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GAME TOPIC: Adrenaline Rush - Doesnt Use MIA Started by: Squishy on Apr 21, '13 04:42

Adrenaline Rush - Doesnt Use MIA

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Great idea. however, i think it'd be better if this only takes effect when you get the perk effect on your last MIA. so the kills still count against your MIA count, but you won't be cheated of the perk effect

  Reply by: Philli-stein at Apr 21, '13 04:29
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I'm not sure what I feel about the suggestion of it only ignoring the MIA count if it's the final MIA. 

I've no major issue with it, it's not something I'd fight for or against, I just struggle to see any logical reason or justification for it. If the MIA count is ignored for a perk on a final MIA kill, it would be far more logical and 'balanced' for it to be ignored when the perk kicks in on any MIA kill.  
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Santana, this was put in place to avoid being cheated of the perk's effect due to MIA wacking. I do agree that not losing that bonus kill is a good idea. however, if you add it for all MIA kills, you are giving an advantage to the players. and frankly, i don't think we need those extra MIAs. the cap is there for a reason, and that reason is valid. When the cap has been adjusted, the effective cap (kill per day average) has not changed. only the way it was spread has changed. unless the reason for the cap goes away, i don't want to see the cap changed more then necessary. 

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I understand your point of view, and don't really disagree with it, but to give a balanced discussion with lack of anyone else taking the opposite side of the argument I'll play devils advocate here.

By removing this new 'benefit' from all MIAs other than the 'last' MIA, you're still leaving the advantage for the more hardcore/elite players (the ones that will actually swing the balance with changes like this) and simply removing it from the more casual players who aren't at risk of shifting the scales. The more active or mechanic conscious players will continue to get additional kills by either being clever in the timing of their kills (spreading them out to always achieve a window where they have a final kill shot open) or in some cases simply by players buying their way into that position continually. I've a particular issue with the latter there, as while I'm all for support of the game in the purchasing of credits I'm also very concious of the negative impact it can/could/will have if it becomes too much of an added advantage to building a character (it already is a major factor in determining defensive strength, and a lesser one in determining offensive strength. The proposed tweak to the timing of when the bonus would apply would give it an even greater impact on determining offensive strength). 

As this will have a more noticeable impact on the more casual players (and thus their later ability to take a more active role in a war/bg shots/etc) and not on the more hardcore players (I know I'd manage to take full advantage of the mechanic either way, even without paying for each MIA kill... so doesn't impact the more attentive active players at all) I'd be inclined to side against it personally. 

It is a subjective one though, and open to all sorts of differences of opinion.  

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I agree with Satanta. One can easily space their MIA kills to get in order to get the Perk bonus.  Also, In my opinion, Allowing this to every MIA kill does not affect a lot.

The current MIA limit is 2 Kills per day, and adding another 5% to that, i.e, changing that to 2.1 kills per day is not a big change. It kinda makes the game a bit more interesting tho, always hoping for that 5%.

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