog) to let a particular crew know they were about to be purged. Sure enough 4 days went by, and they were purged. An active crew with deep pockets. But Spike and friends did not give a shit. Purge on is their theme. I cannot be bothered as I mentioned earlier to an undisclosed name. I told him I have not been around because I do not care for this lot running this thing. And they have indeed ran it into the ground. They have 275 people left to kill off. You cannot even find an active city chatting in city lounges anymore. My last two accounts I gave it my all on getting chat going and it is about exciting as a wet noodle. |
Reply by: Isabella at Sep 01, '24 03:08 | |
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“You cannot even find an active city chatting in city lounges anymore. My last two accounts I gave it my all on getting chat going and it is about exciting as a wet noodle.”
This one is simple to explain, most players use other apps/sites to have chats, to stop as many leaks, and the old “but we have the logs” argument. |
Reply by: Jimmy_Ligambi at Sep 04, '24 13:47 | |
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Shame you couldn't do your Mafia wedding on other apps/sites |
Reply by: TomOfGimpland at Sep 05, '24 16:54 | |
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tomofgimpland, Sorry you didn’t line the story. Have you got any notes you can give us? Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. |
Reply by: Jimmy_Ligambi at Sep 05, '24 17:08 | |
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Jimmy the use of other sites to chat have been around since my arrival here. We still had active lounges. Having other sites is no excuse. What about the new guy that shows up? (Last I knew Izzy is paying to advertise this site) crew and city chat. There's nothing like having a popping crew and city lounge. What's even sweeter is leading a crew where everyone is trusted. |
Reply by: Votingforafelon at Sep 05, '24 18:56 | |
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