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Jun 01 - 09:18:05
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A new era Started by: Angelo-Scarpa on May 28, '12 00:19

4 months have passes since my father's death...4, but it feels like just yesterday I was hearing the gunshots and screaming in the streets. I was born and raised in Detriot just like my father, or at least that's what he told me. Couple months before this tragedy I got to know the man i never knew existed, I could say it was his fault but it was the same situation for him as well.

Me and my father got to know each other, he came down to Detriot from Vegas, he was from Detriot and left to escape some wannabe thugs he worked with...I never got the full story but I know he spent time in a Detriot prison and was set up by the two brothers he worked with. When one of the two brothers disappeared he took a train to Vegas where he opened a huge establishment called The old country inn. I seen it once he flew me out there to see sin city and it was just my kind of place...the lights, the was all an amazing sight.

Everything was fine, or atleast that's what I thought. About a week before He was killed I found out he was involved with the mob in Vegas, I seen an article about it in the paper. I was young so I just focused on getting to know him more but as I said I never got to know him as well as i wanted to.

Going back to the night he died...I remember he handed me an envolope and said..."Don't open that until you get upstairs ok!". After nodding an ok I turned to go upstairs, before i opened the door he said "one of these days im going to take you to see the horses run".

Little did I know he meant it in a different way, almost like he knew his time was up. I walked upstairs and as soon as my door shut the bullets started flying. I heard screaming and a car peel out, as a natural reaction I ran outside to find my father lying face down, just like that he was gone.

I choose to bottle my emotions and I can remember thinking to myself even though his life style was's what i wanted to do.

I swear I waited at least 2 months before opening the envolope, inside was a key and documentation saying that i was the one to take over as owner for the old country inn.


Took me some time to fly out to Vegas, had alot on my mind but I made it. When I arrived I asked the lady behind the counter for the manager, turned out to be some loud mouth prick who could care less about my father but just wanted his empire. He under estimated me big time, had to scare him a little, turns out I had alot of my father's ways.

Few days later I took a seat in my new office, I had alot to learn, I didn't have the respect my father had in Vegas, that was going to take time...but until then I promised I would get the respect from the workers at my father's establishment. Now that prick who tried taking over my father's empire and who disrespected me...had a little car trouble the next day...nothing a little snip of the brake line coulden't fix. Like i said I had alot of my father's ways and people were going to relize that. The key my father gave me...went to the safe in the office, inside was cash and a list of people to comp when they arrived here...well people and bloodlines. I seen the first two names stood out to me because they were in the paper...Phantom_Menace and Romeo. There were also other's Jordan, Soldier and a bunch more. All i could do is hope some of them would find me.

As far as the Old country inn, it's under new management.

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The cold blooded murder of a dancer in her club was on Innocence’s mind as she paced around in her office. As the minutes passed she became more angry. The murder wasn’t business. It was personal. Innocence was anxious to find the killer and teach him a lesson. On the desk the phone rang loudly. The club owner quickly picked it up and listened to a few words by one of her contacts on the streets.

“Keep looking.” Innocence ordered angrily. “I don’t care if you have to go all the way down to the hillbilly hills of Kentucky to find the fucker. Do whatever it takes.”

As Innocence hung up the phone there was a knock on the door. It was the club’s bouncer, Michael. They talked about the dead dancer for a few minutes then the bouncer opened his jacket and took out an envelope. He handed it to Innocence and explained, “This is from your friend in Vegas, the one you asked to watch the Inn.”

“Thank you, Mikey.” Innocence said and opened the envelope. “Finally some good news.” The mobster commented as she read the letter about the Inn being under new management, the original owner’s son. “I’ve been looking for this guy for years. He might have some information I’ve been looking for.” Innocence put the letter back in the envelope and turned to Michael. “Tell Warped I’m going to Vegas for a day or two. She can run the club while I‘m gone.”

“But..” The tall bouncer cleared his throat and asked, “What should I tell people when they ask who Warped is?”

“Tell them she’s a deranged lunatic I broke out of an insane asylum.” Innocence answered and put her coat on. She picked up her purse and added, “I don’t care what you tell them. It doesn’t matter anyway. She's in charge.”

By morning Innocence was in Las Vegas. At the airport she got in a taxi and gave the driver the address for the Old Country Inn. For years she searched for the son of the mobster who owned the Inn. Now that she found him she didn’t know if she would like the details about a job his father did for her mother. When the taxi stopped Innocence paid the driver and got out of the car. Regardless if she would like what the man told her or not she didn’t hesitate going into the Inn.

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After walking around my father's former establishment I decided to head back to the office. Not more then 5 minutes had gone by before one of the workers came into my office informing me that someone just came bursting into the place and was heading for the office.

At that point all i could do is ask the worker who it was.

"Her name is Innocence" the worker replied.

I had alot on my mind at this point, Vegas was a place i was not fimiliar with and my only hope was that this women who just burst in here was someone who knew my father. As the worker was about to leave I asked "If I am going to run this place i need to know my empoyee's, who are you?.

He replied "Carlo, I waorked with your father for many years"

I knew it woulden't be long before Innocence walked through the door so i quickly replied "Good to meet you Carlo".


I sat in my chair and waited.

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Not too shabby, Innocence thought as she looked around the lobby of the Inn. When a man approached her she introduced herself and asked for the owner by name. The man left and returned a few minutes later. Innocence followed him and thought about the first time she heard about Angelo-Scarpa’s father. He was part of unfinished business of her mother’s Innocence wanted answers to.

Over the years Innocence was surprised as often as she heard gossip and secrets she hadn’t heard anything about Angelo-Scarpa. The letter she received about him taking over his father’s Inn had other information about him. It seemed he wasn’t much different than his father, which made Innocence happy to learn. If he was a stock broker or accountant she probably would've planned to bribe him or torture him to get the answers she wanted.

In the office Innocence shook Angelo’s hand and introduced herself. Instead of boring him with small talk and compliments about the Inn she got straight to the point of her visit.
“I’ve been trying to track you down for a long time. Before your father died my mother hired him to do a job for her. There’s a few things I’d like to know about that job, but we can get into the details later.”

“I heard about the unfortunate car accident that happened to the man who ran the Inn before you.” Innocence commented and looked for any sign of guilt in Angelo’s eyes. His expression gave nothing away. “Good job on the car’s brake lines.” Still no reaction. Innocence was impressed with his poker face. There were people who talked too much about business. Innocence had a feeling Angelo wasn’t one of them. After a few seconds of silence Innocence asked, “Are you interested in getting into your father’s line of work?”

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Before taking a seat behind my desk I reply "please have a seat innocence" .

As she sits down I felt i should tell her about my situation.

Before speaking I pull out a piece of paper and hand it to her, as she reads it I begin to explain..."That paper I found in my fathers safe, its a list of everyone to comp when they come here to the inn...your mother is on the top of that list so it appears they knew each other pretty well. Before I met my father for the first time I had been to prison a few times, of course it wasen't something I wanted him to know...well that was before I knew about his life of crime.

Thing is...I dont want to be this hotel restaurant guy...I want to be the hotel restaurant guy my father was if you know what I mean?. Im glad you made me that offer because I do want to be in the line of work my father was in, and since you were the one to come here and offer me this oppertunity I will tell you this because I know it will stay between these four walls. That guy who had the unfortunate accident...when i came in this office i never even got so much as a sorry for your loss, just an arrogant son of a bitch who wanted nothing more then to take my fathers empire and call it his yea I did what I did...didn't care if he lived or died just wanted to show him me and my father are no different.

But I can tell you are busy and you still took the time to come down here so as I said I appreciate that offer you made and I am interested and honored, but something tells me your here for a bigger reason.

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Innocence sat down and listened as Angelo talked. When he was finished she smiled.

“Consider yourself my associate and a member of The Regiment. You’ll be much more than a hotel and restaurant owner. We’ll catch a flight to New York later. I’ll introduce you to the family and take you to my club.”

They talked about business in New York for a few minutes then Innocence finally brought up the job Angelo’s father did for her mother.

“My mother was looking for her estranged husband.” Innocence explained. “Your father helped her. From what I’ve heard she gave up the search after your father died then out of the blue she received a telegram from her long lost husband. He was here in Vegas and wanted to reconcile with my mother.”

Innocence stopped talking when Angelo’s secretary brought in a tray of coffee. After the woman left Innocence continued.

“I found a few notes in my mother’s journal. After she received the telegram she called him. Apparently he only wanted to reconcile to use her connections to rob a casino. My mother saw through his bullshit and told him if he ever contacted her again he would swim with the fishes. After that she never wrote another word about him in her journal.”

“After my mother died I found a newspaper clipping in her desk that reported nearly forty two million dollars was stolen from a casino. There was a note on it in her handwriting. She wrote, the son of a bitch did it. What I want from you is any information your father left behind about the son of a bitch she referred to. His name is Anthony Martino.”

Innocence paused to take a drink of coffee.

“I don’t want to find my dear old dad for sentimental reasons. I only want his money.”

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As I sat there and listened to Innocence I coulden't help but to wonder if this could have been the reason for my father's death.

"I give you my word Innocence I will finish this hunt my father started with your mother"

I grab the key to the safe, "let me just have a look and see if I overlooked anything".

After opening the safe and checking everything I possibly could I came up with nothing...I walked back towards the desk to sit, as I step in front of the chair to take a seat I hear a clank sound...didn't sound like no ordinary bad floorboard. I put pressure on it a few times...nothing, then lift my foot and bang a few times...CLANK CLANK, I look at Innocence and reply "lock that door".

I pull the loose boards up and discover another safe, looking at Innocence I reply "two safes in one office, im going to guess something is in here no one is meant to see".

I open up the safe with Innocence next to me...I see a postcard to the left, so i pick it up and reply "postcard...with your father's name on it...apparently he was hiding in New Orleans".

At this point I decided it would be best for Innocence to tear through the safe

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The second safe in the office didn't surprise Innocence. There were several hidden safes in her home and office. When Angelo handed her a postcard Innocence put her coffee cup on the desk and read what was written on the postcard from Lake Cataouatche near New Orleans.

"To my old pal Eddie, fishing is great at Lake C. Your buddy, A. Martino."

Innocence shook her head.

"Fishing. Very witty. Rumor has it there are more bodies in Lake Cataouatche than in the oldest cemetery in New Orleans."

The safe had a few other things in it, but Innocence had a feeling the postcard was the best lead.

Maybe my old man retired on Lake Cataouatche with the loot he stole from the casino. I have a few contacts in New Orleans. Let's go there and ask around about the witty old son of a bitch.

Innocence finished her coffee and looked at Angelo.

Do you have someone to run the Inn while you're gone? It's important we keep our legit businesses running smooth.

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I look at Innocence "im not sure, im still learning people's names here".

I shuffle through the safe a little before coming across a rather important piece of paper. "Look at this!". I reply to Innocence "It's like a death safe...almost like my father knew he was going to die. There's a name here, Steve...says he's a manager...I think I should let him watch the place.

Before heading out I put the safe and the floorboards back and ask for Carlo to come to the office.

As Carlo enters he replies "Yes Sir?".

Carlo who is Steve?.

Carlo answers "former manager sir, the guy you came in here to see a few days ago about taking over the inn...he fired him.

I look at Innocence "see what i mean?, I told you he just wanted to take over".

"Ok listen Carlo this is very important...I need you to get in touch with Steve, tell him Eddie's son is in charge of the inn and he has his job back. I'm going to be away awhile, I expect Steve and you to look after thing's while im gone".

"Yes sir" Carlo replies as me and Innocence walk out of the office.



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During the flight to New Orleans Innocence told Angelo more about business in New York. When the plane landed Innocence was anxious to start the search for her father and more importantly, his money.

As the mobsters walked off the plane with other passengers Innocence spotted two policemen in the airport terminal. She rolled her eyes and wondered what they were going to hassle her about.

“Welcome to New Orleans.” One of the policemen said sarcastically. “We got a tip you’re here to sell heroin in our great city.”

“Sorry to disappoint you.” Innocence responded. “Your rat was wrong. My friend and I are only here to do a little sight seeing.”

“Open your purse and let us take a look.” The policeman said to Innocence then turned towards her new associate. “Empty your pockets.” Angelo looked at Innocence and the policeman barked, “Hurry up. We ain’t got all day.”

“Go ahead.” Innocence told Angelo and gave her purse to the policeman. “Here you go, officer. You won’t find any heroin in there. I’m innocent.”

“Sure you are.” The policeman replied sarcastically as he searched the purse. “What kind of sight seeing are you here for?”

“The usual.” Innocence answered. “My friend wants to go fishing. Do you know any good spots at Lake Cataouatche?”

As the policeman rattled off a few good places for fishing at the lake Innocence listened and nodded. “Thank you.” A few minutes later her and Angelo walked out of the airport and towards the parking lot full of cars. “Which one should we steal for our drive to the lake?”

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I look at Innocence with a straight face and reply "what ever piece of shit car those cops were driving is fine."

As I take a good look around the parking lot I spot a red ford. "That one will do."

When we get to the car I reply "I'll handle this, stole alot of cars in my day". After getting in and hotwiring the vehicle we take off.

I figured it would be a decent drive so i thought I would make for interesting conversation.

"So Innocence...there's also another reason why i'm glad I ended up in your crew in NY". As Innocence stares, i explain.

"Found out that my father wasen't born and raised in Detriot...he met my mother while on business in Detroit, he was from Palermo and moved to Atlantic city...thats were he got away from those wannabe hoods. From there he moved out to Vegas. I only found out recently...while you made that phone call in the lobby I ran into one of the workers at the Inn who knew my father well. Im just glad to know the truth, and I really want to help you put an end to this once in for thing about me, I always hold true to my word".


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“I’m glad you found out more about your father.” Innocence commented as Angelo drove the red Ford in busy New Orleans traffic. “My mother told me she wished she never married my old man and the only good thing she got out of him was me.” Innocence shook her head and added, “Enough sentimental stuff. We have to make a stop before we go to the lake.”

Innocence gave Angelo directions to a small bar in downtown New Orleans. In the bar she lead her new associate to a room in the back where a group of old men were playing poker at a table. When one of them spotted Innocence he smiled and told the other men to leave the room.

“Hello Sal.” Innocence greeted and gestured to Angelo. “This is a friend of mine,  Angelo-Scarpa.” As the two men shook hands Innocence opened her purse and took out a few things. She ripped the lining in the purse and took out a small package of heroin. “Here you go, Sal.”

“Thank you.” The old man said and took the package. “What’s the cost of this batch?”

“Consider it a gift if you can help me with a couple things.” Innocence answered then explained, “First, we need guns. I heard the police might be waiting for me at the airport so I traveled light.”

“No problem.” Sal responded and asked, “What else do you need?”

“Anything you know about Anthony Martino.” Innocence told him. “He’s an old friend of my mother’s.”

“Never heard of him.” Sal answered quickly. Too quick Innocence thought and glanced at Angelo. The old man stood up and said, “I’ll get a couple guns for you. Wait here.”

As soon as Sal left the room Innocence pointed at the back door and said, “Let’s get the fuck out of here. He’s probably making a call to Anthony to warn him we’re looking for him.” Innocence took the package of heroin off the table and they rushed out the back door.

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As we rush through the back door I stop and reply "WAIT!, see that dumpster there?...stay out of sight for a second I'll handle this, I promised you I would help you finish this".

I hear Sal heading for the back door calling Innocence's name. As he steps through the back door I grab him and slam him into the building placing my hand over his mouth. "DON'T TALK, SHUT THE FUCK what i ask and we won't have a problem understand?".

Sal Nods with my hand still over his mouth.

"Guns!...2 of them now!, actually hold still". I pat down Sal and find a pistol strapped to his leg...I grab it and toss it to Innocence as she comes out behind the dumpster.

"Im taking my hand scream and where going to repaint your fucking building red you got me?". Sal nods in fear.

I remove my hand and reply "Ok Where is Martino and why did you take off in the other room?."

"I went to get you both a drink I swear, and all I know about Martino is he lives a few blocks away from where he fishes."

I look at Innocence, then back to Sal "If your lying you dont want to know what were gonna do to you".

Sal replies "I give you my word".


"Ok Sal, I need another gun, I see one on the table over there...grab it and where out of here."

As Sal hands me the pistol and me and Innocence walk off I turn to Sal one more time "Im not fucking with you...mouth closed, don't test me".

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"Nice work." Innocence said to Angelo as they walked away from the bar. "You'll fit in well in New York."

The drive out of the city towards the lake was silent. Innocence contemplated how to deal with her father when they found him. A conversation she had recently with Warped popped into her head and she laughed.

"Angelo, I'm going to teach you one of the oldest tricks in our business." Innocence smiled as she thought out a plan. "Here's what we're going to do..."

They drove around the lake for an hour before they found the cabin Anthony Martino lived in. When Angelo stopped the car in front of the cabin Innocence winked at him and they got out of the car. The door of the cabin opened before the mobsters got to the porch.

"Who in the hell are you?"A voice yelled from inside the doorway. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Daddy." Innocence called out with a sweet voice. "I'm your daughter, Innocence." The door opened a little wider. Innocence smiled and continued. "I've been dreaming about meeting you since I was a little girl. I'm getting married soon and I want you to walk me down the aisle. Will you please come out here to meet me and my fiancee?"

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I look at Innocence then her father and reply "you know what im sick of this shit, I can't do this anymore...I got one question for you Anthony! it true?, did you rob that casino?."

"yea I did why?" Anthony replied.

I start to pace from side to side all agravated, "you sneaky FUCK!." I pull the pistol out from the back of my pants and point it at Anthony's head.

"You think I give a fuck about your life?, GIVE ME ONE REASON WHY I SHOULDEN'T KILL YOU!, BETTER YET GIVE ME THE FUCKING not joking you got 5 seconds.

As I get more pissed I begin to count down. "4...3...2....HE THINKS I WON'T FUCKING DO IT...1". 

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When Anthony Martino stepped out onto the porch Innocence expected to feel a connection to him, but she felt nothing. Although he was her father he meant nothing to her. As far as she was concerned he was only her next mark.

“Hi dad!” Innocence greeted with fake happiness in her voice and hugged him.

“Innocence.” Anthony Martino said with surprise. He stepped back after their embrace and looked at his daughter. “I’ve been meaning to call or write. I‘m so happy…”

Before he finished his sentence Angelo started yelling, took out his gun and demanded Anthony give him the money he stole from the casino.

“Angelo!” Innocence yelled and quickly took out her gun. She aimed it at his head as he aimed his gun at Anthony’s head. “If you kill him I’ll kill you.” Innocence threatened Angelo. “Put the fucking gun down now!” The young associate took a deep breath and threw his gun down. “How dare you threaten to kill my father!” Innocence shouted at him. “Were you using me all along just to get to his money?”

Innocence didn’t give Angelo time to answer. She slapped his face and pretended to be heartbroken. “You bastard!”

“Feed him to the fish, sweetheart.” Anthony suggested.

“Good idea.” Innocence responded and picked up Angelo’s gun. “Stay here, Dad. I can’t shoot him if you’re watching. I don’t want you to think any less of me.” Next to her Anthony nodded. Innocence smiled at her father then aimed both guns at Angelo and said, “Let’s go fishing.”

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After walking a good distance from the cabin we approach the lake. I turn to Innocence and smile as I reply "that smack really hurt, but it was a hell of a plan...I guess this is where you finish what your mother and my father started. This has been long over due but I told you I would help you finish this. I'll be close by just incase something goes wrong...if you need me just yell".

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“Thank you, Angelo.” Innocence said to her associate and gave him his gun. As she walked away from him she fired a shot in the air for her father to hear.

At the cabin Anthony was still outside. Innocence rushed towards him and cautiously looked over her shoulder. “We have to leave.” The mobster said to her father. “Before I shot Angelo he told me friend of his are coming here.” Innocence gestured to the cabin. “I’ll help you pack your things. Where’s all the money from the casino robbery?”

“I don’t have any money from that job.” Anthony answered.

“What?” Innocence questioned in shock and disbelief. “You spent all of it?”

“There was no money.” Her father answered and walked towards the cabin. “I’ll explain it to you later. Let’s get out of here before that punk’s friends show up.”

“Tell me now.” Innocence insisted and followed him into the cabin.

“I was an inside job.” Anthony said and rushed to the other side of the one room cabin. He took a suitcase out from under the bed and explained, “The casino owner paid me and a couple of goombas to tell a few people we were going to rob the joint then he got all the newspapers to cover it to put the casino’s name in headlines.” Anthony quickly threw clothes in the suitcase and added, “It was a publicity stunt.”

Innocence shook her head and recalled what she read in her mother’s journal. “Why did you lie to my mother about it when you tried to reconcile with her?”

“I wanted her to retire with me.” Anthony answered and closed his suitcase. “She told me to go fuck myself and threatened to put a hit on me.” He picked up a jacket and ranted, “She had a lot of nerve talking to me like that. When I met her she was just a cocktail waitress. I introduced her to important people in the mob. Years later she was a goodie two shoes Don and threatened to take me out like I was garbage.” Anthony put on his jacket and mumbled, “I got her taken out like fucking garbage.” He looked over at his daughter and said, “I’m ready to go, kid.” He was stunned to see a gun pointed at his face.

Standing there with a gun pointed at her father Innocence saw red. His words brought back memories about her mother’s death during a mafia war. There was a lot of tension and rumors that lead to the war. Innocence saw guilt in Anthony’s eyes for his part. She figured he retired near New Orleans and talked to local friends in the business. Whispering a few bad things to the right people he fanned the flames that lead to the war.

“Tell my mother I said hello.” Innocence calmly said and pulled the trigger. As her father’s lifeless body collapsed on the floor the mobster turned around and left the cabin.

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Standing by the lake I hear a loud gunshot...I knew who fired it, and with that I knew it was over.

I made my way to the front of the cabin and waited for Innocence to come out, as she emerged from the cabin I could see the look on her face, I could see all the emotions she felt just by looking at be honest in my entire life it was probly the most sympathy I had ever felt...I knew this was a long time in the making and I was just glad it was over and that I could help her end it.

I walked up to her and replied "well I guess it's over, you know I never got to tell you this sorry for what happend to your mother". I look around for a few seconds and take a glimpse of the lake then turn back to Innocence "I guess now would be a good time to stop and get a few treat".

I knew Innocence could hide her emotions well but I knew she was in pain, "come on lets grab a few drinks and cool off its been a rough trip".

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