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Do As I Say Started by: Donnie_Dumphy on Apr 13, '12 19:17

Donnie steps out into the street with a look of annoyance on his face. He walks with purpose to a crowded square, punches the fruit vendor in the nose then climbs on his cart to address the crowd.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I hope the day finds you well. I'm here today to discuss something that I've noticed more and more of late and has really become somewhat of a pet peeve of mine.

"Do as I say and not as I do". It's phrase used often in the realm of parenting. There are other occasions where you might expect to find that kind of attitude however in this thing of ours that kind of attitude is, for the most part, restricted to only Godfathers and Leaders. Even they would be wise to limit the frequency with which they wield such an attitude as doing so may earn them a reputation for arrogance and hypocrisy. Enough so to cause the masses to rise up against them. We've seen it time and again.

Now pickpocketing is an often discussed topic. The rights and wrongs of it according to different people's views are well documented. I'm not here to regurgitate all of that. My thought on the matter at this point is that, since the Gods have deemed pickpocketing to no longer be an attack strictly along the same lines as shooting and the use of one no longer effects the other, it is pointless to fight against the rising tide of pickpockets. I choose not to debate the rights and wrongs of pickpocketing because, in my opinion, the flood gate has been opened and to fight against the use of pickpocketing is to fight a losing battle.

I will, however, stand against another rising tide that I've noticed among people who actively pickpocket. I have come across a several recent incidences of mobsters clearly tagged that they are "pickpocket unfriendly" actively pickpocketing people as well as some advertising their pickpocket prowess attempting to make themselves immune to the risks that a pickpocket by marking themselves with "No mugging". Some even going so far as to send mail complaining about their victim's failure to comply with their hypocrisy.

"Do as I say and not as I do" is reserved for Kings and Queens. Not pickpockets.

I will tell you now that I would advise any member of Los Angeles to mug back anyone who pickpockets them while being marked unfriendly to pickpocketing themselves or would try to negate their risks by a severely misguided marking such as no mugging. I can also assure those that are trying to get away with these double standards that any complaint mail will fall on deaf ears and any attempt to insult or provoke will be seen as such. Los Angeles has always been a pickpocket friendly city and will continue to be but this does not mean that we will sit idly by and allow ourselves to be targeted by those that seek to create a double standard for themselves by marking themselves as unfriendly.

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Pretty strong outburst there, Donnie.

Not that I disagree with you, though. In fact; I'd go as far to say as I fully support your thoughts on the matter. As you can see I am very much the friendly type when it comes to the playfulness of People Picking Pockets. I have no qualms if someone spots me in my attempts and decides to kick my ass for it, such is their right. The fact you've evidently had so many instances of people crying about such things really shows that there are people among us that don't understand our way of life.

If you steal from another criminal, why the fuck does anyone think a simple tattoo on their body is enough to stop that person taking their revenge? Its pathetic. Of course someone is going to kick your ass if you rob them, displaying the fact you don't like others Picking your pocket is only going to further ensure that people will Mug your ass for the sheer hypocrisy.

lets out a huge breath

..So.. as I said Donnie, I concur with your comments and as you may have noticed the other day, PoisonousJelly shares a very similar attitude towards PickPocket squabbles.

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Utopia listens to Donnie with a cigarette in his mouth. Once the speech has ended he throws it on the floor and stamps on it and begins to speak

Pickpocketing should not be something we choose to encounter. We are mafioso and should expect such attacks on us - and I hesitate to say attack as the effects of being on the end of it is so small... what's five grand here or there?

If a city is open to pickpocketing - it should be fair game all round. If not, then who can blame the city leader for wanting to avoid the heat from the police? Pickpocketing should be banned there. Simple as that.

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Ahhhh Yes the old Pick pocketing scandal we know how it goes He stole $5000 off me sob sob sob sob Fuck me what are we? Gansters or school yard children? Its laughable it really is $5000 whats that one drug deal or one organised crime Fuck me its pocket lint to be honest.

And i agree Donnie you have that band of people out there that hide behind there DONT PICK POCKET me and you find there hands in your pockets its the old saying of you cant have your cake and eat it to but yeah Mr Jelly made it perfectly clear the whole he stole money of me is PATHETIC we are fucking criminals not saints.

My take on it is HARDEN THE FUCK UP

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Ter takes a pull of his cigarette as he listens to the speech and conversation...

I think the main squabbles only seem to appear when it goes a step further from Pick pocketing to mugging...

I personally do not allow being mugged, I avoid the people that state they are not Pickpocket friendly, I avoid the people that state that they will mug in return.

So why should I sit back and take it if someone then does mug me? It slows down business, I'm not willing to take a black eye and lose cash on a drug run because someone was to lazy to simple jot down my name and remember to think of it as a fun game...

For the people that genuinely take it as a simple fun game between fellow Mafioso why should they then be treated to a slap in the face when they put so much effort into avoiding it?

Ter takes another pull of his cigarette and waits for some more people to respond...

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I appreciate your eagerness to maintain your earnings, Ter, but you don't make the rules when it comes to members of LA. If don't wish to suffer the consequences of being seen pickpocketing then I suggest you avoid members of LA because I will encourage them to mug back.

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I agree completely Donnie, if you want to go around pick pocketing everyone in site then you should accept receiving the same treatment.

Chris I believe you have failed to see the point of this speech, it is not about whether it is right or wrong to pick pocket, but rather those that pick pocket even though they go out of their way to say they do not wish to be pick pocketed or picketed back.

To be honest Ter when you pick pocket you take the risk of being caught and being thrown a beating, don't want to take a beating then keep your hands to yourself.

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Thank you Donnie, The note has been made in my journal to avoid anyone from the fine city of L.A.

Its just my opinion that the people that mug back... Are infact Pickpocket unfriendly. There is nothing friendly about a slap in the face.

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There is nothing friendly about a slap in the face.

Stealing five grand from someone's pockets isn't really the measure of friendliness either.

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Having listened to Donnie and the conversation he started Kurtz takes a minute to help the poor fruit vendor back to his feet. Handing him a handkerchief and an understanding word.

Try not to dwell on it man. He's a wilful character. It was nothing personal.

Turning to the group he joins the discussion.

I have seen the type of thing you are talking about Donnie. Its a legitimate point you raise and I'm of a similar mind. Personally I couldn't care less if someone picks my pocket or not. At the same time I don't discriminate against people stating that they are in favour or opposed to it. Its a personal preference. I respect people's wishes. If they don't want to have their pocket picked, I won't. Sure, people may do it anyway and come with the bravado of 'well its only five grand, grow up' and all but really, if its such an insignificant amount why not take it from someone who doesn't mind? But anyway, I digress...

My point is that I agree. If you are claiming you don't participate in pickpocket fun then don't do it to people. If you say you are into it then don't cry when someone mugs you in return. Its pretty simple.

Kurtz hands the fruit vendor a dollar and takes a fresh apple from the stall.

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Catriona has listened carefully to the words of those who have already spoken. Considering her own opinion, she decides to add her voice to the mix.

I entirely agree with this speech. To call oneself pickpocket unfriendly and then run around picking other peoples pockets is just downright hypocritical. I personally disagree with anybody being able to opt out of the sport of pickpocketing with a "pickpocket unfriendly" tattoo, but my bloodline has always respected the wishes of the people who have marked themselves as such as it appears to be the way of this thing of ours. When it comes to mugging too, personally, I never try to mug anybody. I'm friendly to pickpockets, and while I will occasionally pick somebodies pockets in return for them picking mine, I TRY not to do it so fast as to cause them to be mugged, but if I was to be mugged, personally, I wouldn't sit and cry about that either. It's just a risk of being caught. I knew that when I picked the pocket in the first place. I personally think pickpocketing would be made a little more interesting if people were asking to stop tattooing their friendlyness to it and such, and just be left to deal with anyone who choses to pick their pockets by either a laugh and a joke, or mugging them back.

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Scott-Weiland was walking around the street, when he heard Donnie_Dumphy speaking of Pick Pocketing and decides to throw his hat in the ring, figuratively, and join the discussion.

Personally, I've never had anything against Pick Pocketing, or mugging. That is what the banking system is for. If you don't want to lose your money, keep it with your banker. However, on the same note, I disagree with the act of tattooing ones self as "Pick Pocket Unfriendly" no matter the time or place, what person has ever stopped in the act of theft because they looked at the person, and saw they were unfriendly to it? Of course they are, you're stealing from them! Despite not agreeing with being unfriendly, I do however respect their wishes.

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Neon wonder's over and giggles. She was quite the pocket thief and always showed back up later to return the cash. She only found the thrill of getting the money worth it, she didn't need the petty cash!

"Ter, I believe that is what you call yourself, Donnie didn't say to mug people who are PP Friendly, he said to mug people who openly say they are PP Unfriendly and maybe the whole no mugging, but more so those who are PP Unfriendly. Why? Well, if you feel that you can pickpocket someone, but then except them not to pick pocket you back, you surely deserve what is coming to you. That would be a mug. If you want to avoid that then just be PP Friendly, as simple as that."

"You can either do that or just don't pickpocket at all. You don't want others sneaking into your trousers then don't stick your hands into other's. I just see that the biggest issue here is the hypocrites that feel they can pickpocket you, but say that they, themselves, aren't open to it."

Nodding, Neon then walked off somewhat dancing to a song that was stuck in her head and humming it as she went along.

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I never really had the habit of pickpocketing and I don't have any intentions of becoming a true pick pocketer either.

However, I must say that I take great satisfaction on mugging people back. If you are not from my city and you pickpocket me, I will mug back and enjoy it very much so, even if it's taken as a slap in the face.

Could mug people back in LA all day, keep them locked in the city longer, criming and earning money to my Godfather. As Benjamin said, time is money!

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