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GAME CHANGE: Modified VIP Post Rankings Started by: Squishy on Jul 09, '13 19:39

We have altered the VIP post rankings in two ways.


1) It counts posts/threads that date back a little further.

2) We have adjusted the population math so that it does a fair 1 on 1 comparison per city.  A city that has 300 people and 150 points, would be dead equal with a city that has 150 people and 75 points.



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I've been thinking of making a suggestion along these lines for a while; now seems like the perfect time.

Ultimately, whichever way this is set up has an element of 'unfairness'. I think this is the best way, as the smaller cities find it possible to compete which is the fairest way to do things; but an obvious disadvantage is that as an individual it becomes much harder to make an impact in a bigger city where more work is required. This is arguably a good thing in terms of the fact that it requires a more cohesive effort, but it is kinda sucky for the individual who puts in potentially a lot of work with no return (other than the standard XP gain present before VIP rankings)


Therefore, can I suggest a little perk for the people who are the top VIP posters in their own city on a weekly/biweekly basis? Either a direct reward or, failing that, an achievement? 'Be a top VIP x1, x5, x10' etc in the same way as the rogue/durden achievements?


Either/or, it wouldn't compromise the actual workings of how VIP points are rewarded and seems like a natural progression to me!

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If your city/district/cl isnt rewarding you, perhaps you should find a better fit for your talents.  I really don't want to infringe too much upon the CLs who go out of their way to be supportive of those that carry the weight of a crew in the forums, versus those that don't.

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