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After a long day Started by: Dante_Balboni on Feb 18, '12 23:37

Dante steps out of the speakeasy he had been hiding in for some time. Events earlier in the day had taken it out of him, while he was still young in this life stamina over great lengths of time were not his forte. He poured himself a large glass of whiskey and raised it high in the sky.

Friends, family members and those associated with various organizations around the cities. Today has been a long day for all of us. While the latest battle is coming to a close and there is one more to come. I felt that now is the time to come here and to raise a glass to each and everyone of you. You have each shown a strength of courage and character by taking part in todays activities.

takes a sip from his glass and smiles.

Tomorrow will bring a welcome rest to many, but for now the moment enjoy every minute for as we know our life can at times seem very dull and drab. But today has most certainly not been that.

raise his glass once more

To each and everyone of you salut!

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