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ADMIN COMP: Can your digits find the digits? Started by: Squishy on Jun 08, '13 02:32

With the soon launch of our new feature - Safe Cracking - we felt an admin comp would be a good way to thoroughly test out the feature.

Starting now, until Monday at 23:59, users can compete by doing safe cracking. 


The Comp:

Successfully open as many safes as possible within a 30 minute window.  In the event of a tie, winner goes to the person with the most accurate skill over their window. 

The safe starts off very easy, nice and slow with a very large margin of error.  As you progress, it gets faster and harder to the point where you'll most likely have more fails than successes in the few final minutes of the safe cracking. (heh, rest assured it wont actually get this hard in the real game)

When you are ready to start, click the "START TIMER" button, which starts your 30 minute round.  When your round is over, you can start another one if you choose. You can as many 30 minute sessions as you want until the deadline.  Your best session is what is compared against the other players to determine your place.


How do I Safe Crack?

There is the dial, and 3 gauges.  Each lock has 3 sets of numbers as the combination.

Click the dial to start the spinning.  As the dial gets closer to the first set of numbers, the gauge will go up.  The closer the gauge gets to the top, the closer you are to the proper answer.  The "perfect" answer is when the gauage is at the exact top.  To stop the dial, simply click it.  Now the dial will spin the other direction and you should be ready to get the 2nd set of the combination.  Do not let the dial spin past the answer or else you will have to start over!  Repeat this for the last answer.  Once you have all 3 done and you are happy with the gauges being very close to the top, hit Attempt To Open.  (There is a pretty forgiving margin of error in the easy locks, but as the locks get harder, you have to get closer and closer to the very top to get it right)

If at any time you feel you want to restart the dail, simply click "RESET SAFE", and it will start over at the first spin.


The "ATTEMPT TO FORCE" option is disabled for now (As you do more safe cracks, the better you are at simply just forcing the lock with one button click to save you from having to do this over and over and over and over)


After the event is over, we will be computing the winners and posting the thread/payouts on tuesday.


Everyone who competes will receive an entrance prize, as well as the Top 10 most busts will receive some prizes to award their display of such safe lockin' badassery.


Annnnnd here it is:


Get crackin!


(PS.  This will not work well on low powered mobile phones, we still have some optimization left to make it work smoothly on them)

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Beyond the competition, in regular game play, what is the reward for safe cracking? XP? Stats toward a skill? Cash?

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Gets crazy hard near the end! Had 100 and 5 minutes left and the gauges fill up in the blink of an eye! Becomes more of a test of your reaction speed than timing!

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What lever do you have to be to do the Safe Cracking?
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Its not set in stone, but we are thinking that safe crackiing will be introduced in at level 20.

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It will pay out in cash and in XP.

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I love the flashing red when you reset the safe, it's kind of tense like the odds of getting caught are going up because you had to start over. 

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Tis a great feature this. If I had any feedback to give i'd say.. don't make it so forgiving at the earlier stages. As to me.. it was a bit too forgiving when I was testing how shit I could be and still win.
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I love this feature... Makes me feel awesome...

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  Jun 11, 00:10:07 Your accountant has made payment of $1,140,000 to Kattan.
  Jun 11, 00:10:03 Your accountant has made payment of $2,280,000 to Bruiser.
  Jun 11, 00:09:57 Your accountant has made payment of $3,450,000 to DOG.
  Jun 11, 00:09:51 Your accountant has made payment of $4,640,000 to Torgo_Nudho.
  Jun 11, 00:09:44 Your accountant has made payment of $5,850,000 to Romain.
  Jun 11, 00:09:40 Your accountant has made payment of $7,020,000 to General_Snip.
  Jun 11, 00:09:33 Your accountant has made payment of $8,190,000 to Cantona.
  Jun 11, 00:09:27 Your accountant has made payment of $9,440,000 to -Deathstalker-.
  Jun 11, 00:09:16 Your accountant has made payment of $10,710,000 to Shaun.
  Jun 11, 00:09:05 Your accountant has made payment of $12,100,000 to Rothschild.
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Excellent competition, thank you Squishy!

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Forgot the safe thing yesterday Jun 10, anyways thanks a lot Squishy.

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Annnd the official results thread :)

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How is the accuracy displayed? Ive got 0.26 but I dont know what this is in terms 26%?

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That was fun :D congrats to all 

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Accuracy is how far off you were from the exact number.  Lets say the first set of the combo was 25, and you got a 28 - totally an acceptable answer, however, its less accurate than if you got a 25.  The lower the accuracy number (sounds backwards eh?) the more accurate and close to the true answer you were.

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Everyone who died during/after the comp but before the payout, has received the payout on the current character.

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