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Jun 02 - 13:55:01
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Auto Recycling At Its Best. Started by: DonVisicaro on Mar 05, '13 05:00

It is cold these days, winter nights are long. The wind chill is below thirty degrees and it seems the cold won’t let up.  Three gentlemen with Fedora’s and Long dress coats exit the vehicle and slam the door’s. You hear the noise of the snow under their feet flattening the ground beneath them. As the gentlemen approach the establishment at 5:00 am in the morning. Sky covered in dark red clouds from the night city lights. One of the men pulls out the keys to the gate next to the security booth. He unlocks the lock and with his right hand he grips the cold metal gate and slips it open.  One of the other men pull out a cigar and light it and his other hand as the wind chill tries to blow out the cherry.


Don Visicaro looks at Danny “Darko “Visicaro and Natello “Mayhem” Visicaro and smiles as they glance at the sign of their business of ten years. The billboard reads Chicago Brothers Auto Recycling Inc. With faded paint and rusty looking lettering. The top of the sign frozen with a blanket of snow on it rest on its edges. So many things have happened here. The death of Tony Needles and who can forget about Manetto Gats Marino some of the unknown unsolved murders of some of most popular known Capo’s from this city. Multiple drug deals and stolen vehicles have entered through this run down auto recycling yard, which meant alot of money. The three men walk right in as they tilt their fedoras down to hide from the wind chill. The door opens and then slams shut fast.


Don then reaches over to the right side of the wall and turns on the light switch. The place eliminates the entire main warehouse part of the yard. Tons of stolen vehicles of all sort Model T’s to Dodge Coupe’s to even Low boys are parked nice and neatly in the middle of the most open space of the warehouse. And towards the edge of all four walls were tons of crates stacked up towards the second story of the warehouse. Many things in those boxes. Things from cigarettes and cigars, to fine wines and sweaters. The newest appliances on the market for homes and such. The three men walk up stairs to their offices. 


Don then sits down opens up a brief case in front of Mayhem and Darko. They nod at Don and get straight to work. The men separate the units of coke and between the three and each store them in each other’s briefcase to distribute to their men under them to hit the streets for product. This was one of their main gains in this life. Drugs! What came with drugs was much money, power and many problems, problems that get solved with greasing palms and or clipping off in town hustlers that come between these men and their business. 


The phone rings at Darko’s Desk and he picks it up in a hurry. Who could be calling this time of morning? Darko says with a strong tone. Who is this? His face looks surprised but with a little bit of hate in his eyes. He slams the phone down. FUCKING! loose lips punk he screams! Danny gets up and opens the drawer of his desk. He reaches for his gun. Always loaded he then proceeds to go down the stairs. Don gets up in a hurry and follows down with him. Before he leaves he turns to Mayhem and asks him to watch over the business.

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The two gentlemen rush down the stairs and proceed to the exit of the yard. They pass the security booth and jump in the car. They hit the highway and head down towards Black Bottom district. Don looks at Danny and asks. Who are we after what's going on? Danny looks at him and says. You know Jon Jon from the meat market. Well one of his earner's were pinched last night and rushed down town after a failed attempt to knocking off a couple shipment trucks. And now we suspect this guy of squealing and letting the cops know about our drop off times. 

Don looks at Danny furrious. Don turns to Danny and says. Well even if this kid talked or not, which you know his family are all rats and he did, we need to expose this guy and teach the other crews a lesson on how we do things around here and how important it is to keep they're fucking mouths shut. This is the type of shit that fucks with our business. Did you hear if he has checked in with his wife asks Don. Danny turns to him and says. No I don't think he's that stupid. I have an Idea.

After a twenty minute drive, the car pulls up to a Joe Pops Dinner best crease in town. And they both spot his car as they pull into a safe parking spot far from his eyes.Their see his car the red one. Don turns to Danny and turns the car off. Good he's eating we have about an half hour. Let's say this is his last meal eat up little fucker. As Don smiles and says under his breath. Danny looks at him and grins.

Forty minutes go by and he walks out with a ladie friend. Danny laughs. Awww busted the Mrs ain't going to be to happy about this and look what he is with a prostitute. And a damn ugly one if that. They watch him get into his car with the woman. He then heats up the car and proceeds to backs up. he then heads to the road at the end of the parking lot. The two gentlemen start up the car and leave as well. They follow back three car lengths to may sure they don't get seen. They start heading down town and get off at the one exit were you can bring a sleezy ladie to bed. The American Inn. They watch there target and the woman get out of the car and enter room 13. Why room number 13.

Don and Danny get out of the car and pull out their weapons out of their dress coats. And proceed slowly to the motel door. Danny takes the left while Don takes the right side and look at each other and nod.1...2....3..BAM! The door is ambushed in from the two gentlemen woods chips bust all over the floor. As Loose Lips mike jumps up from the bed with his pants down to his ankles he screams along with the woman in fear. What.. what.. are you two doing here he says nervously to Don and Danny. Don looks at him and says. Well I guess a little birdy told us you might have had some dealings with the police. And you know how we feel about the police Mikey. The man looks at them and burst out in tears.

I swear I never said a word Don! I promise on my wife's grave. Danny laughs. And says, well we see how you feel about her. Your out in the town banging another chick. Whats that tell me Mikey, unfaithful. And a lier and a cheater. I bet your a yapper to huh? The guy falls to the ground. Please this was never my intentions Mikey cries out.
Don grins and says cunningly. Alot of things we do wrong is never our intentions at first. As he holds the gun to his forehead.

The women screams and turns to the two well dressed men. Please don't, I have nothing to do with this. Danny looks at her and says, yea your right then proceeds to dump 5 bullets in her as she falls back. Her body hits the floor lifeless. Mikey jumps from his knees with the gun pressed firmly at his forehead still. He shouts out as he cries. I didn't say a word please don't kill me, Don't do me like this guys. What would my mother say. Don then looks at him and says, your right what would your mother say, look at you! Your dead son! Don looks Mikey dead in the eyes and pulls the trigger.

The bullet goes right trough his head and out the back. He falls back on to the motel bed in a puddle of his own blood. The two men hurry and rush out of the room and Danny takes Mikey's keys and starts his car and and fixes the seat. They both pull out of the parking spaces and floor it out of American Motel. With two bodies laying there. With no leads of the two men even being there, these were the type of business these men were in. 

They pull onto the high way and head towards the yard one car following the other. They pull up to Chicago's Brothers Auto Recycling and drive trough the gate as one of their button men open the doors to the warehouse in the yard. Relieved the men were that their is one less open mouth out there gone with a bullet to the head. Any threat to their business and their drug ring was always handled in such this way. Quick, bloody and no questions asked. They park Mikey's car in the warehouse. Danny gets out and tells one of men standing around. You know what to do. Let make this car disappear. as he says in a loud tone, as Don walks up the stairs to his office. 
Don then enters the office and looks at Mayhem and says so whats new to the agenda for today?

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Danny after telling one of the men to dispose of the car, follows behind Don. He smiles abit after entering the room, and says

Sorry about that Mayhem, business. You know. Then quickly looking to Don he says You have the papers and everything? We are legit?

DonVisicaro nods to Danny, while pulling out the papers to show him. Checking them for himself Danny smiles looking to the three gentlemen.

We are in business fellas. As soon as he said that, the door opened and a customer walked in. Looking around the customer rang the bell. Danny walks to the front office.

How can I help you? the customer looks to Danny with a concerned look and says. Yeah, I was looking for a alternator for my car. Danny looks to the list of parts they have in stock.

Yep, got acouple in stock for $150. Would you like me to go ahead and get that for you? The customer smiles No, that will be fine. I'll get it later, just wanted to check what it would cost me.

Danny nods and walks back into the back room. Sorry guys, our first customer wanted a part for their car, fuhgeddaboudit.

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Don laughs at Danny's comment and says to him. Yeah like our main focus is to sell any parts here, well we still need to look legit here so. Danny then goes up stairs to meet up with -Mayhem- and count some of this afternoon's drug profits.

Don then walks to the front desk and picks up the phone. He then dials out and waits for the call to be answered. Hello? Who is this? The shady man on the phone says in a strong tone. Its me man! Says Don.

Who's me? The shady man on the phone and a smart manner. You know Linda's son! Your cousin you idiot. Cousin Iggy starts laughing on the phone and replies. Why didn't you say so man. Got me thinking that you were someone else man. Don then cuts him off. What you mean someone else?

Iggy then explains to Don what he means. Well last week I made a bet on the local baseball game, and the money I borrowed from Tony Al Fentucci, you know the one from the speak easy on 5th ave and Charles. Well long story short I borrowed the money and lost the bet on the game. It was a close game to as well I mean bottom of the 9th and....

Don then cuts him off. I'm not trying to hear about the game Iggy. How much you borrowed? Don says to Iggy. Its was...was...50 grand. Iggy replies.

50 grand huh? Don sighs and breathes heavily. Iggy, you know you never was a real good gambler what were you thinking. So you need the money?  Iggy then says to Don. Yea man I need to pay him back or I'll have to wheeled around in a chair.

Don then pauses. I have the money, but I have a better idea. Listen call me back in an hour Iggy I have an Idea lets say we might not have to pay old big Al the cash. Don then finishes his convo with his cousin and then hangs up the phone. 

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