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May 19 - 11:52:30
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Quick question Started by: Abel on Jan 21, '12 08:51

Abel was walking along 62nd avenue feeling lonelier than ever. He wasn't the kind of guy that always felt he needed to be surrounded by people, or so he thought. Maybe it so happened that seeing his father do business he saw he was always surrounded by people at all hours of the day and night so he never had the chance to feel lonely. This was a strange feeling for Abel and he wasn't quite sure how to deal with it. He went into a nearby Bar that seemed to have a few customers in his same line of business and decided to address them.

So, I know it's early in the morning and probably not our busiest time, but I have been having this feeling for a while now anyway. This just gave me that little extra push to finally come out here and ask for your opinion...

Right now, there are 35 people awake. Two of them work for City Hall. 11 work for Law Enforcement. Yeah, they are corrupt, whatever, but they are not really one of us. Out of the 22 people remaining, all mobsters, of course, 8 of them are upper structure.

A few minutes ago, the numbers were a bit worse in my opinion. Out of 37 in total, 17 were Corrupt Agents and still those two guys from City Hall. That actually put us in the minority, being only 18 mobsters, 11 of those upper structure.

I have heard of and read many journals that after big wars, massive amounts of new people choose to step up and follow in their parent's footsteps. However, this time around, after the recent takedowns of Philly, New York and Saint Louis, I have been having the feeling we are not as many as we used to be.

Another statistic that I can use to illustrate my point is the amount of crews. Many people were worried that there weren't going to be enough spots for all the newcomers, yet there weren't as many Crew Leaders needed to replace the ones removed. I believe 6 or 7 Crew Leaders were killed and only 3 or so were recently set up? I admit I'm going by perception here and I didn't research these numbers up so feel free to correct me on this.

I know this speech doesn't have a lot of thought put into it and that's why I addressed you all just for a "Quick Question". I'm not pretending to just yell gibberish to get my name more noticed, but I did want to see if everybody had the same feeling I had and if so, if you have any explanations or theories about it. I have to admit that this time, I have no clue about it.

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After listening to what Abel has to say Jessie steps forward and decides to throw his two cents in


I have to say, I have noticed exactly the same thing you have... Our numbers are dwindling, Hopefully only on a short term basis.

Another statistic that I can use to illustrate my point is the amount of crews. Many people were worried that there weren't going to be enough spots for all the newcomers, yet there weren't as many Crew Leaders needed to replace the ones removed. I believe 6 or 7 Crew Leaders were killed and only 3 or so were recently set up? I admit I'm going by perception here and I didn't research these numbers up so feel free to correct me on this. 


I personally think that what it could very well be is that some people dont feel they have enough options in variety of leader, Now I'm not saying there isnt enough quality leaders... because I'm sure they all have their own special attributes that make them special. But perhaps some peoples bloodlines are being held in sicily until they hear word a leader they wish to work on over here becomes avaliable. It could even be that people are looking to join the familys where they feel they have a pivital role in the upper structure?


We have only seen three new faces take the places in bold suits of the leaders that were lost, Is this because there are not enough potential candidates at the required rank? Who knows? But we are on the right track of rebuilding.


I apologise if I didnt make the most of sense, Its been a long night of busting up post offices!

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I don't think there were only three auths because of lack of talent. I think it was because of a lack of need. The crews we have are not really full. Of course you may be right about the rank. Maybe there are people lined uip to run a crew when they reach a certain rank...

Even if you count LV out because some may feel they will find more stability elsewhere (not sure if that's true any more, though, looks like LV is just as stable as the other cities) you have 10 spots in Chicago, 20 in New Orleans and 30 in New York. Plenty of room for people to join our way of life.

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Chris listens a wry smile forming on his lips

I do think that the recient wars do having somthing to do with this, And Jeese you could be very well right that some are hanging back waiting to see a leader or particular city open up that they feel comfortable with, I am sure we havent seen the last of the Auths and from where i am standing everything looks to have stabelised nicely so i guess we wait and see.

Chris bows his head towards Able and Jesse

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Just out of pure curiosity what was the quick question?

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"but I did want to see if everybody had the same feeling I had and if so, if you have any explanations or theories about it."

Granted, it was posed as an indirect question gramatically, but still... it's there.

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The time frame and day you have chosen for your comparison is a poor one I am sorry to say. Saturday morning after a heavy night out I expect the following to be about.

1 the Feds because it is their job to be.

2 crew leaders and upper structures so they can keep an eye on things

3 hitters so they face less opposition on shooting

4 the early birds.

Weekends historically unless a war is on are a low point, with this particular time being the lowest of all.

Down ooc avenue the gods have let it already be known we are down around 25 people on a daily basis. So I am not overly worried about it and I think it is reasonable.

Someone mentioned that after a major war there are normally lots of people about, this tends to be a short term effect of 3 days. These tend to be the losers in the war who come back to whine about things, they then tend to leave our worlds for a while lick their collective wounds them return after a few weeks with hunger in them.

Having reviewed my family journals there are notes of times when there were under 20 people active at this time.


In conclusion I am not overly worried, it is how I expect it, it isn't a damning indictment of the current raft of crew leaders it is how our world has always been. Now if it remains like this after 21 days since the war it may raise my attention slightly more.

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Abel. I think you're looking for a statement starting "who, what, where, when, why or how". You're just messing with Romeo's OCD here and it isn't fair because it's us Muppets that have to calm him down. 

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This is something i have also noticed Abel. I have also noticed that this thing of ours is dwindling in members. It isn't often that i see over 100 members up and active... Maybe the current generations have decided to sleep more? Or perhaps the descendants of those killed in the last war are looking into a different lifestyle then their ancestors did? Perhaps looking to be a vineyard owner or pig farmer back in the old country?

Dimitri chuckles at the thought that those lifestyles could be more rewarding than this one.

Perhaps they just think it is futile to try and put in work like their forefathers especially so soon after a war, as tensions may be running high. But whatever reason it is, we are dwindling in number, and this should be addressed. Perhaps we should write letters to our friends back in the old country (OOC: Refer friends you know in person) to give this thing of ours a boost in man power?

Whatever we decide to do, sometimes sitting around and waiting for something to blow over is the wrong option, and i believe that members of this thing of ours have been hiding their heads in the sand all too often lately. But thats my 2 cents.

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It might be a concern or it might not there was a few 100 mobsters killed in quick succession and not just wiseguys and under i think a large majority will return to our way of life eventually soon as they see a city they like repopulated or a leader that there kin is not sore at. As we know it travels in cycles and not many can stay away from our world most always come back eventually.

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Honestly I would hope thats not the case that people are staying away until their friends are in power. Its a major issue with this thing of ours that people won't take a chance on someone they don't know. Even if they respect the person they won't join someone that they aren't friendly with on IRC avenue or otherwise.

By no means am I suggesting joining random people all the time but with a little investigation you can find a crew that suits you. People who narrowly think that only their friends and the friends of their bloodline are capable people aren't taking full advantage of this thing of ours in my opinion.

Having the courage to make new connections in this thing of ours isn't a bad thing. I hope people remember that for the future.

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I agree with you Abel,It seems the pasion for this thing of ours dissapeard.To bad,i guess people are tired to get killed from month to month.For example,ive never lived more then 2 and half months lol,i guess i always choosed the wrong side heh..that discouraged me,but i still continued in the end.

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Ahh Chris don't forget that some of those members also had just had their mothers killed only to be killed a few days later. I can imagine their next of kin would take some time away as that would certainly strike a nerve with some. Others will just shrug it off and their kin will return. Each person's line is so different but I agree majority will likely be back sooner or later.

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Betsy, I have to admit I have no clue what you meant with the interpretation of what you are looking for. I did notice however that my question sems to have touched a nerve with Romeo. I wasn't really expecting my curiosity to be attacked, specially when I said I have been having this feeling for days and being that in OOc avenue we have been told that indeed we have less population I don't seem to be going crazy. But the rest of what he says was a nice answer to my question, though.

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We have plenty of crews there are 2 or 3 with less than 30 members and the reason there arent more is because not everyone is ment to b a leader in this world some are made to be followers

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Bruiser pulls a piece of paper from his pocket with scribbling on it.

I think Animal said it best in his response on out of character avenue.

Its been a growing concern for many that the numbers are dropping. This happens though, we've had major cities killed in recent weeks, people tend to take a break when that happens to their character. You might check next month and were back over 600...or maybe not. Guess only time will tell really.

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Lorna was buying an apple from the corner store when she heard Abel's speech.

This is a very interesting subject indeed Abel.  I really don't have anything to add to it but every-one's side of this subject is in fact intriguing and I can't wait to read more about it.

Lorna goes back to her gloomy shopping for fruit.

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I have talked to a few people recently which is where i spend my general proceeds from crime on stamps, paper and envelopes and often find people feeling they are climbing a mountain just to be instantly doomed to failure.  They state frustrations with bgs, crew strengths, boredom of a repetitive world and realise if they get rid of someone the end product could be getting someone they feel is worse.

I must admit coming back there just didnt see as much as a buzz, what did seem to exist is a hint of desperation in the number of people seeking associates or family members.  I understand is a city hall policy to keep the new blood and returning blood growing this thing but i honestly felt i didnt need anything done to impress anyone which put a chill in my bones.  Out of about 15 people who spoke to me only three seemed to offer directions or a plan for development which made me feel like the blind were leading the blind for a new comer.

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Civ listens to Abel while thinking back and decides to share his own thoughts...

Well Abel, that is a very good point you are making. I havent checked the statistics, but i do feel that presence has dimished since the last few wars. At first i though this was going to be a question, but i see that it is just a observation and you want to see if everyone else noticed what you have noticed.

If this was a question, i would say that there are many reasons why someone would decide to not follow his/her father/mother's footsteps. Is it because of after holiday laziness... they are tired and want to rest it out a little? Did they decided to stay away from it all permanently? I would doubt this... they will come back eventually in my opinion. Or did they quit for other personal reasons? Who knows?

I have noticed the same thing you had Abel and i think that in time... more people will come by. And eventually, those that have lost their parents in a rescent war, will come back. I would say it is only a matter of time. Well... i would certainly hope so!

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