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Old Casinos to come back Started by: Dark_Knight on Sep 02, '12 23:12

As all the old players probably know we use to have casino's without someone owning them, my suggestion is to bring them back in the city's that are currently not occupied but have a set jackpot of like 100k not any higher. The reason i say only the ones that are not occupied is because it should up to the leaders of the city's wheather they want a casino. What do you think??


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Decent suggestion, but how about altering it a little bit? How about instead of 'casinos', it is underground gambling rings that are similar to DFPs. Instead of costing millions of dollars, they cost about 3 million, but with heavy limits and a chance of getting robbed.

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This has been somewhat mentioned here

Incase that doesn't work -

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My concern are still as they were in the thread Tyrion linked.

I can get on board with this a little more if bets are heavily limited, but really I think it would be better to allow more casinos to be setup in cities other than home cities.

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Aye my point is people are getting bored in unoccupied citys and want to be able to have a little gamble and i only mean a little gamble that why a limit would be set as mentioned in my starting post. I believe the maxium you can win is 100k, at least people will have something to do and it will also balance out the money in the game because people will be loosing money.

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Regarding you saying about people setting up in other cities other than home cities it wouldn't work because when an auth takes place in one of them cities i don't think the crewleader is going to be to happy with some random member from another city setup with a casino in they city

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