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What would You do for Free? Started by: Quasimodo on Feb 02, '12 00:58

Quasimodo, was out on the town again, in the shadows, but slowing etching closer to the street each day. He wanted the people in the Streets, to know of his Kind Heart, his appetite for life, his jovial nature and generally positive outlook on life. As Quasi walked along it suddenly struck. His next thought. Quasimodo Knew what it was he wanted to do. He knew what he was passionate about and he knew he wanted to do only that, for the rest of his days.

He wondered if he was alone though. He wondered, if anyone had every considered such a notion as this. So, Quasimodo put on his cap, and started edging close enough to folks so they could hear what he had to say.


In this society, we are ruled by the almighty dollar. That’s the way the system works, and that’s the game we have to play. The problem is, this leads many people to seek making money first, instead of what makes them truly happy.


I have read of countless men and women, leaving positions that basically make them set for life, to follow what they really love. There is a reason for that. I truly believe that if you follow what you are fervent about without thinking about whether or not it will make you rich, you will end up being successful. Doing what you have a zeal for brings out your best, and this leads to greatness. Greatness breezes to success. They did what they were so passionate about, and their immense success was just a byproduct of their dedication. So think about something that you would just love to do, even if you were not getting paid. Think about something that you look forward to do; something that you wish you could do all the time.


It has been said that if you “Find a job you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.


Few of us in life are so fortunate. Are you? Is there something that you are so enthralled and passionate about, that you would gladly do it, just because it makes you happy?


What would you do for Free?

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Emilio heard a familiar voice, and walked closer to it.

Ahhh Quasimodo my friend, good to see another question man.

To answer your question, there are many things I already do for free.  But it depends on who it is for or with.  For my family, I do just about anything for free, I'd shoot a person, I'd steal fifty thousand dollars just to get them what they need.  For my friends, I'd do just about the same, I may not kill a person for them, but I'd certainly raise hell for them.  However I'm guessing you are looking more for occupational type things?  Well if I were better I'd play guitar for people on the streets, daily, just to bring entertainment for them.  I'd also just strategize the crimes, no cut needed, I find it great to just see if my plans I can come up with will work or not.  I'd build new contraptions, reviving old ones, just improving others.  But the one thing I would always do for free, absotuly positivly, I'd help others with just about anything, its just the kind of person I am.  If I feel someone deserves the help, then I will offer the most I can give them, and if its not enough, I will look for more help.  Doesn't matter who, just the what.  Like I said for family and friends I'd help with just about anything, random street walkers, well I'd do a lot less, but I'd throw out what help I can for them, regardless of if I'd get payed back or not.

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That is quite a noble pursuit Mr. Soldati.

Helping others in any capacity is certainly something that benefits both parties. It brings aid to those who require it and allow them to see the good in the world. It also is humbling to able to provide assistance to someone in need. It also does not necessarily need to be occupational, though as mentioned, that is what most people drive toward in life. How to make money. But anything really. There are many people in all walks of life, who place the dollar before them and scale their lives to fit that bill, when the bill should never be part of their life equation. Money will always come and go, but finding that one thing in life you would give it all up for, is worth more than money every could be.

Money doesn't make the world go round. It is those who step up to the plate and play for the love of the game, that make it all worth watching.

That's my take on it, anyway. But of course, many views can be correct

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If im honest, this is the hardest question you have asked us for me to answer.

What would i do for free you ask? If im honest, for the most part i would do for free what others would do for me for free, or atleast what i would hope another would do for me for free. Although i do have my morals, if i saw an old lady crossing the street, i would help her. If i found a wallet, i would return it. etcetera.

As for occupationally? I would write for free, i would love to write a novel. I would also join the army and defend my country for free.

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Hello Don Dimitri,

I do hope this question, see's a few to considering the notion, even if they don't speak to it here. Though the question may be hard, the answers you find, may be well worth the challenge.

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Well, like a lot of people, I'd write for free. Writers don't really ... try to get paid, but if it just so happens that they write something marketable... then cheers.

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I do many things for the pure challenge of it, especially assassinations. Even if the person who requests me to do it is extremely poor, as long as the reason is legit and the problem interesting enough, I do it as long as it doesn't affect my family in any way. For me, life is more about wading through problems than receiving rewards for doing so. Not that I wouldn't take money from one who isn't well off - I need to maintain myself - I just don't count money to be the almighty factor that dictates my every move. I would also do whatever my family and friends want, within reasonable limits.

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I help little old ladies cross the street, because I'm a true gentlemen. Otherwise, there is a fee for everything else I do.

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I really enjoy hitting people. I never charge, of course, because it is a passion of mine and I feel it really makes a difference in their lives.

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hmm, there are lots of stuff I would do for free. Like eat food.......but seriously I think I would travel for free. I'd get to see the world and I wouldn't spend a dime to do it.

Someone whispers in Amelia's ear

Ohhh, you mean what would I do without getting payed in return! Well.....that list is a bit absent today. Let me go home and find it.

Amelia walks away laughing and a big guy from the back of the group hands her $10

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Quasimodo listens on as each person considers the question.


Each of you seem to have begun to think about just what it is in life that you would do for free and with excellent result. As we walk through life, this is something we should always have in the forefront of our minds, never forgetting exactly what it is we cherish so dearly in life. Surrendering ourselves to what we find most passionate, what we find most endearing in life, is the only way we can ever truely live to our full potential.


As you each carry on and the rest who've past by but not spoken carry on, ask yourself the question. But only do so, if you are ready to find the answer.   

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