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GAME TOPIC: Momma said always do it safe. Started by: TheKing on Apr 11, '13 17:09

Even if all of the replies have been deleted I still don't like this idea. So I'm guessing from the way the Announcement threads are now locked that this is not going to be removed.

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Sometimes you just have to accept it and move forward.

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Bill Maher's bit on the stop lights really sums up how I am feeling about the reaction of some of the people here: (Starts at 2:30)

This is one of those features that is designed to make sure that real life mistakes don't screw over someone.  Much like how we have confirmation screens on many of the pages of MR - much like how we have code put in place to ensure that you don't screw up and accidentally launch two jails back to back, or purchase something with credits twice on accident.  Sometimes the victim is is also the person to blame, but a feature like this - I am really not understanding everyone's love for random victims.  Is this really schadenfreude at its finest, or are people upset over the extra click?   I am not trying to be difficult or take a stance that wont allow me to consider other peoples opinions, but I really can't understand just how angry and worked up some of you are over this. Please help me understand why some of you are really promoting the hurting of random peoples accounts?

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There was a quote I heard once from someone on here that I have always thought to best summarize the existence on MR. "We live our lives 3mins and 20secs at a time, and every click could be your last." There has always been a sense of randomness in MR, whether it be a mistaken PP or any other type of misclick that could end your life. This randomness is something that many people here have taken to heart and learned to live with. I view this change as removing some of the randomness, that comes with playing.

While I understand the counterargument, yes it does suck to lose your account to something random but that's very much a part of what goes on here. For example, someone buys out and goes rogue because they are quitting the game; there may be no reason why they decide to shoot at someone except for the fact that person is in the same city. Why is this aspect of the random victim any less important than, a misclick?

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Really stupid decision, another change to further dumb down the game and removing even more of what once made this game unique.

But meh, no point in arguing with a brick wall.

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WHY is there a need to make it safe? As Bearderus says, you dumbed it down. A player should pay attention him/herself what he/she shoots, and accidents that happen can produce a fun war. This is a GAME after all, and it's supposed to have some risk.
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great addition guys, loving it... already saved me once when i clicked the wrong name on the online list during durden spawns!

keep up the good work!

How is it dumb and stupid guys? It's realistic and will save your life at one point. Sometimes I think people will bitch at anything. You can get your point across without resorting to name calling. The admins spend a lot of time making additions to the came, you dont have to come out here and take a shit on them.

Just because they added a feature you dont like does not give you the fucking right to throw your toys out of the pram at them. I DESPISE BG's, I think they're the reason there's not a lot of action nowadays. You dont see me trashing Izzy and Enkindle with "omfg guys take out BG's they're shit, what a really stupid decision to add them".

Manners cost nothing, go fucking learn some. I'm disgusted by some of the replies I've seen here and before the other thread's replies were deleted.

Get out of your little hole's, the game needs to evolve to survive. If you dont like something by all means say something, but show Izzy and enkindle enough respect to say it politely to them.

You've alienated quite a few of your fellow users, even though they agree with your viewpoint, you've gone about it like a two year old who didn't their way.

Despicable. Grow up.

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I must note...

Look at toby's reply. What was stopping you from writing something like that? He obviously disagree's with it, but doesn't feel the need to use the words "stupid" and "dumb".

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Countdown I agree that people do need to get a grip when it comes to game changes and be respectful. Everything the admins do is in their eyes to benefit us users and I do to a point see where they are coming from with this change in that respect. 

I agree with Toby though when it comes to this game change. It is taking out what makes MR so appealing, the whole randomness of the game. The fact that you could be the victim of someone messing up a pickpocket is part of the fun. Yes your going to be pissed that you died but out of all the victims of 'mistakes' a bet the majority are still playing?

Also Countdown the safety didn't save you the fact that you took a second look at who you were shooting at did.
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SIMBA you got a good point there, this isnt gonna really stop the people feom killing someone if they are in a hurry. The reason people "accidently" kill people is because they dont look at the name in the wack screen. Adding this safety isnt going to make people check the name, all it dies is add another click to a process that doesnt really need one.
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Leaving my own personal feelings for the (principal of the) change aside.... I think TheKing made a perfect case for the introduction of the change there. 

If someone is in a rush to wack and not paying attention, they're going to swipe it safe and not check who they're wacking regardless. This means the 'accidental' wacks will still happen (which is the same case with or without it). If, however, they had genuinely intended to PP or to MM the person, it will be enough to stop that attempt from going through and give them enough of a prompt to stop those handful of cases from going through. Based on the above comment alone, it's enough of a justification for it to stay. 

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I think the big WACK button at the bottom is enough to determine if your on the WACK or PP or MM screen. Last time i sent a message to someone i didn't have to click on Wack same with the last time i PP'd someone. So again this is a unneeded feature as nothing will stop people from not paying attention.

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