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Make an old lady smile. Started by: Iris on Oct 02, '08 03:24
She opens the door to a cool blast of fall air.. The streets that are normally teeming with children now quiet as school has gone back into session and there's homework to be done. She takes a step down to the sidewalk and looks around... No one.. Newspapers blowing in the breeze, a few homeless bums huddled in an alley sneaking a bit of hooch.

Wow.. It's so.. Quiet. What has happened to our world? The past couple weeks have seen many new faces on the Streets but fewer voices. Is there something wrong?

Yes, I know.. You are bored.. Well shit, get off your asses and change that. We don't need wars to entertain us. You have a group of leaders that are working together to make sure that you all get a good shot at success in this thing of ours. We don't want war, we want what will help our world grow.

Many people feel it is our faults as leaders.. Well guess what? Yeah, it is partially.. But you all are equally to blame as well. Now there are utterances that activity will be a requirement for those that inhabit these cities to exist. Do you want this to happen? If not then get active.

Some of us have offered our families money for their activity.. That hasn't worked. Some are being held back when it comes to their promotions.. This could be an increasingly common this if the status of our world doesn't change.

Is it too much to ask for everyone, ok not everyone because there are people that it's just best they don't speak at all, to get out of the fall funk and remember that this world is supposed to happen here, the business districts, and the other areas of our world?

It's not just up to us leaders to entertain you.. Sometimes you have to do something for yourself. This is the Mafia, it's not War Games. War isn't the only entertainment.

She wraps her arms around herself to shield her from the cold and goes back to work.
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Ugh... She peeks back out blushing..

Can we replace the word exist with the word succeed here....

Now there are utterances that activity will be a requirement for those that inhabit these cities to SUCCEED.

Yeah.. That's what I meant to say.....
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Ehh you know I think excsist works better...succeeding is one thing but the threat of nonexistance well now that might be inclined to lite a few fires under some sleeping bums...
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Wonderfully said.

I am a bit dubious as to how many ears it has fallen on though.

I guess only time will tell; I am however, not expecting any miracles.
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Noodle gathers enough courage, clears his throat and speaks

I agree totally with everything said so please don't take this the wrong way. I only wonder will people visiting the street frequently and holding contest and such really improve their experience here? I want to know how much fun do we actually have talking?
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I know I for one enjoy debating things with the fellow Mafioso's of the world. I agree, some people don't get out too often, and their could be a few reasons for this. One could be that their afraid. Some people don't have enough guts to get out and say their opinion, yet they have the nerves to hold a gun to someones face? There's something wrong with that picture.

Another reason could be that they simply, can't think of anything original to say. Although, taking a look at some new blood, talking to them etc., they seem pretty interesting. You'd think interesting people would have something to say, yet they don't.

Is it that people such as Iris and FlyingPig are too intimidating? I know that I for one, for the longest time, was too afraid of giving my opinion for exactly that reason.

With all of this being said, I do think that it's quite ridiculous that people can't get off their lazy asses and make some street appearances.
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We are intimidating? Why? Is it because we are well spoken? Or is it because we can communicate our thoughts in a way befitting our place in this world?

I apologize if having a vast vocabulary and speaking as a Don would is intimidating, but it is who I am and what I do.

There are many people out there that are as well spoken, if not better than I, that have forgotten how to speak.

If you are scared to speak then think back a few months when we were shot for what we said if certain people didn't agree with it. Now it's pretty relaxed and whatnot.

Many people have attributed it to the changes in those dreaded inactives, others blame it on the current leadership.. Personally I blame it on everyone for forgetting what this thing of ours is about. It's not about war, it's not about killing, it's not about crimes, and it is not about jailbreaking. It's about social interaction and community.

Apparently those are lost words on many.
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A Don and her RHM *should* be intimidating. That is another thing that is lost on many. We must remember that this thing of ours is about more than just interacting, but interacting as the people we are.

A Gangster may interact as a Ganster would, a Don should interact as a Don would. As I have often stated to people under my wing who were trying to learn the ropes, you can say almost anything you want, as long as you say it the right way. In other words, it's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. Take for example the two following statements:

"Flying Pig, you are an arrogant, self-centered asshole who thinks he is better than everyone else on these streets. I hope you die."

"Flying Pig, you are brimming with self confidence...perhaps even to a fault. It even seems like you feel superior to everyone else. I'm sure you realize that this sort of attitude could get you killed, and to be honest, that might be a good thing if it served as a lesson for all."

See what I mean? Those two statements are almost exactly the same, but one is much more acceptable than the other.

Just to expand on what Iris said, this place may be about social interaction and such, but it is different things to different people. Not everyone joins the mafia for the social aspect. We must keep this in mind. Their are many aspects of this life, and different aspects appeal more or less to each of us. I think it is important to accept this and not try to push our own beliefs on other people.
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Oh no, its not because you're acting the way you should, that's perfectly... expected? The intimidation comes from the fear of those people who would constantly hound you for possibly disagreeing with what they say.

Say 'Johnny' started a speech on how cream cheese is better than American cheese, and i disagreed. Then Johnny and his cronies would harass the hell out of anyone who agreed with me. Now along comes little Robbie, and he sees that i disagreed and got made fun of, then he would be afraid to disagree. Maybe he would be conformed to a certain type of person, and never be original again due to this.

I think that it's one of the reasons people forget their speaking abilities, is that when their made fun of, it discourages them. It also takes away their originality and motivation to be heard.

FlyingPig, I agree, you and Iris SHOULD be intimidating, reality is, i wasn't talking about either of you when i said that. Although, you both are the type who would make most quiver in their boots. As for your other comment on saying things appropriately, I think that's right to a point. I mean, honestly, if someone said that to you, no matter in which manner, you would probably have them obliterated, correct?
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Then Robbie is a pussy, and there isn't really much we can do about that.

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*pulls out a soap box to sit on and watch as the words fly with a cigar and a cold beer in hand*

don't you people see that our words, debates and even fights are the things that make this thing of ours entertaining! i dont think that i could stand this comunity if it was all about war. its fun to post and see what others say. you laugh or get angry depending on what you say.....THAT IS THE ENTERTAINMENT!! so this is my say people..... GET OUT THERE AND START POSTING!!!!!
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ahahah see.....its also entertaining to see what other people misspell.....wait that person is me......oops lol
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Gino_Macelli steps into the crowd and tentatively clears his throat

I am Gino and I'm new to this thing of ours. I agree with the fact that many of our fellow mafioso are intimidated to speak in such a public manner. I think, however, that as we learn, grow, and advance in life, we should actually do so. It makes no sense to me that someone can make millions and millions of dollars, become made and be accepted as a "higher member" of a family, mug, and/or kill others in the game, but be afraid of a little criticism based upon what they say in the streets. I was very timid about speaking even in my own HQ when I first started. I saw, though, that the roles that people have in the threads are some of what brings a little bit of realism and a whole lot of entertainment to this game.

Speaking in the streets and businesses can be intimidating, for some that's fine, but there are some of us here who enjoy these parts of the game and (in the case of business owners) others who depend on it.
Gino then nods in thanks toward the higher ups for letting him speak and steps back into the crowd.
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*applaudes* and steps back into the crowd to await his next victim......i am the applause assasin i strike when you least expect it lol mwhahahaha
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My family line, as any who know me can attest to, has had a long history of speaking out against things that my ancestors have disagreed with. It's not always ended in sunshine and happiness, as a matter of fact, I do believe my bloodline is nearing the esteemed Nick_Corleone's legacy of dead family members simply because I open my trap far too much for my own good.

And yet, even knowing the consequences, when it comes down to brass tacks, my bloodline has always chosen to speak rather than be silent.

Is that the way that YOU should go? I don't know, I'm not you so I cannot answer that for you. But the simple matter is this, as with FlyingPig's example, as long as you are not running around and straight up calling people shitcocks, then what have you to be afraid of? Disagreement is not a capital offense, so long as you disagree with some civility.
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I don't know about any of you, but the obits have put a massive smile on my face.
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Ive got to agree with you there to be honest :P
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im new but give me some time to get used to game play and ill be chatting more more often.

also ill be bouncing so please give me some time to get used and cheers. *tosses everyone a bottle of my finest*
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*Lights a cigarette and smokes it*

I agree with Daera. There is no reason for anyone to have anything to fear as long as they show respect and not make a fool of themselves. The crew leader and their RH woman or man should be feared but to an extent. While it is true others work below them and must be put in line for the sake of order, we should never forget that being in a crew means being in a family. The family must come first. First comes the Godfather then comes God and then your wife or husband or whoever else. We should look up to our leaders for guidance. Through experience they have grown wise and knowledgeable. Without the soldiers and the earners, etc the Don would not survive and vice versa. Its a binding relationship.

We are all business men (and women) after all.
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You know... I don't know about any of you, but the obits have put a massive smile on my face.
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