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Jun 13 - 12:41:28
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Tentative Proposal Started by: TheRealDeal on Jun 15, '12 22:33

TheRealDeal walks into the middle of a bustling crowd and overturns a milk crate, stepping up onto it he fixes his collar and checks the angle of his fedora. He begins clearing his throat. This act caused pickpocketers to stop reading "Not PP Friendly" notes, drug addicts to cease their special lollipop sales, and men and women alike to turn and look up at him.

Now that I have your attention ladies and gentleman, I would like to propose an idea. Some of you may remember RichardWad, the man that confused our emotions; made us laugh, cry, and grow red in anger. For those of you who didn't know Richard, he wrote a newspaper, and a damn good one at that. Now I haven't been around for long, my father has been dead for eleven months and I have just now joined this thing of ours, but I feel like a good newspaper would bring back some spunk to the community! I'm new to writing the news, but I would like to have sections written by many different people, instead of just one person. So if you have something you wish to voice, maybe you wish to do so anonymously, I say that you write an article and send it to me! Myself and/or a group of undertermined people will edit your paragraph or section, and put together a newspaper every week. Keep in mind that if you wish to remain anonymous, your decision will be honored. There is a certain amount of risk with this newspaper business, so I would like you to all view this idea, and papers to come (if the majority thinks this is a good idea), with an open mind, and a sense of humor. Thank you!


TheRealDeal remains on the crate and lights up a cigar, he waits patiently for shouts of approval or disapproval.


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Nothing would please me more than a real newspaper hit the streets again.

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I couldn't be more in favor. I do enjoy a good read and would be nice to keep up on the happenings around our world.

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I don't see how anyone can disagree with us having a paper again. I'm 100% with it, and I might even contribute

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I would love to have the news back in the streets

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No one is RPing anymore so it would be great to have a newspaper. I agree and will contribute.

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Thanks everyone for the support. The sooner you guys start sending in contributions, the quicker I can produce the first edition! If you are too lazy to write an entire paragraph (yeah, I know, tough stuff you lazy mobster), then send me your idea/piece of news and any info and I'll write it up for you!


Something else I would like to add, if you wish to have your business or contest advertised in the paper then send me a message and we can work it out. Also, if you wish to have your story on the front page (the top) then send me a message saying so, we will work something out.

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When my father came back to the life of the mafia, the first thing he looked for after a couple of years off was for the latest copy of The Tribune that used to circulate around the cities. He was very disappointed when it appeared it had ceased to be made.

I think your idea is fantastic - I hope you manage to produce something equally as good. I'm strongly in favour of your idea and wish you all the best in getting your newspaper up and running.

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Totally agree with what everyone is expressing, might even be motivated enough to send you a piece or two. Soul Hooligan - with your family history in our world as well as some others here, perhaps we could come up with a regular history spot too if MrRealDeal approves. Pf course, being a member of Las Vegass, I or anyone in my family could give annonymous tips regarding the mysterious hubcap disappearing cases around!

Oh, this does sound good, I hope you will call on me for anything!

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I would love for any articles written by any members of our community, don't be afraid to send anything in! As soon as I hav 8 or so sections ready I will publish our first edition.

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Good luck with your new enterprise.

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