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Never been authed - rebuilding Brooklyn Started by: JackRyan on Dec 22, '13 19:59

what difference does it make about the bgs that part just seems stupid. so someone who's put work in their account and fits every other requirement can't enter cause their cl wanted them protected? how does that make sense?

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Didn’t we just go through this? Though, with the last one there weren’t so many plot holes. Just like G_man said, how will you be completely sure that no ancestor was ever authed. Gambit brings up a good point as well. A crew leader has a member they invested in, giving them more than very well protection before this rebuilding Brooklyn was announced. This person could be a great candidate for Brooklyn, but now cannot participate without firing some of that hired help. 

I also agree with Helix, where this “competition” keeps those who haven’t had an ancestor authed for many, many moons from participating. However, Helix if you speak of this for yourself or someone else, you/they could have entered in the popularity contest for Staten Island. Hayley already covered that, I’m just playing catch up. We can take RedRum_, a Staten Island winner, is a new auth. His bloodline had never had an auth opportunity in our world. So, honestly, rebuilding Brooklyn sounds a lot like rebuilding Staten Island. There isn’t a fresh idea here. This isn’t something we’ve never seen. 

With four new auths in Staten Island and however many auths in Brooklyn it almost seems there is too much attention on rebuilding New York. JackRyan, you have your godfather crew and you have KrookedC’s crew. This isn’t news to you, it’s your district, but KrookedC is at 29 members. You and KrookedC could sit pretty together or you can auth another. The average amount of crews per district is three, if you ran with that and authed another, your new auth would have to compete with the four Staten Island auths and the not yet determined Brooklyn auths. Even if your auth is a fantastic leader, great pick, he/she may have a struggle getting/keeping members. What if your new auth can’t seem to get more than ten members. That’s money for you, or lack of. This is not me saying a person in your district is just a number. The financial well being of your district may suffer from a back to back rebuild New York competitions. Well, I guess, unless are you getting a cut from this rebuild Brooklyn event?

Besides the concentration/obsession of rebuilding New York, the lack of honor of being authed by your crew leader is nagging at me. In my perfect reality all auths should be given the nod by their crew leader. I understand that we don’t all live in that special place of mine, so I can get behind the Staten Island competition. I liked the idea of it, I appreciate all the work that went into putting it all together and I’m curious to how the new auths will form the city based on their pitch to the community and their actions now that they actually have the chance. There is still something special about being given the opportunity from your crew leader to run your own family. 

Some can argue that with these competitions the crew leader does give the nod, but not really. Sure, they give their permission to participate with the community to rebuild Staten Island, but it’s not the same when it’s directly family related. I personally think a never before authed bloodline should be given the nod with their family’s support, not just the Godfather’s, but the whole district. The way this Brooklyn competition is looking is that never before authed bloodlines have a chance (even though they had the same chance in the Staten Island competition) to run their own family gladiator style. This isn’t the hunger games kids, this is the blood games. You’ve never had auth before? Step right up and die. 

Competitions are fun. They are exciting, but there are a plethora of different kinds of competitions. Is it really a good idea to have basically the same competition back to back? Is there to much attention being put on rebuilding New York? Is this competition wasting a district? Save the idea for another day, another devastating war? 

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It will interesting to see how fresh bloodlines take the streets of Brooklyn, and make a name for themselves. This a very intriguing competition can't wait to see who can climb there way to from the bottom to the top become Godfather.
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I'd like to see many people getting involved in this. If your dreams to be a CL then chase it. I ran in the SI contest and was the underdog, being a player who stayed out of the streets and kept mostly to his family and friends. Did that stop me from going door to door sharing conversations with the Men and Women of Honor in this thing of ours? No i made sure I left no stone unturned and maybe i got a few doors slammed in my face, at the end of it i came from the back pack to getting an auth. Anythings possible and I'd like to encourage people to take this offer as i highly doubt you'll see a opportunity like this again. Good luck to everyone.

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I have always been someone against this sort of competition quite simply as i have seen similar outcomes again and again.  I took my place at the Godfather table after both SI and Brooklyns competitions had been started.  I share the same concerns that others do, especially with people saying x will shoot y already in SI and Brooklyn and we know come January 3rd i believe this could possibly be the case of mass bloodshed if too many alive.  How many people would fight to keep power?

some people are asking why vwp also? my personal thoughts are simple, makes someone easy to hit as not that hard to rake up kills these days and people know it. do you want a strong opponent or a chance to clear people out with ease.  It sounds horrendous but is true a gap in the middle ranks builds a bigger divide between top and bottom in my opinion.

Am i relieved someone is in Brooklyn, of course.  Why am i relieved? one an empty district makes no profit. two,  i know what damage a bunch of revenge happy npc's could do to the established cities who removed brooklyn and SI.  I hope people think before they act with brooklyn, but i guess will see with time.

I look forward to sitting round the table with Brooklyn, SI, Queens and Sweets from the Bronx soon, so hopefully where mediation is possible, calmer heads can prevail.

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Heh I find it funny quite a few complain it's the same auth over and over why can't we see new blood get a chance.

Well here it is folks do I generally like competitions? No I certainly don't but I do believe they give people a great chance and you can leave a legacy like the late DeadlySin or PoisonousJelly good things can come out of this. We are allowing what most want to see new blood going bold this is giving people a chance they may never get and they can either shine in the spotlight or fade to the background only time will tell what will happen.

Ultimately we can not see the future so no need to hate on the competition give it a chance good may come out of it or it may be horrible but we will have to let the future pave that out.

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After reading the announcement bboy cant help but voice out some questions too...


So the maximum number of crew leaders that will be allowed to set up is four. Then if there are more than four crew leaders it would be up to them on how to narrow it down. My question is...will those that will be trimmed out be allowed to step down from his leadership and join the remaining crew or will this be a last man standing process. I guess this can be answered by those who will be setting up there. It will surely be interesting to see new faces leading a crew as I myself am new. Best wishes to all.

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Ziva hears the latest announcement from the Godfather council and sighs deeply.

Disappointing, again, in my eyes.

Another district thrown to contest and authing en masse for the sake of authing and for what appears to be the sake of not having to rock the boat with each other by being assertive.

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Blaise was sitting in one of the local New York coffee shops, drinking her coffee and reading the newspaper. After taking a few sips, she placed the cup back on the table, and pushed it away. "This coffee is definitely not what I am used to," she said, grimacing and went back to reading her paper.

"Wait...a local crime family is taking over Brooklyn? Let me find out more about this..."

After asking around, she went to where some people were gathering, and heard about the latest announcement.

"Now, I for one am all about new twists on tradition. That is why I supported the current activities in Staten Island. But to do pretty much the same thing in a different district? Why not just auth someone brand new outright? People have said the timing of the Staten Island competition was poor, so I am not sure why this was done immediately after."

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I find it amusing that the people mostly disappointed in this are the ones who's family lines are constantly regurgitated with Auth.

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Coroner, I think that is a pathetic excuse to come out to the streets and grace us with your presence. I'd love to see you back what you said up.

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Tokay, I think that is a pathetic excuse to come out to the streets and grace us with your presence. I'd love to see you make him back what he said up.

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Courage, are you merely here to encourage the shoddier commentators of our world to continue a solid line of idiocy? That seems to be pretty much all you've done today.

Coroner, I have to agree with the lovely Ms. Zombi here.

Back that up.

Besides from anything else, I'm getting sick of people acting like those new to our shores don't have any kind of chance at auth. My bloodline has been here for less than eighteen months, and had two crews in that time. When my great-grandmother was authed by Cpt-Harris, our bloodlines had only known each other for about two weeks.

The more we hear self-entitled whining about how this world of ours is a closed shop, the more it becomes one. People aren't just going to welcome you in with open arms just because. Earn your place among them. Get to know them. Talk to them. Befriend them. I think a lot of people fall into the trap of believing that all there is too our world is guns and money. There is far more than that to it. People who aren't recognizing that are putting a huge obstacle in their way if they ever want to rise up in this world.

I mentioned self entitled whining; I have to say that shite like this Brooklyn competition is only going to make that worse.

Godfather Council, you have a responsibility here. Protect what it means to be a crew leader, or you'll soon find your own position is equally cheapened.

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Ragnarok for auth!! It's a grass roots movement at the moment, but with enough funds and support from my two or three legitimate friends, this wild pipe dream could come true. I have nothing to offer but my word that we will party all day and sell drugs all night. So spread the word and sign up today.

And so you're all aware, this message isn't supported by any candidates, yet.
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Really?  Whats to back up? Look in the mirror. You're head is stuck in .. the sand if you don't see the recycling of family lines for Auth. Not just now always.

Now if you want auth you got it, I think that's a good thing pretty much gives anyone new and more Importantly different a chance if they want it.

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"Besides from anything else, I'm getting sick of people acting like those new to our shores don't have any kind of chance at auth. My bloodline has been here for less than eighteen months, and had two crews in that time. When my great-grandmother was authed by Cpt-Harris, our bloodlines had only known each other for about two weeks."

Whilst it doesn't compare to some of the veteran bloodlines 18 months is far from fresh faced and fresh off the boat Ziva, perhaps spending too much time with said veterans has clouded your judgement of time and length on these shores. I have barely seen any people actively expressing their discontent at lack of chances, if anything we should be rewarding their ambition. If everyone was so desperate for the bold suit we'd have surely seen more then two mobsters set up in Brooklyn already? Correct your great-grandmother may or may not have know Cpt-Harris for two weeks but you speak as if you he plucked her from the midsts of crew obscurity with no prior communication. She was the RHM to Cpt-Harris' first choice auth, so when Ariadne stepped down it's not unreasonable to assume that she would get the crew..which she did.  

"The more we hear self-entitled whining about how this world of ours is a closed shop, the more it becomes one. People aren't just going to welcome you in with open arms just because. Earn your place among them. Get to know them. Talk to them. Befriend them. I think a lot of people fall into the trap of believing that all there is too our world is guns and money. There is far more than that to it. People who aren't recognizing that are putting a huge obstacle in their way if they ever want to rise up in this world."

Are you then suggesting that we should rest on the laurels of friendships and bonds made in the past and thus we'll be rewarded in the future despite potentially not deserving it? Would you argue that "hard work" in the coffee shops is more important then "hard work" in the streets, in this world? Guns and money is a sure fire way to get those who may not already have the secret password into the rooms and conversations where all the decisions are made. Because I've no doubt those fresh off the boat will not get in any other way. 

"I mentioned self entitled whining; I have to say that shite like this Brooklyn competition is only going to make that worse.

Godfather Council, you have a responsibility here. Protect what it means to be a crew leader, or you'll soon find your own position is equally cheapened."

How has the crew leader position been cheapened? Please can you elaborate once again on this because just because there is more it doesn't equal a fall in quality. How do you know Brooklyn is a "shite competition" when we haven't even seen the outcomes or results. I hate to flog the dead deadlysin horse but you don't go on to rule this world for a long stint by being shit. It's just not possible, it always catches up with you. The Godfather council are trying to appeal and please the community, there may be more Chiefs now but there are still a lot of Indians like myself who like the ideas put forth. Perhaps not all the finer details, but then you can't please everyone..right? The cream always rises to the top, hopefully I see you up there Ziva.

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Insane respectfully offers his condolences to all the fallen in this era. Indeed utmost respect. Reminisces on the time of my arrival and how often   the need to rebuild these streets to date.

Many ideas to date have given the community opportunity, and kudos to their hard work.  Yet we see the same results that result in people packing up.  On occasion, we will see their return and not because they they are addicted. They are merely looking for true change in a place where they can conduct the true meaning of business. Put ranks to work. 



Insane starts to walk off and realizes something else needs to change to bring back what was once hopping

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Disorder watches the young mobster curiously, as he starts talking to long absent ghosts. 

"Perhaps it would help if you clearly defined what you consider to be this 'true change' people were looking for? Or rather than making vague statements about 'something else needs to change to bring back what was once hopping', maybe it would help if you made a clear statement about what you want to see  brought back?

The governing leadership have clearly demonstrated a willingness to bring about changes and provide opportunities where they see fit. As they have also proven ready to listen to thoughts and ideas from anyone and everyone that cares to share them. So there really is no need to wander the streets meekly making passive-aggressive statements toward memories of dead people.

If you have a dream, just solidify that idea on paper and bring it to us, or come out here and articulate it as clearly as possible. If the idea has merit, it will be given serious consideration. If it still holds up after closer scrutiny, I'd say there would be a reasonable chance it will get implemented."

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Insane just finishes up listening to an all time favorite song "Sweet Dreams" when he hears GF Disorder calling out his name. Listens further with an open mind.  


GF Disorder, thank you for calling on me.  As you stated I am surely a young mobster. Any wise young mobster should and thoroughly enjoy checking out the history so to get better acclimated.  No wrong doings checking out history and my respects to the fallen  in this era including Coroner. In addituion, I  clearly said Kudos to the many to date with the similar line of ideals. Meaning those who currently govern. I assure you I am a far cry from passive/aggressive. Maybe that is a problem.   I lived the dream countless times. But I do have an idea to present. And I will have no problem presenting my idea with merit as many have.


Coroner was a wise man.

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I look forward to hearing it. 

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