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Chicago Started by: SlimTony on Jun 21, '12 15:56

Slim walks around all day putting up posters stating he will be entering the contest for chicago.

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Jelena laughs at the ignorance of this guy. Surely he knows he must be in a family and be authed by that CITY in order to set up in CH?

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*scrawls "like" into a wooden pole with his knife*

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And to think... This would have saved Mosthated's life GRHS.

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Shakes her head and sighs.

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the contest anyone can go for the city.

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With permission of your Family.....which you do not have.

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Yes sir anyone can go for a bold position in the city, but you haven't met the requirements, you don't have authorization from your city leader.

And if you don't mind, I'd like to say this is the worst introduction my bloodline has ever heard of, may be you should think more before deciding to take such a big step as a setting bold.

On a side note, you need to be a Made Man to set up, but you are a gangster, do you think you'll survive for 11 days with no protection from a crew leader? I don't think so. I think you'll be dead in an hour, if you didn't join a crew.

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la will givs me there blessing becauseLa badass just like me.

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Meph was having a tough day until he saw some kid a little wet behind the ears making bold claims, or well the people stood around him were saying the announcement had been extremely brief. Meph sighs and walks over to join in he catches the tail end of what Karl says. He smiles to Karl and Margaret then nods to everyone else in acknowledgement.


Kid you make a tough claim but you have a lot to learn unless you want to end up in a pile of blood in about 30minutes or so nevermind the 11 days before you can get a HQ of your own. Karl has covered pretty much everything that I think about your amasing announcement. Have you even the first idea about how things work around here? I think you should brush this whole ordeal under the carpet apologise all around and go learn a thing or two and go from there, what do you say kid?


Meph gestures to the young man for a response


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Mako was walking down the street when he noticed this man, who seemed to be very confused about things. He nodded to a few people he recognized as he made his way to the lost soul and slipped him a note. Mako nodded again the man and continued on his way back down the street. The note read: "If you need any help, please feel free to contact me. There are different ways to go about these things, however you do need some sharpening and learning. I am willing to help you anyway I can... My mailbox is open."

Mako gave one last look back at the guy and smiled before making his way back around the corner of the building. When he reached the side of the building he took off his sunglasses and pushed his fingers hard against his eyes. He was just hoping the man was willing to listen and learn about the way things are done today. 

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what reason would they have to kill me. if we  were all just sarting out what would be the excuse than? Just crapy leadership

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Your intentions are good, admirable even. Sadly for you, the path you wish to take is unavaliable. Either you find a family rather quickly, or you get shot dead in the streets within a few minutes. No one can go it alone. Those are the known rules of this world.

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They will kill you because you have no family who cares about you so you are nobodies problem. You are just a lone gangster waiting to be shot and no one will stand up for you if you dont join a crew/family.

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thats the point Im not going to work for crumy leadership

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Id hardly call following the long established rules of this world as crummy leadership.

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Keep calling them crummy....ensure your death.

I'm willing to bet your kin is out whining about injustice before the day is out....

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Meph sighs at SlimTony


Kid you just proved how wet behind the ears, you really are deluded if you think disrespecting every single Crew Leader, City Head and Godfather alike is the right way to go about things yo uhave another thing coming. You have had offers in private I am sure of people willing to take you under their wing. Yeah sure you are angry at what happened your father but such is the life we live. I can not help but think Margaret is right, I await your son or daughter out in the streets before the day is out crying about the injustice dealt to you. If anything there is a lesson to be learned from all this, if you think there isn't well maybe you would be better off suited to being a fish monger or the likes instead of trying to live this life.


Meph sighs and shakes his head at the kid

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Tony, you've said a few things here that simply beg for correction.

la will givs me there blessing becauseLa badass just like me.

Pretty sure the right way to ask for our blessing is to ... ask for our blessing. Not predict it in the streets before you've uttered one word to anyone in the LA upper structure. If you approached us with some sort of business proposition, we might offer you a sponsor to keep you safe for the roughly 11 days you'll need before you could set out to Chicago. It would depend on what was said and how it was said, of course. But you'd have a lot better luck getting LA's blessing that way than you did this way.

what reason would they have to kill me. if we were all just sarting out what would be the excuse than? Just crapy leadership

You are running around insulting the current leaders, breaking the rules of how "this thing" is done, earning money off our turf without pitching in any tributes, and so much more which doesn't need to be uttered in public. You should really find a mentor to help you get a foothold in Our Thing. A few people have offered already, and I'm also happy to refer you to someone who knows the ropes if you mail me.

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If this is the kind of effort you want to show, pretending to teach us all "how it's done"... Well, I'm not sure many people will be impressed. You need to remember that most people in here don't know you so this announcement was all you had to make yourself known.

I'd say this was an opportunity wasted.

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