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The events of tonight Started by: LargeHamster on Feb 14, '12 14:45

LargeHamster steps out of his HQ a little tired and one side of his face rosey red

Ladies and gentlemen, i hope i find you all fit and well. I have came out here today to talk to you about the actions which led to the removal of Rick James tonight.

LargeHamster sighs

Rick James approched me in the early evening yesterday and said he had a proposal for me something that could make detroit a great powerhouse. Which of course i wanted to listen if it had something to do with the strength of the city that i call home, i listened to him and shocked by what i was hearing my reaction was utter disbelief. This man was trying to get approval for me to step down or thats how i took it anyway listening on his objective sounded a little obvious all he wanted was more members and in return i get cheaper bodyguards. But if that wasnt enough there is more half way through his brilliant idea he insulted me calling a fellow crew leader weak. it was something that noone should do but this guy done it.

Walking down a set of stairs he bowed his head

I then spoke to Technical and Clyde about the goings on of the last few hours and we came to an agreement that something had to be done and we didnt have a moment to waste. I must say today is a sad day as we lost a member of detroit, however i promise Detroit will flourish over the coming monthes of course we will be adhering to the rules accross all the cities in regards to keeping only enough crews which are needed and no others will be going up until current limit is met. I would also like to request that you spare your bullets however for the tagged homeless of the The Motown Superfreak and allow them to find a home.

Thank you very much.

Largehamster walks back up the steps to his Headquaters

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From what you say the man challenged your strength and balls, it would appear you taught him a valuable lesson. Only the strong survive. Bold move on his part but the gamble didn't pay off.


Personally, I would done the same thing given the circumstances providing the information is all valid. Let me be clear, I am not challenging your word sir, but I am a realist and I know there are three sides to every story.


*Tips hat before departing*

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I must say, you must have some very large lungs to be splurting all that out without taking a breath!

That aside, you did what you thought was right for the city. Kudos. Even if us as the community don't agree with it (I'm not saying we don't), it doesn't really matter.

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Leo steps out of the darkness of a small alleyway in between two coffee shops. In a full black body suit including a black balaclava covering everything but his two deep killer eyes.

"What needed to be done has been done. RickJames never fitted into the Detroit style setup, his late arrival in Itself showed how unreliable he could be. I am sure there are many reasons for these actions, I just hope his offspring has some self respect and does not come to the streets and make a fool of himself.

Leo steps backwards into the alleyway and disappears from view again.

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It's pretty good to see Detroit uniting and acting together as a city to defend itself. Hopefully the city can grow from now on.

I also beleive the decision of taking RickJames out was right on the money, considering it is known that he has been offering credits to other cities to take the other leaders of Detroit out.

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The fact that you were too dense to accept the fact that he truly wanted to actually make Detroit something is unfortunate. However, it is your loss in the end with Clyde or Tech take you out next when they decide they want one of their bg'd up members to step up. He didn't have the idea to "have more member" it was so that since you were only protected along with many of your members, you would have the chance to make yourself strong as well and as be able to set up again with a powerhouse of protection so to speak.

By the way, Leo, If you would have possibly paid attention to his rank. It is kinda hard to set up with everyone else when he wasn't made man yet. He had demoted and bg'd up before even being aware of the opportunity in DT. Should gets your facts down before trying to sound like you know what you are talking about.

This just shows once again, that the same people are going to be authed and the outsiders you could say will never truly have an opportunity.

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Leo stepped back out of the shadows.

'It is kinda hard to set up with everyone else when he wasn't made man yet. He had demoted and bg'd up before even being aware of the opportunity in DT'

"Everyone else had not demoted for BGs, because it is not about how well protected you are that defines a mobster. Just because I have none does not make me 'weak', but apparently RickJames was driven by the ambition of many BGs. In this he insulted another Detroit leader, one who I will add had not taken demotion for BGs and arrived on time, by calling him 'weak' because he had fewer BGs than Rick."

Leo grabbed a newspaper from a stand nearby.

"As you can see by the obits, Rick was shown that the amount of protection you have is only as useful as the man behind it. As the saying goes, only the strongest survive."

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Marston listens to what the men are saying and thinks back to the the stories he heard about some of the powerful mobsters of his father's time...

Leo, I agree with what you are saying with regards to bodyguards not making you any better at being a mobster, or any more of a man, however, not having this protection does make you susceptible to attacks. Without some form of protection a leader can be vulnerable to even amateur marksmen, which in our way of life is very risky and a leader is no good to his crew if he is dead.

Now if you look at arguably the most successful leader of recent time, Roman, until the very end he had an army of bodyguards... I'm not saying this attribute alone was the key to his success, he used initiative, diplomacy, brute force and cunning to build his empire, but without his vital level of protection he may well have fell at one of the early hurdles he faced in life.

So with regards to RickJames, I can see where his idea was coming from, however, the way in which he approached it was clearly wrong as he now sleeps with the fishes, rest in peace...

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I must say, you must have some very large lungs to be splurting all that out without taking a breath!

That aside, you did what you thought was right for the city. Kudos. Even if us as the community don't agree with it (I'm not saying we don't), it doesn't really matter.

Scratches his head

I'm a little bemused by two of things you chose to say Pratster. First you make a slight on the speaker for his lack of breathing in between telling the story, then you add a rather bizarre comment about the community not agreeing, but then some half hearted attempt to reassure that you aren't saying they do?

I would love to understand the thought process behind such comments to a leader that's out here to give us an explanation for recent events.

I'm mostly confused about your latter comment to be honest, as I don't see why you chose to make it. Either you disagree with the reasons given or you don't, at least choose which it is. Speaking for the community as a whole and then side stepping the comment afterward as though you weren't originally implying anything is just strange to me.

.. Anyway, I stopped mostly to thank LargeHamster for explaining the situation to the masses. Its not something a leader is required to do, but is always appreciated by those of us outside the situation itself to understand what caused it.

I'd also like to echo Marston's comment; Protection levels don't make anyone better than anyone else, but they sure as hell make the person safer. A leader's safety is paramount to the survival of the family itself. The safer the leader, the safer the family.

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Fozzy, as far as commenting on the amazing set of lungs LargeHamster has goes, I don't see a problem with it. Maybe if LargeHamster has a problem with me complementing the size of his lungs, he should say so? I very much doubt he needs you out here answering for him.

My second point, granted, was slightly confusing to say the least. My point was that regardless of what the community MAY think, he chose to act upon the situation in whatever way he thought was right. I for one, don't really agree with the reasons, but as I said, it doesn't matter, it's not my place to openly give my opinion on an event of this nature, but since you asked for it, I felt it respectful to give it.

Hope this clears things up for you.

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Well at least you finally have the guts to give your actual opinion, rather than some ambiguous comment about the community.

And frankly if I have an issue with your comment, regardless to whom its directed, I'll feel free to make a comment of my own. Others may think its ok to stand back and watch someone be a smartarse and belittle someone with sly remarks about how they chose to speak, but my principles won't let me do that. If I feel a comment made toward someone in public is unjust, then with it being said in public and thus including us all to sit here and listen, I have every right to give my thoughts on it.

Sorry if that doesn't suit you, but like you said yourself, just because I don't agree with what you said, it doesn't necessarily matter to you, but that doesn't mean I won't at least make the point known that I disagree with your comment.

Hope were both crystal clear now.

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Truly amusing watching everyone making judgments on one side of the story.

Lights a cigar

From what I can see everyone is making statements on rumors or hear-say. It was unfortunate that this happened. This could have been handled better. Rick James may have spoke out of line, I don't know I wasn't there.

But on the other hand LargeHamster may have taken something the wrong way. Still I don't know I wasn't there.

If I stood there and listen to their talk I could make decision for myself who was right and wrong, alas I wasn't.

Regardless, Detroit will thrive better now. From what I have seen if Las Vegas and Detroit if you stick random people in a city hell will break loose. There is so much distrust and rumors that war will happen.

From what I can see from all this Rick was only looking to give LargeHamster and himself a chance in case something did happen.

In the end, We see that people will just other from first glace, it's sad but true.

Rest in peace all who died in Detroit.

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Well the Detroit leaders have to act upon something they believe is a threat. You cannot sit idly by and just hope that what was said was taken in the wrong way. You have to look at every possibility.

If you see one possibility being that he meant he wanted more members and to become stronger than the other leaders in order to maybe take them out. Then you can't sit back and not act upon it. You have to protect your city and your members. 

I believe that there was nothing done wrong here other than on the part of RickJames. He may have had only good intentions but it is something you had to worry about.

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When I start trying to be a smartarse and belittle somebody, make all the comments you like, until then, you could keep it at least civil. Regarding my comment on how LargeHamster speaks, with our world being mostly communication between people, I feel it important that if somebody is going to come out and address us all that they need to know how to speak properly. That's really what I'd expect from a lowly Gangster, nevermind somebody who has been given authorisation to set up their own family.

If this had been a speech made by a lowly Gangster and they had spoken in the same way, I would bet a lot of money that somebody would make a comment, just like I saw somebody do recently to another street speaker. CL's should be setting examples for the rest of us to follow, should they not?

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To be honest Pratster, I truly fail to understand why you felt the need to drop a cheap shot at LargeHamster.

People wonder why people don't come out into the streets much to talk.

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People wonder why the standard of what's in the streets is so low...

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Leo once more appears momentarily.

' People wonder why the standard of what's in the streets is so low... '

It is probably because of street replies like that one.

Leo shook his head as he wandered back into the alleyway.

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I seriously don't know what the problem is. We all got what Mr. Hamster said no matter how he said it. If he chooses to use the full potential of his huge lungs than it should be okay as long as we can understand it. The content is what counts and the content was perfectly understable in my opinion.

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Leo, have you actually been listening to the entire conversation or have you just decided to put in your two cents worth? By the entire conversation I mean Fozzy, Romeo and I's little discussion.

If you have read it, you would understand such a response was in response to Romeo, anything more would've been me repeating myself, making it even lower standard than your two cents worth.

Salvatore, I agree, to an extent. It doesn't take much to learn how to use proper English when conducting yourself in a public place, especially when you are discussing an important event. It woul be much easier to understand having used proper English.

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"Fozzy, Romeo, and I's little discussion" is not proper English, yet your point was clear nonetheless. I believe that was the point Salvatire was trying to make.

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