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Promotions Started by: BloodyFaster on Dec 24, '08 06:02
I've been out of the game for a while, a year or so.

I started playing in the old world and every time I have a lighter month or so I come back to this life consuming game.

The thing is this time I am not being able o play not even close to what I was used to play. Even then I am getting my promotions in min time, while before I spend a lot more effort and missed one or other eventually.

I know people used to complain ranking was too hard, and that you'll say no one is ever happy, but:


And how that is affecting the game?


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In all honesty, it DOES appear to be easier. Worrying, but true. I'm not quite sure what changed to affect it this much, but now it's possible to rank faster than the old min times allowed, and in a huge way. 15-20 day old Consigs and the like have been seen recently.

It's affecting the game in quite a big way to be fair, because whereas someone like Anita had to withstand a lot of wars against her, Marietta had to only survive one big war (correct me if I'm wrong) to get Godfather, and the sheer amount of Dons these days is relatively ridiculous. Everyone can rank to Consig within 25 days, which just creates a lot of high rankers sitting around getting bored.
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I'm pretty sure it gets harder after Wise Guy, but I'm not sure as I'm not there yet, I think they should give you goals to achieve to make it harder to rank, so for Goomba say you need to do a number of petty crimes or something (not that exactly just an example) I think it would make it harder to rank but not too hard
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"It's affecting the game in quite a big way to be fair, because whereas someone like Anita had to withstand a lot of wars against her, Marietta had to only survive one big war (correct me if I'm wrong) to get Godfather, and the sheer amount of Dons these days is relatively ridiculous. Everyone can rank to Consig within 25 days, which just creates a lot of high rankers sitting around getting bored. "

You are all right, lets take it back to the old days, since everyone is so old school. Min time for wise guy 40 days and min time for made man 140. Sound good guys, cuz that's old days right there.

Who is ready?
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Well maybe not that hard, I say 25 days for wise guy and 60 days for made man might be better
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Yes Prem, but WG could have his crew...

And it is not a question of min times for me. It's a question of effort.

It has been too easy to get the promotions in min time, that is the point.
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Actually earner could have his crew, if I am not mistaken.
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Earner could have a crew, so we can make it even old schooler, No wack time restrciton, no witness statments, personaels only hold 10 events, bank glitch, and shit lets bring tonyB back. Unlimited crew size will be fun again, crew transfer button was always a good laugh. No auth button times shall be fun again. Bring back 100% wack i always had a good laugh with that. Fixed drug prices again too plz. Ty ty, and get rid of bgs, they get in the way oh wait i got super wack again nvm nvm.

Or fuck it we can go old old school make the game a fourm only again, only crew leaders can wack members in the crew. LETS DO THE DAMN THING.
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Awesome thinks that PremBear is mocking the other boys and girls.

I'll warn you now, Santa won't come if you keep on bullying these people like that!
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We're not saying to go back the way it was we are just saying it should a bit harder to rank, I mean c'mon it's 8 days to get to Wise Guy, so you can back off unless you want to actually contribute to the discussion people know what it was like and we're glad the game moved on we're just saying it should be harder to rank. If you want to post here at least contribute to the duscussion.
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" people know what it was like and we're glad the game moved on we're just saying it should be harder to rank. If you want to post here at least contribute to the duscussion. "

Actually known of you KNOW what it was like, seeing as im the only one on this game who played during that time.
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Someone give this man a medal for attempting to win the "I have a bigger e-dick" award.

Ignoring his pointless contributions though, I would agree that it has become a bit too easy to rank. As I understand it, the idea was to allow people certain people, who maybe haven't got all that much time to play, to rank. This is being abused by those who HAVE got the time to play because they're ranking very quickly. I'm guilty of those sins too, but who can blame those who have more free time? Should they try not to rank as fast? No, I think the solution is to bring back min times. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind getting rid of the min times, but I seem to recall something being said about it stopping people from pestering Izzy about checking to see if they have the points and such.
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It's affecting the game in quite a big way to be fair, because whereas someone like Anita had to withstand a lot of wars against her, Marietta had to only survive one big war (correct me if I'm wrong) to get Godfather, and the sheer amount of Dons these days is relatively ridiculous. Everyone can rank to Consig within 25 days, which just creates a lot of high rankers sitting around getting bored.

Reply by: HeIIo at Dec 24, '08 06:09

You certainly weren't complaining when you got Don in less than min time, but I suppose flipping sides once you're dead is the cool thing to do.

Also, Godfather points weren't minimized, at least that was my understanding from the multiple threads on this back in the day. Only the ranks between Made Man and Don have had their times switched around. So surviving one big war versus multiple big wars shouldn't be considered a factor in this argument at all- the min time and the amount of work gone into thye account still had to be the same, tyvm.

As far as ranking being harder or easier- easier than the old old days? Certainly. Easier than a year ago? It's subjective. The amount of time and work you spend on an account will directly translate to how fast and how high you rank. I've had some accounts from over a year ago that ranked faster than Marietta did, even though the ranking system has been changed since then. If you're logging on every day and doing two petties then are in turn complaining that you are not min-timing your ranks, then obviously there is something wrong with you. Your rank reflects the work you put into your character, into the game, and into your family.
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Ranking is easier nowadays?? Fucking hell, my three petties a day are doing nothing for me!

Why whinge? Just accept the way the ranking is and get on with it.
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"This is being abused by those who HAVE got the time to play because they're ranking very quickly"

lol yes its being abused people should only be allowed on for certian time period a day.
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You ask everyone at Made Man how hard Capo is and you might revise your opinions..
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Anita had to withstand a lot of wars against her, Marietta had to only survive one big war.

So what? The amount of wars a character is involved in doesn't count towards ranking.
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I must say that I tend to agree with the OP. I believe that in order to acquire & be blessed with the privilege & responsibility of a position of power within a family, one should have to be a made man. Now I understand that there can & will be exceptions to every rule. That being said, it should indeed be the rule that only official members of the family, or made men, can be placed into a position of power. By position of power I mean RHM, LHM, Consig, Underboss, Caporegime etc. etc. I can see a subcrew leader being a wise guy or a really good earner who has a step up on a button but official ranks & positions of that nature should be given to made men IMO. If made men cannot be trusted then maybe they should not have been made in the first place.

Now being a new player I dont remember what it was like in the old days in terms of ease or speed of rank upgrade or promotion. Im really not able to comment on that. As it stands now I feel pretty good with my progression to wise guy and know that in order to be made I would have to work hard & be of some value to my Don. I would expect nothing else from myself anyway.
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You certainly weren't complaining when you got Don in less than min time, but I suppose flipping sides once you're dead is the cool thing to do.

I didn't complain at all, but even when I was Don I actually said that it was too easy to rank. I think you'll find that I never flipped side at all. You appear to have tactfully skipped out the part where I said "I'm guilty of those sins too, but who can blame those who have more free time?"

Nice one.
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Naw, when I see things you've written I just tend to skim them. My time is precious, after all. My apologies for not going over everything with a fine-toothed comb.
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