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Christmas Competition Started by: JimmyTheLionHeart on Dec 24, '08 10:55
It was a cold blustery night as my bodyguard and I walked towards our friends house for a Christmas party. Many people from different backgrounds were going to be there. It was bound to be a blast

As we approached the door, I could hear muffled talking from around the house. The smell of turkey was almost irresistible, but my curiosity triumphed my growling stomach.

'Where's the fucking money Walter?! Where is it?!' A man in a fine suit screamed, spraying who i assume was Walter with spittle. Walter merely scoffed and said 'Chill the fuck out Ralphie, it's in the god damn suitcase.' Ralphie motioned for his accomplice to grab the suitcase from Walter's vehicle and waited not-so-patiently for his return.

Smiling, I turned into the house thinking nothing of the exchange. Typical mob business as usual. Looking around I saw many familiar faces, and some that i didn't recognize at all. Something wasn't right. I should know everyone here...

Deciding to ignore the newcomers, I said to my bodyguard 'Go, drink and have some fun.' Wasting no time, he grabbed a bottle of wine and stood underneath the mistletoe.

Towards the time that dinner was being served, everybody was pretty drunk. Ralphie and Walter were now singing together with their arms around each others shoulders, and my bodyguard was kissing this blonde chick under the mistletoe. I was feeling pretty good myself, having just downed a few shots of vodka.

Sitting down at the illustrious table I smiled, seeing that the newcomers were gone. All was well this Christmas. The waiters brought out 8 grand turkeys and the smell was excellent. The host of the party, Johnathon grabbed a carving knife and began to go to work on those birds.

Working with expertise, not anything more than two minutes later he was cutting up the last turkey. The waiters were long gone now, deciding that John could take care of it himself. As he cut into the turkey, BOOM! A gunshot went off, and blood came from John's ribs. 'Ow! NO! Don't call the police you fucktard. Get the nurse on staff to come get me, and tell her to bring a stretcher!'

Taking a look, i saw a smoking pistol inside the turkey. Seems i was right about those suspicious people. They had somehow paid the waiters to stow a loaded gun in the turkey, knowing it would shoot the person who stuck a knife into it and hit the trigger. They also must have known that John was an ex-chef in the Marine Core, and would not let this holiday pass without showing his expertise.

John was carted away by Helga, the nurse and she assured us he would live. Seems as if we had an investigation to do here. Someone, somewhere, was after John. Someone who was willing to do anything to get the job done, including ruining turkey. Who does that honestly?!

Clever... whoever this person was, they were clever. Resourceful too. Most likely obscenely rich as well. This case would take awhile, even for the sharpest mind such as myself.

As the end of the party approached, people got in their cars and waited for the gates to be opened before starting. Only about three quarters of the guests were leaving right now, there was still plenty of alcohol left reasoned the other quarter.

Something was wrong again, the feeling of dread was almost tangible. I ran outside, realizing what it was. BOOM! I was too late, one by one every single car exploded into infinitesimal pieces, as one lone car drove away unscathed. I pulled out a pair of binoculars from behind the doorframe, they were used for hunting mainly but i needed them.

Focusing on the liscense plate of the black four door, i read 'IGOTU.' Real informative, this person also had a sick sense of humor. This was getting worse by the minute. The people inside the house incredibly did not hear the explosions due to loud music, however i'm sure the cops did.

Thinking fast, i dialed the police station asking for Chief Brown. He was one of our inside men, and could hopefully stop the patrol of cars that were surely heading this way to investigate the explosion. 'Hello?' A gruff voice said. This was definetly not Chief Brown. 'Yes hello, I would like to talk to chief Brown please.' I said, hoping that his new secretary... Christ! The new secretary!

'He's not in right now, he's a bit... indisposed' Chuckled the voice, hanging up. Great, now i have a psychopathic, clever, resourceful enemy hunting John and he has connections in the police department.

Going into the house, i realized no police were going to come with this man taking calls at the station. I went upstairs to the hospital wing of John's mansion, and stepped into the doorway of his room. Four armored guards stood in front of him until he wheezed 'No no, this is a good friend step away you baffoons.'

I took a seat next to him explaining what had happened. His face lost the color as i moved onto the part of the police station being infiltrated. He immediately sat up, wincing as he did. 'I must fly out of here. I'll wire all of my money into a swiss bank in the Cayman Islands, and retire. No more of this shit for me, im getting too old.'

I smiled, an evil glare in my eyes. 'Well, you know what i have to do.' He laughed and then coughed, 'Yes, you will have to hunt this man down. You're too predictable.'

A few days later John was living comfortably in the Islands, and called me up. 'Hey man, listen, I have a job for you. You remember the night a few years ago when Sammy Rionero fucked me over in Vegas? Well i need you to...' The phone line seemed to have gone dead, and as i was hanging up the phone i head 'NO, NOOOOO! Don't do this to me! HELP, IF YOUR STILL THERE, HELP!!!!!'

I dropped the phone faster than my brain could recognize what was going on. I stowed away a few thousand dollars in a briefcase along with a pistol. Speeding towards the airport my heart was racing. Surely by the time I got there it would be too late.

I had the pilot of a private plane fly me to the Islands, all i had to do was flash my gun in his direction once and he stopped complaining.

Deciding it would be best to get some sleep on the way, i did. When i woke up, we were almost there. Stepping off the plane, throwing a few hundred in the passengers seat, the weather was calm.

Sprinting into the house I could hear screaming. At least he's still alive then, i thought to myself. Loading my gun, i ran into the room. Playing on the television was a loop of screams. I had been set up... That means....

Pivoting on the spot, as if on cue, John appeared. 'No! No!' I pleaded, as if i had any chance of changing my fate. Someone had gotten to John, and he had that look in his eyes. I knew there was no point in pleading.

Taking a gun from waist, he loaded it slowly. He could never resist theatrics, even when I myself had a gun. Of course, my gun was on the floor, i must have dropped it when the realization of this setup registered in my mind. Rolling onto the floor i picked it up, hearing his gun go off and seeing a bullet fly over my head. Close call.

Aiming for his kneecap, i took a shot and missed. He merely laughed at this, as if my gun was worthless. He cocked the gun and fired, but something went wrong. The gun backfired and killed him. Today was my lucky day.
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"...that's right! 7:00pm. Sharp!"

*The line goes dead and BK hangs up the phone. He has just been summoned to a meeting with the caporegime, on Christmas. He finds it strange. He knows that his last envelope was a little light. But he has a good explanation. Maybe thats not good enough. For the most part, since he made earner a couple of weeks ago he had been sending a steady flow of tributes up to the boss. He made wiseguy recently and business had been good, up until last week when he went on a mini vacation. Maybe they wanna fit him for a pair of cement shoes. Maybe they want him to sleep with the fishes*

"Oh madonna mia! What did I just get myself into?" he exclaims aloud as he ponders his fate.

*Bk knows the books are closed and they are not accepting any new members into the family at the moment, so it cant be that. He decides he needs to make a couple of visits before his meeting, just in case its over for him*

Knock, knock, knock!!!

*BK, harder than usual, knocks on his baby mamas door. He wants to see his kids on X-Mas before his meeting. Tell them he loves hem & give them some gifts. he may never see them again.*

"Damn you brute, why do you have to knock so damn loud. Almost gave me a heart attack I thought it was the damn cops!" his ex says as she opens the door.

"Bah! Shut up you damn' sea hag! Allways bitchin you are, just lemme see the kids a'right?" he scolds her as per usual she gets under his skin.

"Daddy, daddy!" yell his kids as they come running to the hallway to greet him.

"Merry Christmas guys! Have you guys had fun today? You get any good presents?" Bk asks his boy & girl.

"Yeah I got a pair of boots and an mp3 player this year" says his teenage daughter.

"I got a cool race car." says his boy, BK Jr.

"That's it? A race car? You didnt get nothing else?" Bk asks as he peers over at his ex with a hateful, piercing stare

"Well, that and a bunch of clothes." Jr says half disappointed.

"Well Im sorry guys but I cant stay long today. I have some business to take care of but I wanted to stop by & give you these first." he says as he shows them a laundry bag looking full & bulky.

*BK reaches into his laundry bag full of unwrapped gifts & pulls out the biggest box of 'em all. He begins o hand it over to his son while thinking this may be the last thing he ever gives him & the last look of joy he ever sees on his boy.*

"Here you go papi this is for you!" bk says proudly as he hands the bos to Jr.

"HOLY SHIT!!! A PS3!!!" shouts Bk Jr.

"Hey!!! Wath your mouth!" both parents yell simultaneously

"WOW dad this is so coool this is the best gift ever!" exclaims his boy in delight

"Well, that aint it either, here take this." BK says as he hands the laundry bag over to Jr.

"Whoa! look at all these gaames." He says as he peers in the bag. "Ma look he got me mad games and he got me 'Mafia returns: Enter La COsa Nostra', the top rated game out right now."

"Hmmm! You know you indulge him too much. Why do you have to try to outdo me all the time?" says the kids mother.

"Ho! Take a Midol!" Bk yells in reply. "You dont worry about it a'right?"

"Daddy what about me?" his daughter asks.

"Well, this is for you baby. Im sorry I didnt have the time to get you anything". he says as he hands her a card.

"OMG!!! No way?!" she she shouts with excitement as she opens the card, skips reading it & goes right for the pocket where the loot is. "$1,000??? Holy cow Daddy are you serious?!"

"Go get yourself what you want with it baby. If you think thats nice wait to see what I get you for your birthay!" he says to her.

*Bk startes to wonder if he will even reach her birthday after he says that. he just made wiseguy and has been doing really well since then, except for the one short package last week, but he didnt want to over do it until he gets his button. Once he makes made man he wants to buy her a car to get her license in. He comes back to earth & hugs * kisses his kids, squeezing them a lil tighter than usual*

"Ok guys I gotta go Im sorry. If I get a chance I'll com eby tomorrow and take you guys out to eat ok?" BK tells the kids as he get prepared to leave, perhaps seeing them for the last time. "Merry Christmas. I love you guys!"

*BK leaves without so much as acknowledging his ex or saying by. He gets into his Chevy Tahoe Hybrid & starts the truck up. Its now 6:40 and he has the meeting with the caporegime at the butcher shop at 7:00. He pulls out & heads to the meeting...

...7:00pm, Dec. 25th, 2008. BK is sitting in his Tahoe outside the butcher shop, waiting for a black Lincoln to show up. The capos are always in Lincolns for some reason. He is starting to sweat & his hands are clammy. His imagination is running wild & he doesnt think he deserves to get clipped but doesnt know why else they would want to meet with him. Just then a black Lincoln pulls up and the doors open. 4 men get out all in black wool overcoats & fedoras. He notices the capo get out last, wave him into the shop & as he enters the other 3 men do as well. Bk gets out of the truck & head sinto the meeting place, nervous*

"Bk hows it goin? Come over here I have something to tell you." the capo says as he motions over to the corner of the room where the freezer door is.

*Bk walks over and as he does so he starts to get even more nervous and thinks'OMG they are gonna lock me int he freezer or worse. Are they gonna pop me once in the head & cut me up on the blade & bag me up in here?' All these things he see sin his head as he gets closer tot he capo. He stand across from the capo & notices the pistol in his waistband. Each bodyguard also is carrying. Made men always come heavy to a meeting.

"The boss has been very impressed with you since you made earner. I have too, you have done well for us and yourself especially since you made wiseguy last week. Good job paisan' keep it up." says the capo as he hands over a briefcase to BK. "Now even though the books are closed, we thought you would do well with this & deserved it and once the books are opened and there are spots in the family Im sure you will be right at the top of the list to get made. This is for you. Merry Christmas."

*Bk takes the briefcase and is now a little shocked. Can this really be? He thinks. Can it be money? A gift from the boss?Still leary of whats in the briefcase he begins to open it...slowly*

"Oh madon!!! OMG thank you, thank you signore. Molte grazie!" exclaims BK as he opens the case & sees the stacks of money laying neatly inside. "OMG I dont know what to say"

"100 large is in there my friend. Now use it wisely and of course I better get a good cut of what you make from it capisce" the capo says, with a lil smirk. "What did ya think we were gonna do? Come here & wack ya? You f***in turkey!!!HA haha!"

*the capo laughs loudly as does the 3 zips he was with. Bk shakes the capos hand in thanks tighter & longer than usual"

"Grazie!" says BK to the crew leader

"Alright already what are you a finuk? Like theres some missletoe above us or somn fuhgeddaboudit. Get the f*** outta here already will ya its Christmas" said the capo as he chucked a bit more & motioned the bodyguards to exit with him

*Bk sits in his Tahoe. Thinking about what just happend. Relieved, yet he finds humor in the whole thing. It has been a very good Christmas indeed!*
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So... Who won? :D
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Alright Ladies and Gentleman.

After much time deliberating on the many entries for this contest, I have finally come up with 3 winners. The choices where tough but I feel these stories stood out and captivated me.

So without further Adieu....

Our first place winner is Awesome. That's right folks! He is the proud recipient of a briefcase filled with 1 Million dollars!

Our second place winner is Ares. Although his story was longer than short, I found myself sitting impatient waiting for the final parts to be written. He wins a briefcase with 750,000 dollars!

And finally to top this contests off, our next winner is Telkin. He is the final winner and receives a briefcase of 250,000$.

Thank you all for your entries. You all did a great job and I am looking forward to holding more competitions in the future.

Merry Christmas to you all.
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Thank you sir. Glad you enjoyed it!

Consider this competition conquered. BY THE MIGHTY AMPMAG.

No really, thanks! :D

Ares runs off with his briefcase...
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Awesome is all over the moon with happiness and thankfulness and such feelings and stuff.

Yay! Go me! Go Ares! AMPMAG FTW!

And thank you so very muchness, Mr. JimmyTheLionHeart, sir! I am glad to have captivated you.

Awesome runs off and trips over his feet. And gets back up. And continues to run off.
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Thank you very much for this easy bit of cash Mr.Lionheart
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A Diamond Christmas.

The Year is 1919 the place is Chicago in a little brown stone on the south side of town its Christmas day the house is filled with about 20-25 people neighbors and family and close friends. This is the home of a young 18 year old kid named Tony Diamond. Tony's mother Gina Diamond is from the old country from a little island called Sicily. She speaks with a heavy Sicilian accent. Tony's father Pops Diamond is a true Sicilian family man in every since of the word. You see he's a Capo in Big Jim's Colosimo's gang and a father of four. Tony's parents have been married for over twenty years. Tony is very excited you see he wants to go to work with his father and make something big of himself. Tony was expecting to get an introduction from his father to Big Jim and if Jim give's him a simple head nod he could start working for his dad or some other Capo in the family.

Tony's father is in the bedroom getting dress in his powder blue silk shirt and black pants with white tips shoes. Only God knows if he has on clean underwear and matching socks. Pops is coming out of the bedroom and sees Gina in the kitchen talking to a few of the older women from the neighborhood as if she's holding court. Pops smiles and calls out to his wife and she comes immediately. He quickly yet ever so gently grabs her by the waste and kisses her very softly and very tenderly as he has done a thousand times before only this time it's in front guest. Gina pushes him off and looks at him with a stare and a hidden smile. She was not raise that way romance belongs in the bed room not in public. But Pops just keeps on smiling and points to the ceiling where he placed a MISTILTOE the night before. Gina in that heavy accent asks him where you are going we have guest here now. Pops raises his first finger of his right hand and waves it as to say no, no, no, and turns and looks at one of the guest in specific a nicely dress stock young man named Alfonzo Capone his personal BODYGUARD. Al was brought to Chicago by the Boss at the behest of the underboss Big Jims nephew Johnny Torreo.

Pops reaches for his camel skinned trench coat and goes into one of the pockets and quick hands Al three filled envelopes. Al quickly places them into an ugly ragged brown BRIEFCASE and closes it. Tony however saw that the briefcase held several filled envelopes. As Pops puts own his coat Tony rushes to put is coat own but pops turns and ask where do you think you're going so? Tony surprised says I'm 18 now dad! Pops smiles again and says I know that son I was at your party; remember? Tony sees Al snicker this enrages him on the inside but he remain calm on the outside and refocuses back to his father. Today is my day dad replies Tony. Pops says softly but firmly no today son not today! Tony turns Gina sees her son pain and calls to him but Tony's so disappointed he simply nod's ok, not knowing what she was calling him in the first place.

Pops see Gina anger in her stare and he looks and see all the guest with a puzzled look on their face looking at him. That's when Pops makes his a quick speech "Well everyone I have a few errands to run I'll be back shortly but in the mean time eat drink and be merry but do leave me a piece of the beautiful fat TURKY goodbye." Pops quickly turns towards the door putting on his coats and hat in one big smooth motion.

Hours pass and all the guest have gone to their own homes and Gina is upset Pops did it again she mumbles. Then theirs a hard pounding knock at the door. Gina face calms and you can see enjoy overcoming her as she moves quickly towards the door. She slows to yell that idiot forgot his key as to continue the pretence of being anger with him. Tony feeling better also goes to the door. She opens but its not Pops, its Capone at the door. He's covered with blood not his own. Capone's head hanging low and speak very low and says their was nothing I could do it wasn't my fault. Capone hands Tony a silk powder blue monogrammed handkerchief with the letters PD on it. It rapped around something heavy. Tony recognizes the handkerchief it's the one he and his mom bought for Pops on his last birthday. Gina runs to her room crying oh God oh God why my husband. Tony unwraps the handkerchief its Pops PISTOL inside. Tony emotions run deep but again he remains calm and closes the door as Capone leaves. Weeks later Tony moves to Philly and goes to work for a Crime boss name JimmyTheLionHeart.

In May of 1920 Big Jim Colosimo is gunned down know one ask why and no one is charge with the killing. Capone becomes the new underboss in Chicago.

The end or is it!
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