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Prowess - what do you think? Started by: Diamond_Jim on Dec 30, '08 13:19
If you don't know what I'm talking go to Management - Profile :: see the new number? Then There was a mass-mail from Squishy announcing it; but it looks like it was cut and paste from an editor that doesn't put hard-returns at the end of a line (hence the stretched mailbox effect). I would imagine that some of you didn't bother to scroll all the way over reading it; can't say I really blame you, was a bit of a pain. So for the sake of an informed discussion I'll post it here:

"In your profile, your prowess is displayed. This is a comparison of your accounts work put in compared to others of the same rank as you. The average player is 100%, if you are above that, that means you put in more work than the average player, if you are below that, that means you put in less work than the average player of your rank.

This number has a little bit of randomness in it to help hide the exact amount so that you can not easily tell what gives points - and how much. So don't be alarmed if it goes up and down a little bit every time you look at it.

Cheers," - Squishy

I really like it. I find that it really motivates me to push the envelope and get that number as high as I can. It may help kick some of the less inspired players in to gear by letting them know just how lame they are. I'm presuming that your CL can see the # so it makes a nice tool for them to help evaluate their members.

Of course a caveat here is that this number is rank-based. If you've just recently been promoted you are going to look like a slacker because your number is bound to be lower - you couldn't carry as much dope, you couldn't do as many crimes. Perhaps an algorythm could be developed to bundle actions and rank together to produce a more realistic final number; however this probably isn't the right place to be getting into tha mechanics of it and the whole tecnical side of the issue.

Overall I give this one a thumbs up. What do you think?
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I like it.. Atleast I can see the progress I'm making :D
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Hey Diamond, mind taking a screen shot of that mail and sending it over to me? It looked fine on all 5 of my browsers, on two separate computers on my side.


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I like it, it gives me an idea of where i'm at. I'm always big on new ideas being put into action, I applaud Squishy and team!
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What confuses me is the massive percentage difference on the profile page versus the crew page. Like a 50% difference.

But either way it makes me feel more accomplished none-the-less.
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The % on your profile page is taking into account your points at the day you were born, up until now, figuring out how much work you did on an average daily basis since birth.

The % your crewleader sees, only looks at the amount of points since you joined their crew, figuring out how many days youve been in the crew, and then getting the average of points done daily since your crew join date.

The numbers would be about the same if you joined the crew straight after birth, but, if you joined the crew much later... then your average work per day might be different compared to how you played before you join their crew - hence the differences.
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his is a comparison of your accounts work put in compared to others of the same rank as you. The average player is 100%

But it says nothing about lifespan only about comparison to others of same rank. :\
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great idea o/
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Well i like it and i dont like it.

I like it because it shows performace every day, you see how much you work.

I dont like it because if someone works all day and gets over 200% then the percentage of others go down a lot or stay at a certin percentage for a long time.

I had over 100% for a long time, ever since the prowess started. But when other people went on for a long time and did a lot of things the percentage went down like 20 percent.

Well that is what i think.

One suggestion is to make it where everyone can mass mail because someone might have something very important to say and they can only wait for a crew leader to be on or mail everyone which would take a long time.
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Of course a caveat here is that this number is rank-based. If you've just recently been promoted you are going to look like a slacker because your number is bound to be lower -

Actually, that is not necessarily correct. There are several cases that will cause your # to go up. It depends on how hard the average player in the rank above you works.

Let me give you a few examples: the average god father puts in LESS work than the average Don. (sorry, Marietta, but it looks like you need to step things up a bit.). More interesting, perhaps is that the average goomba works harder than the average Made Man. (Of course, being younger, the Goombas have not has as long to soil their reputations.)

Goombas and Earners don't actually get a prowess (if they did, then ranking from goomba to earner would currently increase prowess). Of the ranks that have prowess, only the jump from don to godfather could raise prowess.

At any rate, this is based on the current numbers and it is quite possible that they will change in the future.
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I dont like it because if someone works all day and gets over 200% then the percentage of others go down a lot or stay at a certin percentage for a long time.

There are currently 78 wise guys, thus in order for one person to raise the average by 1 point, he must raise his score by 78 points. To give you an idea of how outrageous this is...

It would take a 15-day-old wise guy about 293 petties to raise the average by one point...
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Very interesting.

I don't see any negatives at all. Other than disappointed people post-vacation. But screw them anyways- they got a vacation.

Nice addition.
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