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Jun 13 - 11:33:13
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St. Clabberts Casino Opens in Los Angeles Started by: FatherJack on Jun 02, '12 21:39

An elderly priest in tatty and stained clothes is wheeled down the streets in a rickety old wheel chair. Father Jack is wheeled up a ramp and on to small stage & pushed in to a corner, the well dressed man that was pushing him steps up to the microphone.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, as you may have noticed a new casino has been opened in Los Angeles disguised as an old priests home called Saint Clabberts."

"At Saint Clabberts you will find only the finest available alcoholic beverages."

Father Jack sits up eyes wide and interrupts the announcer


"Yes Father we'll get you a drink soon. As I was saying, as we are in Los Angeles we have the most attractive serving ladies..."

Father Jack interrupts again.


The announcer continues ignoring the latest outburst from the elderly priest.

"dressed as nuns. All the dealers are also members of the female persuasion. Currently we have slots and black jack with 100% payouts & maximum possible betting."

"Now we will be running a special promotion for tomorrow, starting from midnight tonight one lucky person every 8 hours will be chosen at random and will have their losses returned...

Father Jack sits up yet again wide eyed.


"Now Father I'm sure it won't break the bank. That's right every 8 hours someone will win back their losses, now if the person picked at random has no losses then they will win the losses of someone else picked at random. All prizes will be awarded on Monday along with evidence of the random winners to avoid any accusations of prize fixing."

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ParanoidFreak stands listening to the man talking about booze, games and prizes. She cannot remember the last time she stopped by a casino and had a night to herself drinking and playing. She was always partial to blackjack and thought she would make her way back home and stop in the new establishment. Just then Father Jack interupts with another short outburst. She walks up to his wheelchair and pushes him down the ramp.

Now Father, let us go and have a drink, you look like you could use one although lord knows you do not need one. I definitely could use a beverage. Let us get moving!

With that ParanoidFreak, FatherJack and the well dressed gentleman started in the direction of the new casino in Los Angeles.

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Father Jack is wheeled out into the streets again & parked at the side of the curb. The man pushing him steps up from behind him and calls for attention

"Hello once again ladies and gentlemen, our promotion has come to an end and 3 lucky people have been randomly selected."

"Our first winner is mydoom who wins back 48k, congratulations."

Your accountant makes note that $48,000 has been wired to mydoom from your account.

"The second person to win a return on their losses is MostHated who gets back 22k."

Your accountant makes note that $22,000 has been wired to MostHated from your account.

"The third and final winner is -Genesis who managed to leave the casino with the same amount of money he came in with, so we choose someone at random who had lost and he wins Paranoid Freak's 530k! how lucky is that."

Your accountant makes note that $530,000 has been wired to -Genesis from your account.

"Now for those who would like to see pictures from the prize draw's we had a photographer on hand and have had them developed into these posters."

The announcer pins up the posters to a near by telegraph pole.

Entrants to first draw
Our first winner
Entrants to second draw
Our second winner
Entrants to third draw
Our third winner

Father Jack looks up


"Yes Father lets go get you your evening drink."

The announcer pushes Father Jack back in the direction of the Psych Wards head quarters.

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BabyBoy walks in and notices he is to late for the promotion but the thought of drinking and gambling excites him!!! BabyBoy walk in the casino and see many games but his favorite is black jack!!!

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