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As The Cities Lay Quiet Started by: Neon on Sep 10, '12 14:58

(OOC: This does look like a roleplay, but if you actually read it, you will realize it is more than something role played out!)


Neon had been busy writing and looking over the week's profit from the businesses. She quickly was interrupted by a knock on the door, lifting her head up from her desk she motioned for them to enter.

“Ma'am, here are south-side’s reports. Everything is quiet there and moving along normally.”

Neon smiled and nodded while thanking the man. She had a couple hours before she had to turn her reports in to DeadlySin. Yet, then a thought came forth in her mind. Many before that man had been mentioning how quiet and calm things were around here now. A few even dared to say things were growing a bit stale.

Lifting her hand she queued her bodyguard to enter her office.

“Yes, ma'am?”

Neon put down her pen and paper to look up at him.

“I would like it if you took it upon yourself to question as many mafioso’s as you can, ask them what they can or would do to liven things up around here. That and perhaps what they would like to see done. I want a full report of what they have to say by the end of the week, please.”

“Some input from the guys who do a lot of carrying the load would be nice to hear. They are the backbone of our life. So make sure you don't just ask those in pretty suits.”

The bodyguard nodded and made his way out of her office to begin his new project.

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Taking a break from inscribing the initials LC in LudariusCane's underpants, LudariusCanesMom responds to the inquiry made by Don Neon

Hello my dear,

One of the things I've always tried to instill in my Ludarius is to take each day as it comes. This world is what you make of it. Long periods of stagnancy lead to complaints of a world gone too stale. Consecutive wars lead to groans as well. It seems as if a day goes by without non-stop action the claim becomes that this world has become boring. 

But during slow periods there are often things that can be done or achieved that would break up a monotonous day. Not always, but often enough. Even if its just a matter of preparing yourself for a day that may not be so dull. Bottom line is that people will always complain, be it due to lack of excitement or contrarily too much.  It's like I always say to Ludarius, "No one likes a whiner."  It's not up to anyone else to entertain you. We are all capable of making things interesting if we so desire. 

But I applaud you Neon for taking the time to provide a platform to the masses and giving them an opportunity to speak on the matter. I hope people take advantage of this opportunity to speak.

LudariusCanesMom steps back inside to prepare a snack for Ludarius

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People gripe that cities are empty. They whine, stating that is the reason things are stagnate, but that isnt the truth. When cities are filled, they whine for war, blood, and uprisings. When these things occur, they whine agian and about losing everything they had. The real truth is, you can never make everyone happy. The best anyone can do is try to make it fun and interesting for your fellow crew members, crew leaders, and associates in the other cities.

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She happens upon the conversation and cannot help but chime in.

Personally, I feel that after a period of upheaval such as our world has experienced over the past month or so that a quiet time is needed..

Why do I say this? Simple.. There were many lives lost, families wiped out, cities left to be vacant for who knows how long. There are new families and bonds forming. The leaders and their members should be taking time to get to know those that they work with. Instead of conversing over meaningless, or meaningful, matters such as their quilting bees or jam making parties they should be interacting and building their families.

Sure, in a perfect world the entire upper structure of every city would be throwing pantiless beach parties and block parties for all to enjoy. People would be sitting on their stoops in various cities enjoying the end of the summer weather before the Autumn chill is upon us, except for those lucky buggers in the southern states. There would be people fighting to be heard over the constant din of everyone else chattering away about pick pocketing, mugging, no new auths, new citizen introductions, discord, unity, plots and who's doing the plotting.. The list goes on and on, but it's not going to happen and calling those who lead us out to the Streets for a brief appearance isn't going to make it happen.

Fact is, the Streets are boring and regardless of us all moaning about it very few of us are willing to change this.

When was the last time you saw a mob boss who has the FBI searching every financial record they and their associates may or may not have dancing in the Streets and openly discussing inter-family and inter-city relations for all to see? Really now, is this an aspect of this CRIMINAL life we lead that you have chosen to overlook on purpose? They are CRIMINALS just like you and I. They are not politicians or street entertainers. They run businesses and have those under them to look after.

She shakes her head with frustration and gives a token eye roll for the masses to enjoy as she flips her hair and winks at Floury Tortoise.

Why is it always the "upper structure" that has to come out from their offices and dealings to set an example? I'm not saying you are targeting those in very expensive suits followed around by hundreds of security team members, it's just a general observation who catches the blame when this topic, that has been discussed more times than my bloodline has made its way to these shores, is brought to the table.. Why can't we, their loyal (and disloyal) followers do the entertaining for once? Why can't we start the debates that are expected of them or throw the gala events some of the softer members of our society would like to see occur?

She smiles sweetly and stops venting before she offends someone.

That's another point I'd like to make. People are afraid to speak because they are afraid to offend someone and end up paying millions in fines or worse, at the bottom of the river, buried in the desert, or in an unmarked grave under a baseball stadium. This fear will cause those who would speak to speak behind closed doors here or on IRC Avenue in a quiet secluded coffee shop. Again, nothing new here, it's what our world has become and it is the fault of no one other than ourselves.

We're lazy. We're boring. We're bored. We're following our leaders loyally and making sure our families are taken care of. We're learning to work with each other and not against each other for a bit. This is the way things work around here, "It's the Circle of Life" as I heard someone somewhere doing something mention.

Nothing will change unless we change it ourselves. I'm starting to sound like a broken record here and I am sure my points have been made.

Noticing Floury Tortoise pointing at his watch she ends her babbling with a smile.

Don't forget to support your leader and this thing of ours that we hold so dear by speaking up and sharing your opinions about why no one is speaking and what we can do about it, and then be sure to return to your usual muteness. Not that I'm one to speak, but I've just become a "made" member of the New Orleans' family rather than just another jobber so felt it best I just put up and shut up until the time was right.

She takes Floury Tortoise's hand in hers and looks into his eyes deeply, a mischievous grin creeping across her face.

Shall we go sweetheart? I hear there's a sale on hot water bottles and garden hoses at the mercantile.

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Stepping out of his favorite pub Armageddon was heading back to his HQ when he couldnt help but over hear Neon talking about the stagnant state, making his way closer and after listening to what a few others had to say Armageddon decides to give his thoughts on the subject.

Just like anything we partake in, you have your ups, and of course the downs. There were some big wars not too long ago, which anyone worth their salt knows it takes time to rebuild afterwards. The way things have played out lately I would have to think stale would be a little harsh to say. We are getting a front row seat being able to watch Detroit fill up with the competition taking place, I for one look forward to seeing what comes of that. We also have been able seen Phil move to NO, and more auths in NY, PHI, and LA. But as Ragnarok said people will always find something to whine about, you can't please them all.

Taking a look around Armageddon realized that nobody is really listening, he shrugs his shoulders and countinues anyway. 

I like the question you have proposed Neon, I would like to know what those who believe things have been slow around here would do to liven it up, or what would they like to see be done in the future? As I stated before these things take time and call me old fashioned but I would much rather see the right auths set up then someone just having a bold suit because people feel its necessary. 

A cool breeze had suddenly stirred things up, Armageddon flips up his collar and takes a sip of his flask to stay warm, taking a step back and waiting for others to comment on the subject at hand.

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Could'nt say it better myself Ragnarok

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