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Taking A Smoke Break In Detroit. Started by: BoardwalkEmpire on Feb 07, '12 00:18

It was a sunny afternoon in New Orleans, when Clyde wipped the sweat from his brow. He was working hard to earn for his CL, The CancerousTumor. It was a normal day, like every other.


Clyde would stop by one of his rackets to collect his half. Then he'd take a stroll to acouple of the hottest clubs in New Orleans to discuss business with his closest associate, BoardwalkEmpire.


Haha, I just saw him last week. Clyde said to BoardwalkEmpire. Yea, doesnt he have that strange look on his face? Haha. BE replied with a chuckle


Before the next word was spoke between them, a Bodyguard walks up to Clyde to tap him on his shoulder.


You and the Boss needs to talk, Mr. Clyde. Clyde knew by the look in that Bodyguards eye, that it was the Big man, Godfather Stamina. Without a noice, Clyde was out of his seat


and heading to Godfather Stamina's office. Soon as he got there, the door was already open with Stamina and Immortal chatting.


Clyde, a word if possible? Stamina said, with a joyful sounding in his voice. Yes Godfather, of course. Anything you need.


Stamina pulls Clyde to the side. I like how your progress is doing in this city. Everyone does. Here in New Orleans, we reward hard work. And I think your time has come.


He said with a smile. I want you to go to Detroit, start up your own thing. Make ties, become strong. I know your do great.


Clyde look speechless, and then finally started up a smile. Thank you, Godfather Stamina, I am honored that you have allowed me to do this. I have some trusted people

 that i want to be my hands. Ill take, BoardwalkEmpire as my Right and Bonnie as my Left.


Stamina nods his head, and ask. You have a name for your family? Clyde replies with, La Fumatori Salone.


A few hours later.. Two Gentlemen arrive in a place called MotorCity. One of them holding keys to a new HQ. Clyde begins to say. Welcome to Detroit.

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ThirdSun walks into the streets upon hearing the news of Clyde's venture into New Orleans and smiles.


I do not need to speak on behalf of this man or his greatness as I am sure his actions will speak for themself but this man is a man of a wonderful family line that have graced these streets for nearly 5 years. His great-grandfather took the time to teach my ancestors how to move and act in this thing of ours and for that I am grateful. Although, my father was a real bastard and ignored all the wonderful values that Clyde's family once taught them - I took heed to this great man's advice. I followed the steps of Clyde's family and now only hope that I walk in his footsteps.


This isn't a man who smiles when other's die or when they are in ruins. He cares about his family, his city and his good name. I wish you, Clyde, my best friend, fellow mafioso and brother the best of luck in your new venture and although we may be many miles away - may we both excel in our own cities and watch them rise to the greatness they both are known for.


My beautiful city is run by a wonderful upper structure and I know that your city will too gain a perfect reputation as a city where any man would be proud to earn his button in. 


You & your right hand man are encouraged to always stop by Chicago's business district for a drink with myself or my fellow mafiosos. 


I anticipate a strong brothership between yourself and Chicago's auth as well as all the other cities that will join you in this new "powerhouse". 


I commend Godfather Stamina, City Leader Monet & all the other city leaders on taking part in such a phenomenal venture in building up a new city to prosper.


ThirdSun walks up Clyde & Boardwalk Empire and gives both a hug and a kiss on each cheek and lightly mutters, "No Homo" then walks back and catches the first bus back to Chicago to discuss with Consigliere Slab & Boss FattyFats what color drapes to hang up in the new headquarters... Slab insists on burgundy but I personally think it brings the whole look down and makes it way to dreary.. FattyFats has yet to respond with his opinion as he has been at the pub for the last 13 hours and cannot currently locate his feet.... 

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Congrats! Excited to see what Detroit builds up to.

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Congratz Clyde,i know you`l do a great job,good to see you up :).Aswell,happy to see the empty city`s are filled up :)

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Clyde I must say I am very glad to see you get this oppertunity. I know that you are very deserving of this, and you will do the city of Detroit well. Take this and fly with it. We wish you well and all of Detroit!

Immortal smiles as she gets into a car and heads back to New Orleans.

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Clyde my good friend. Congrats on founding your own family. Noone deserved auth more than you in my opinion.

Do us all proud mate.

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Congrats to my dear friend Clyde. Its going to be a pleasure working for you in Detroit!

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Clyde, my brother, i am glad to see you finally get your chance. I am very pleased to work along side you. Congrats!

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ZZ Walks in and says "Wow ur an idol to all low ranking members who have hopes of getting to CL early ur great Clyde and I can forget Bonnie and BE"

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Congratulations Clyde. I wish you all best in your new ventoures.

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Congrats on getting authed in Detroit Clyde. I wish you and your new family the best of luck.

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<em>A smile crosses Mira's face when she hears the news.  She picks up the phone and orders a box of the best Turkish Cigeretts to be delivered to Clyde with this on the written on the note</em>

Clyde, Congratulations!!!

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Chris walks up to Clyde and claps him in a bear hug

This is great news my friend i am so happy to see you helping to rebuild Detroit a city i think has been left unopened to our way of life far to long, I know you will do great things in the motor city congrats my friend

Chris hands Clyde a bottle of whiskey

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Congrats lad's I know you guys will do great down in Detroi, wish yous the best of luck!

Salmon salutes both Clyde and BWE, thens swims off into the darkness.

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Congratulations Clyde! Its a great day seeing a friend given the nod to start a family of their own and wishing them the best of luck. As ThirdSun said, who am I to tell everyone of the great things you and your fathers father once married then removed have accomplished within their time. Your a great man and choice to be building and helping along side the others in Detroit. Its an honor working within the same city as you. My great great grandfather once had the privlage to work with you in St.Louis. I'm looking forward to getting to do the same here in Detroit.

Cheers bud! Tonight we shall celebrate!

Batman searches his suit and reveals a flask of whiskey and tosses it over to Clyde.


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I hope to learn more about you then I already know. The city should be able to progress very smoothly with all of us working together. I look forward to the future and wish you the best of luck as a Crewleader. May both your hands have a blessed road ahead of them. As you can see we have a lot of things to touch to make this city what its potential hold. Congratulations Clyde it is an honor.

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Congratulations Clyde, We both know a brilliant work that we left in New Orleans, And I hope that we can continue the same method of work out here in MotorCity!


Runs off to get back to his lab!

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Congratulations Clyde!

Senka holds up some of the beer for him that she could find.

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congrats mate

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Congratulations my friend :)

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