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Family man Started by: Shadarrio on Feb 05, '09 13:34
Toxico pulls out a photo from under his desk and hands it too Shady. The picture show a handsome brown haired man in his early 30's wearing a nice suit

"That's the asshole?" Shady asked

"Yup" Toxico replied as he lit up a smoke.

"Who is this politician were black mailing..."

"Wait, I'll tell you." Toxico took a swig out of a Jack Danial. "Frank Morotti. Junior Senator of Illinois, at the peak of his career. Loving wife, 3 children, one currently attending Harvard, and is a possible canditate for governor in 1932 two years from now. However, from inside sources, he is in reality a quick tempered man who is quick to verbally abuse, and beat his wife, and is a heavy drinker. But that doesn't matter. Here's the real juicy stuff. According to our sources in the FBI, he's a............... A Homosexual."

"Damn........ Okay, so if you've got him in your pocket what do you need me to do?"

"Well using this information against him he's done us a few favors here and there, so we're doin him one this time. He had a relationship with a strip club owner named Jack Brauner. Guy's threatin' to talk cuz his this senator would rather spend time in his office instead of lettin' him give him head." Toxico chuckles for a second and Shady joins in. "Anyway, the name of his club is Pink Pussy Not that it turns him on in any way." Toxico said, and both men fell over laughing for 5 minutes before getting back on subject. "He has dark black hair, is 5'10, and likes wearing expensive white suits. Anyway, get over there and........" Toxico pauses a second to find the right words, and then says "Help our friend close his already wide open mouth" Shady let out a chuckle as he walked out the door, got out of the building, entered his black dodge and drove off.

2:00 A.M at night, Shady pulls up into the crowded parking lot and gets out. He sneaked to the back, past 3 bouncers at the entrance, walked to the back, and waited with his back leaned against the wall. He lights a smoke as if he just came out of the club for one. He see's a man In a nice tailored brown suit walked with a man in a white suit who fit Jack Brauner's description. The two walked past him and gave him a suspicious look. They walked past many cars, and finally entered a silver Cadillac at the back of the private parking.

"The cockhound just can't get enough....." Shady muttered as he walked o the back. He leaned up against a red Ford Coupe and watched the Cadillac 2 cars away. He heard rough voices from the Cadillac, up until one point he heard a zipper and then,

"Oh baby that's big..." Shady waited and listened with repulsion. After two minutes, Jack Brauner got out of the car, and the car drove off. As he walked back to the club, Shady stepped out from in between two cars, pulled out his silenced pistol, and shouted:

"Hope you enjoyed keepin your mouth open this long. Cause' I'm bout' to close it" Shady shouted as he jumped forward, Jack turned around, but before he could do anything, shady shot him 5 times in the back, and two in the head for good measure. "Ugh, is that stains on his pants?" Shady said as he turned Jack's body over. He snuck back up front, got in his Black Dodge, and drove off.

The next day Shady's is getting out of his car, and is about to enter a bakery to collect pay, when he glances at a newsstand and sees the headline:

"Club owner found dead in Club private parking, Suspected homosexual....."

He payed 10 cents and got the paper and read: In other news, Frank Morotti criticizes Idaho senator for adultery, and expresses the importances of family values........." The sub headline reads "True Family Man"

Shady chuckled as he entered the store and read the paper
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