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The Bandito Bar. Started by: Leo on Feb 11, '12 14:27

Down by the docks of Detroit stood one bar far from any others. It was old and backed onto a warehouse, making it an ideal place to conduct business. Upon entering you are greeted by usual bustle of a bar, men ordering drinks and a band playing on a small stage in the corner. Over in the opposite corner sat six men playing poker with a seventh standing blocking a door behind the table. When the guy told you to visit the Banditos he gave you one instruction, to head straight for that corner of the bar and hand a note to the standing man. You read the note the moment he handed it to you to get some idea of what the Banditos actually do. It simply read:

"Bandito Business"

You stride over to the corner and notice people's eyes tracking you as they begin to realise where you are headed, but the bustle does not stop. Ignoring the table full of men you approach the man by the door and casually hand him the tattered note. The man quickly unfolds it by his waist and glances down before he steps aside and opens the door revealing a long corridor with what appeared to be a vault door at the end of it. A desk with a woman sitting at it was right along side the massive metal vault door, as you walk down the corridor the woman stands and smiles.

"Hello and welcome to The Banditos hideout. You will quickly be subject to a search and any firearms or weapons will be confiscated before entering. You can get these back as soon as you leave." She motioned an arm at the man who had followed you in whom was guarding the door.

The door at the other end was shut now and the corridor was quiet except for a single ticking clock. The man patted you down and disarmed you, placing all of your weapons in the desk draw ready for your return on the way out. The woman proceeded to enter a code on a lock and place a key from a chain around her neck into the vault door. You manage to get a glimpse of the code as she enters it noticing a one and a 4. The vault door made a hissing sound as its seal was broken followed by the sound of music coming from inside, and a very strong smell of drugs. Stepping back as the door swung open you see that it is a large metal room, a comfy looking seat facing a couch with a small table are the immediate furnishing you notice. A few steps in to the room you walk to the back of the chair and take in the surroundings.

On the couch infront of the chair sat a man in a suit, a large sack of weed was on the seat next to him. He had a large bud out and was inspecting and smelling it. Just to the right a man in a trench coat and fedora was sitting at his desk, rolling a coin over his knuckles and leaning back on his chair with his feet on the desk. The desk a little further back from the two had been made into a cubicle by mountains if blue crystals bags, stacked like sandbags. To the left of that sat a well dressed man, inspecting a old rifle scope behind his desk. At the back was an office door which had the name "Technical" stenciled onto the window.

"Sit down, what can we do for you today?" The suited man, nodded to the comfy chair you are standing behind and put the fist sized bud he was holding into the sack.

You sit down in silence.

"Oh you haven't been here before? The name is Leo, let me explain what we do here. We take on all kinds of jobs..." Leo explained, leaning forward a bit.

"In our line of work, sometimes It's better to pay someone to do a job for you than to take the heat yourself." Leo lit a cigarette and sat back.

"If you need help reminding that business owner why he pays his protection money for instance." The man on Leo's right interjected.

"This is Valentino, in that fort of meth is Jessie Pinkman and that's Valmont with the scope. One of us will complete the job within 2 days after it has been accepted. So, now you know what's going on. State your business and leave, then we will contact you if we will do the job." Leo explained.

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Sneaker hears of a new service in Detroit and finds it hoping they can help her where no one else has been able to. She walks in and looks around. She heads towards the back, knocks on the door with "Technical" stenciled on it and enters. She sees a man who must be the one she is looking for and takes a seat.

I presume you are Leo. Let me explain my situation. I understand you may be the only man who can help me. Everywhere I go I am followed. I believe it is someone who was connected to a family member of mine. I'd like this tail to disappear. They are interfering with my business. You can reach me at this number. I will pay any price.

Sneaker slides a piece of paper towards the man. With her business having been stated, Sneaker stands and leaves disappearing into the streets of Detroit.

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Djosefin walked into the bar which was on the note that she had recieved a few hours ago. He mind was still a bit all over, but she was content to have made it to the bar without getting lost. She almost didn't notice the woman there to take her gun from her. Djosefin smiled and handed over her gun and walked into the middle of the room. She felt lost. She decided to go towards the bar and order herself a drink to calm her nerves and wait to see what happens next.

'Hope you know what your doing Djosefin...' mumbling to herself, she sat there thinking about the note and what it meant.

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Djosefin could hear voices. She thought she was hearing things, but that realized she was sitting down with a man sitting in front of her. He looked at her oddly, when she figured out she had completely lost herself. The man spoke as she tried to regain herself in her frustration.

"The name is Leo..."

Remebering the name from the note she had recieved, she shook her head slightly.

"Yes, I was wondering. I made it here as soon as I could and I need help with a man named Eddie. A crooked cop who's mouth hasn't been sealed tightly. If you say you can do the job, I need him out of the picture as soon as possible. I am quite sorry for my odd behavior, but I have too many things going on at once. It's a rather bad habit I have. Anyways, after you are done with him, find me for the money.

Getting up, she walked out the building and back outside. Shaking her head, she tried to figure out what she was going to do from here.

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Sitting down inside Jessie's meth fort Leo took the joint Jessie was offering him and took a few drags before speaking.

"So, I got Valentino to track down that guy from the Sneaker case. Found him in no time.." Taking a few more drags he passed it back to Jessie.

"Typical Valentino, can't help but do a job quickly." Jessie chuckled, smoke billowing as he did so.

"Valmont is in Philly, the guys last known location. Should be picking him up in about an hour and taking him to our safe house on the outskirts of town." Leo took out his little black notebook and flipped it open to the case in question.

It was a strange case, a drug dealer from Philly with an obsession with a button woman. To the point of stalking, when Valentino found the guys hideout, a dark attic above a furniture shop, he described it as 'highly disturbing' what he had found. Apparently they had met at some run of the mill drug deal, his name is Frank Lebbota. He had never been able to make it into a legitimate family and was operating alone, under the radar.

"Alright, let's get this thing done." Jessie said, putting the joint in an ashtray and standing up.

Leo followed suit and the two headed out, on their way to catch a plane...

"I'm just saying, if we hadn't stopped to sell that Cocaine we would have got here a lot sooner." Leo grumbled as he and Jessie walked up the path to the derelict house they used to conduct business in Philly.

"Stop complaining, Frank isn't going anywhere. Valmont got him, he's not about to get away with Valmont guarding him." Jessie said as he swung open the door, inside was empty and dirty.

The two headed to the basement of the house, as they carefully traversed the stairs they noticed the plastic sheets covering the floor. In the middle of the otherwise empty basement sat a shirtless man tied to a wooden chair, his face bruised and bloody.

"Nice of you to join us, took your time didn't you?" Valmont grinned as he spoke, stepping into the light of the single hanging light above the bonded man. Valentino was leant casually against the wall smoking a cigarette, his knuckles looked sore as he lifted the cigarette to his mouth.

"P-please... I'll leave town, you'll never see me again... I swear!" Frank began begging for his life and crying. His head slumped in depressed defeat and he sobbed uncontrollably.

"We won't ever see you again, you upset the wrong person and now you pay the price." Jessie snapped at Frank and cracked him across the face, sending blood splattering onto the plastic floor. Jessie walked over to Valentino and quietly spoke to him.

"The place all sorted? Got a car ready?"

"Ready whenever you are, we drawing straws on who's going to help me or what?" Valentino asked as he dropped his cigarette and stepped it out on the floor.

Jessie just smirked and took out his gun, looking down at it he smiled.

"Fuck it, I always draw the short straw anyways!" Jessie laughed, spun round and shot Frank between the eyes. A thud as the chair fell onto Its side, then silence.

"Ok, let's get to work." Jessie said to Valentino, as Leo and Valmont began to make their way up the stairs.

"Well, that's that done." Leo muttered as they reached the front door, the nighttime air was cool and refreshing after that dusty basement.

"So, what's next Leo?" Valmont asked, walking around to the drivers side of his parked car.

"Well we do have another contract pending, but it involves a FBN agent..." Leo sighed as he sat down in the car beside Valmont.

"Risky business dealing in that area Leo, you sure It's wise?" Valmont asked, starting the car.

"Everything we do is risky.... Just have to decide what price matches the risk..."

The two sat in silent contemplation as they pulled away....

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Senka walks into the place heading straight for the door in the corner. As she waits to be let through the hallway she stands as the guy takes her weapons with a sigh of irritation before she continues onto the guys in the back. Brushing her hair out of her face.

"Leo I need your help. I had my most precious necklace taken from me."

She notices the guys chuckle a little bit and glare at them shutting them up.

"Seriously! Technical bought it for me as an engagement present and I fully intended to wear it to our wedding. I need it back before then!"

She clenches her fist with anger as she thinks of her beautiful necklace.

"If you guys can get it back for me I dont mind if that guy gets hurt. Consider it a free kill as long as you dont get blood all over the emeralds. Just please say you'll find it!"

Senka hated going to people for help but she couldnt find it and knew these guys could before her wedding.

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Sneaker gets word that the matter has been taken care of. She walks the streets of New Orleans, St. Louis and Detroit to be sure. Sure enough, she is no longer being followed. She is extremely happy with the prompt service. She shall use Leo's services again as needed. She makes a call and has a box of cigars delivered to Leo. The note simple reads:

Great job!

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Technical walks out of his office because he heard the sound of Senka's voice. He was very business at times but this person was important to him in a way. He walked outside and saw Senka's face was a bit shocked at what had happened. Something about the emerald necklace he had bought for her earlier had been stolen.

Senka when did this necklace get stolen? I will have someone check out this madness. You can't have people taking things from others that I give out.

Technical had reassured Senka that he was on top of things. He wouldn't allow this prick that stole her necklace to go unpunished or escape so stealthily into the shadows. He wanted the whole mistake to not be brought to the police attention. In fact he wanted the personal handling of the situation when the time had come.

Valmont, would you please go grab some of your associates and figure out what the hell happened? Leo if you hear any word from anyone in the bar you bring that news straight to me!

Technical playing the pissed part awfully well, a little to well, knew that this was the chance to see how his family acted under his command. Not one second of delay. Technical walked into his office to wait on the word.

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Senka was stunned at the sound of Technical's voice. She had been hoping to retrieve the necklace before he knew about it being missing. She quickly wiped the already forming tears from her eyes and slowly turned around to face him.

It was a few days ago before I came here. At first I thought I had been forgetful again and searched everywhere in the house. Then when I knew the place was completely empty of the necklace I checked the HQ.

Brushing her hand across her cheek before she continued.

Once the HQ was searched for I knew it was stolen. There is no other place it could have gone since Im so busy between home and work.

Senka tosses up her hands in frustration as she starts to pace the room. Feeling slightly better at the comforting words of her husband as she paced back and forth. Deciding to go back home in hopes the necklace would magically reappear before her next business meeting.

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Technical had been staring at his watch for quite some time now. He knew that word would not come so quickly about Senka's stolen necklace. He decided to go into his drawer and retrieve his private flask. He finished off the entire thing within about forty-five minutes he started to get this warm fuzzy feeling and he knew it wasn't Fozzie. Fozzie would be much more unpleasant of a feeling. This feeling made him very tired and happy. Technical started drifting to sleep spouting off random words about certain situations he had been in before.

That doesn't go there! Make me some more coffee damn it. What does this button do?

After a few more mumbled words Technical's head hit the desk and he was out for the count like a little baby. He knew that someone would wake him up if they had to about any information regarding the necklace. It seemed that no leads were being found to his eyes. Technical drifted into a dream.

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Leo tapped gently on Technical's shoulder to wake him from his drunken slumber.

"Hey boss, I got some news on the necklace. It's not much but you wanted to be notified on any new developments." Leo cleared his throat and sat down opposite Technical, placing a large envelope on the desk.

"As far as we have gathered the necklace was last seen a few days ago in Vegas. Some FBN agent from Delaware city used it as a deposit on $1.5 million worth of chips in the casino and cleared the place out. It's possible that Tyler Durden might be involved somehow. I've got Valentino tracking the agent, following his pattern. If we ever want to see that necklace again we will have to take this slow. If we just grab the guy and he doesn't have it, It's unlikely he will rat on his friends from Delaware city." Leo sighed and leaned back in his chair. Lighting a cigarette Leo continued.

"This is a big job, we are going to need as many Banditos as are available to help."

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Tehnical was dreaming of his childhood when Leo tapped on his shoulder. Leo said he had news on the Necklace.

Yeah, Leo what did we find out.

Technical listened to Leo tell him that the necklace is being traded around by possible Delaware connections. Hearing TylerDurden might be involved he started listening intently. He heard Leo say that Valentino was on the case and this thrilled Technical.

Valentino that man has some skills, I know Valentino will get the job done. We need to let Jessie_Pinkman and Odysseus involved in this!

Technical finished talking to Leo in his office. After a few short minutes they got Jessie_Pinkman on the phone to make him aware of what was going on. He tried to reach Odysseus but to no avail. Jessie_Pinkman was on his way to the bar.

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“Watch your hands!” Jordan said as the man at the door patted her down. “If you wanna get that friendly with me buy me dinner first.” The man didn’t respond. Obviously he was a tough and quiet type. Perfect man, Jordan thought and smirked as she walked past him and into the vault, where the strong aroma of marijuana and whiskey made her smile and feel at home.

After looking around the room Jordan spotted the desk and Technical sitting behind it talking on the phone. He waved to her and pointed at one of the chairs in the room. Jordan smiled and nodded then sat down. As she waited she took a cigarette out of her purse and gently tapped it on her lighter before she lit it. She was glad to have the opportunity to sit down and relax for a minute.

When Technical was finished with his conversation on the phone both leaders stood up to greet each other with a hand shake and small talk. Jordan was glad to have time to chat with the man who use to work with her in Godfather Clarity’s family. It seemed like a long time since they were both working their way up the mafia ranks.

“I wish I was only here for pleasantries, old friend.” Jordan said after they caught up. “Unfortunately I have a little problem I need your help with.”

They both sat down as Jordan explained, “I’ve been buying grain alcohol from a local dealer here in Detroit for months because it’s so cheap. I have none of the usual problems with the shipments. The trucks always arrive on time and the quantity of cases are never short. The problem I have is when the booze arrives in New York it’s watered down.” Jordan frowned sadly and added, “I noticed it last week when I wanted a drink at the end of a long day. I had to drink two bottles instead of the usual one just to pass out that night.”

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Technical was on the phone still talking to Jessie_Pinkman when he saw Jordan out of the corner of his eye. He waved to her and pointed to the chair in the room. He got off the phone and greeted her. Technical could not believe his eyes. Jordan had come to the Bandito Bar. He gladly listened to what she had to say. He kept thinking about all the good times he had when he was under Clarity's family. After Jordan had finished with the discussion about Grain Alcohol being cheap but alcohol level dropping it seems this issue needs to be addressed. He was unaware of this problem.

I see, I can not have the manufacturers of the Grain Alcohol making their product's quality worse. I will have someone let them know that they should increase the alcoholic content put have the prices remain the same for trying such a tactic without confronting me. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, what they are trying to do is unacceptable and I will see to it that it's taken care of.

After reassuring Jordan of the product she finds interest in will become better in quality, he called Valentino into his office. Only a few minutes and Valentino appeared in his office.

Valentino we have a problem with our Grain Alcohol in Detroit and we need to make them think twice about it. Will you please go to the suppliers and give them a message in whatever way you feel necessary?

Technical write message on a piece of paper and hands it to Valentino. The instructions were kept between Technical and Valentino. He refocused his attention back to Jordan.

Jordan how has your stay been in Detroit? I know you have much business in New York. I am glad you came to visit this city, it means a lot to me.

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Senka walks back into the Bandito Bar after having been searched and having her guns removed. She glared behind her at the door man and moved towards Technical. Realizing that a woman she didn't know was talking to him she backed off and went around to Leo. Tossing her head in Technical's direction she starts to ask Leo questions.

How long has he been here? Any news yet on the necklace?

Wringing her hands nervously in her lap after having taken the seat in front of Leo's desk she looked to her friend to find out what sort of news she was in for. Never being able to read him she sighed in frustration and kept moving around in her chair like a little kid in school.

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Leo leaned forward, letting out a sigh as he rested his elbows on his knees. He looked tired, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and opened it up, it was empty.

"Great, got a spare cigarette? Yeah sorry I've been busy trying to catch up with this lead, plus a few other side jobs. Gotta have your fingers in a lot if pies in this business, sometimes you can get your hands full."

Leo glanced over at the office at the back where Technical sat with Jordan. Leo lowered his tone alittle.

"Not sure, she came in and went straight to Technical's office. She must be a high up, I think she comes from New York. Something about weak grain alcohol, Valentino is dealing with it I think."

Leo looked back at Senka.

"I think if you ask Jessie he can help you out on the Delaware lead, he had a run in with some Durdens the other day."

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Jessie sitting at the blackjack table in The last of the Casinos with Valmont he had been winning for a few hours now Valmont hadnt been so lucky, Jessie recieved a note from one of the Hotel receptionists about a telephone call via a secure line in his room, Knowing he had noted telling them he wasnt to be bothered unless it was of importance. Heading back to his room, he got to the telephone.

"Jessie! a guy called RobertStelly has got me in Chicago!"

"Oh... thats just Sewell!"

The line went dead.

"Oh great..."

Jessie decides to head straight to the bar to try to get ahold of Technical for advice, They had sent Swell to collect some evidence on a neckless case that Leo and Valentino had been working on. There was something in the pit of Jessies stomach not to like the idea... There was something about Swells voice that Jessie didnt like... But it did seem like genuine desperation...

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Senka smiles at Leo.

Thanks. Guess I could wait over by his desk to see if he pops in sooner than later while I wait on Technical.

Grabbing her coffee and an outdated newspaper, Senka sits at Jessie's desk to wait for him. She was getting anxious to have her necklace back and knew the boys were doing their best to find it for her.

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Arriving back at the Bandito Bar, Jessie heads in through the front door and orders a drink from the bar...

"Bottle of Whisky and a few glasses when you get the chance, bring em out the back."

Heading out the back Jessie nods at Leo and Senka... heading to Jessies chest of office draws behind his desk he opens it and begins rummaging around.

"I have some bad news guys... Is Tech about? I believe a friend of mine in the FBN has got involved with the Tylers and this necklace business..."

Jessie scratches his brow and watchs the waiter bring the bottle of whisky and a few glasses.

"Thank you..."

Jessie heads to the whisky pours a glass and downs it in one.

"I need Techs confirmation that his ok for me to deal with... then I need to know whos going to come with..."

Jessie pours and downs another glass before lighting a cigarette and heads back to rummaging through his draws.

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Senka moves out of the way for Jessie before pulling up the chair on the other side.

What's happened?

She grabs her coffee and waits for his explanation on whats happened with her necklace. She was getting more irritated with the lack of it.

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Detroit Business District
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