Get Timers Now!
Jun 02 - 10:48:17
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Last of the Banditos Started by: Technical on Feb 07, '12 02:21

Technical woke up in the middle of the night sweating, from a storm around 3am, he couldn't stop thinking how something was keeping him from sleeping, besides the storm. He went to his fridge to make him a cold glass of milk but before he could get there his phone rang. He picked up the phone and the first thing he heard was Senka's voice calling his name telling him to get down to the park.


Senka what is going on? You don't usually call me at 3am to meet at a park where nobody in there right mind would be up. I am on my way though.


Senka yelled at him for being what she calls morning stupid. She assured him there were going to be lots of people there and don't forget to bring a loaded gun then she hung up the phone. Technical after hearing that immediately grabbed his gun and ammo got dressed and headed to the park as fast as possible. Technical finally arrived at the park and he saw Senka, Jessie_Pinkman two of his closest friends.


Hey Senka I'm here what's going on? Hey there Jessie_Pinkman glad to see you here.


Technical shook hands with both Senka and Jessie_Pinkman. He pulled out his gun to confirm it was loaded and bullet in the chamber and safety off. He holstered his gun and looked back to Senka as she was explaining that there was a feud with a gang of some sort. She explained that this was war. Technical looked at the large group of friends and family around him and gave them all his recognition with a head nod. He felt proud that this many people were here to protect the city. He wanted to keep the morale up so he thought a speech would be necessary.


Everyone thank you for coming you don't know how much this means to me. We are here to protect this Family, we are the Banditos! Nobody can take what we have from us without a fight. We are here to prove that today...


Not long into the speech a gun shot was heard and a bullet went past Technical. Technical pointed and said


Prove it to me now! FIGHT!


Technical pulled out his gun and shot were heard everywhere, members from both sides were being killed by the seconds. Technical shot two rushing towards Jessie_Pinkman and watched their eyes go blank. Everyone was taking cover behind whatever they could find bodies were filling the park's playground. After an hour of shots being fired it was a graveyard and all that were left on both sides were four on each side. Senka rushed the park bench where one was crouched behind and shot him thru the heart. Jessie_Pinkman looked at Technical and did a gesture that signaled to rush one of the enemies behind a huge tree from each side. Technical nods and jolted along with Jessie_Pinkman to each side, after reach the enemy all you could hear was the shots of two guns at the same time. The target fell immediate to the ground. The two other enemies rushed a member of Technical's family. Three shots were fired and two people fell. The survivor was not a Bandito and he noticed he was the only one left from his side me made a run for an alley way. Senka from the park bench cut him off and pushed him to the ground and held him at gun point and looked at Technical and Jessie_Pinkman. Both of them ran over to the survivor. Everyone put there gun sights to the back of his head and Technical said.


We are the Last of the Banditos. And Tylerdurden don't you ever forget it!


Technical, Senka, and Jessie_Pinkman all pulled their triggers.

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See what I've told you friends!? The Durdens are a menace!

But all other thoughts aside, Technical. You've worked very hard in New York, and have done both Clarity and I proud. You've earned this opportunity to set up in Detroit, there is no question about that. I know you will continue to do us proud in your new role. Best of luck to you, Senka, and Jessie_Pinkman. If you need anything, New York is just a hop, skip, jump, and couple hours flight away.

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Congrats Technical and great fight out there against those Durdens

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Congrats Technical with the auht and good luck in Detroit

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Damn Durdens we cant even send people to other cities without those flower seeking Durdens interfearing.

Congrats Technical i have no doubt in my mind that you will do great over there in detroit congrats mate.



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Trunks approaches the growing crowd and makes his way up to the front to congratulate his friend on his most recent achievement…

Technical it fills me with joy to see you get this opportunity in Detroit, you have defiantly went above and beyond and with us in New York and I know you will only do the same in Detroit, well done and I wish you the best of luck on this new journey though im not to sure you will need it.

Trunks nods and gives Technical a pat on the shoulder before walking away…

Ill be sure to come visit ya in Detroit.

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Jumps down from the ledge of a tall building with a smile looking at Senka and Technical

Congratulations! I have only had the pleasure of hearing about you from the lovely Senka, I look forward to working with each other and getting to know one another better. I wish you the best of wishes in your move to detroit.


Tosses Technical a bottle of Tequilla and goes to celebrate with others nerby

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Congrats man hope to see Detroit turn into one amazing city!

Salmon swims up and down the river in excitement.

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Congratulations Technical on your newly purchased HQ in Detroit Rock City..

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Congratulations on your move, Technical.

Like Batman i've only heard of you via your RH Senka. I look forward to seeing you both build something in Detroit.

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Congrats Technical to you and your family and to the city of Detroit. We will do awesome out here and work together and prosper!

I have very happy to have you on board man. Lets show everyone that we all can build this city.

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Congrats Technical, I wish you the best in Detroit. 

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Senka wipes the blood off her hands onto her pants. Turning her attention to her good friend Technical she smiles.

Congratulations! I look forward working with you and Jessie_Pinkman to build our family as well as all of Detroit to build up the city once again.

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congrats mate.

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BE looks over to Tech and smiles.

Glad to see you in Detroit as well. I look foward to working with you. And both your hands. Congrats on the family man.

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I got a question for you... What does this city know about luxury? hu?

What does a town... Thats been to hell an back know about the "finer" things in life?...

Well I'll tell ya... More then most... Ya see Its the hottest fires that make the hardest steel, Add hard work and conviction and the know-how that runs generations deep in every last one of us...

Thats who we are... Thats our story... Now its probably not the one you've been reading about in papers. The ones being writtin by folks whom have never even been here and don't know what were capable of...

Because when it comes to luxury... Its as much about where its from... As who its for...

Now were from America... But this isnt New York City... Or the Windy City... Or Sin City... And were certainly noones Emerald City...

This is the Motor City... And this is what we do.

Congratulations Technical, Your bloodline has deserved this for a long time, And I am pleased to see you finally get your shot in the spotlight.

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It really warms my heart to see this bloodline in power. Long over due eh mate! Congradulations to you sir. I am sure the Banditoes will be a lovely outfit. 

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Congratulations Technical on your own city and promotion.  I hope you stop in New York every once in a while and visit us!

Lorna tries to hale a cab but has a little trouble as she didn't look like a normal girl with all her stitches in her face and neck.

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Congratulations Technical - I wish both to you and your city all the best of luck

Once more, gratz!

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