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Inglewood are their own worst enemy. Started by: BroLoElCundao on Jul 28, '14 18:29

Inglewood are their own worst enemy. They kill off their own members for literally no reason!!

Ego Maniac hardcore text-based gamer TomFord, showed his "MIGHT" by getting another stiff (Capitalist) to kill Rafibomb lol. You guys both need to learn how to laugh, appreciate things in life (theres more to life than this game), get some real life girlfriends, get a full time job (this game should not be considered your FT job), go on vacation, do something. What would happen if your precious life on here died? Would you slit your actual real life wrists and end your real life too?

Think about what killing Rafibomb did to still thinking what it did to me....oh thats right....nothing lol. Im still breathing, eating, laughing (at you), and doing what i do all day every day and being as happy as can be :D

CookieZombie, by far, had the best/most fun crew in Inglewood. It's a shame many people are bored out of their minds in certain crews there now. And those Egos are killing people simply for joking around!! LOL

I love many people on this game (you all know who you are), you guys are awesome and truly make this game fun!

I strongly encourage everyone to watch Season 6 of THE LEAGUE on FXX this fall and to love Rafi!!


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Always up to no good
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RIP RafiBomb

RIP RollinBlade

RIP Joker

I have love for many in Inglewood but some need to go.

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Always up to no good


Even Hollywood tryin to get a piece baby

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Think about what killing Rafibomb did to still thinking what it did to me....oh thats right....nothing lol.


Well it annoyed you enough to make you write an entire thread about it...

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Oh he is totally upset Eric, there's no denying it. I think he might be in denial though.
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Well it annoyed you enough to make you write an entire thread about it...

EricNorthman and TyrionLannister, honestly if you truly knew me like many on here do, you would know i do not care about dying (except in real life) or the game in general. I'm only here for specific reasons that my friends on here know. I just don't like people who take games (especially games like this) too seriously or people who try to act tough over the internet/using their in-game rank to make threats lolol. Those people need to find a better hobby. Although, the threats from TomFord was hysterical and prove he spends way too much time on here lol. I knew i was going to get shot, especially when capitalist (who ive disliked since day one) kept on MMing me asking what city i was in and district....

Just also trying to save someone from wasting their time in Inglewood. If you want a fun crew, avoid them at all costs.

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Does sound like you are upset. It's ok bro it's just a game. A district is only as good as it's leader.

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Does sound like you are upset. It's ok bro it's just a game. A district is only as good as it's leader.

haha well you dont know me so sure if you think im upset lol. No comment on the leader. 

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Wait what?! Rollinblade got wacked?

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Your feels, they're hurt. Going to be ok guy, it's just a game. Go outside and play.

No one gives a fuck
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I will agree with ya though, CookieZombie had one of the best crews ever. You could have a good laugh and post random stuff and no one complained about it. If they did then they were reminded that they were in a misfits crew and shouldn't take stuff to heart. I'm literally sitting in crew chat typing stuff then deleting it because these guy's are too delicate and will complain if you actually post it where as with Cookies crew, Everyone would join in and start posting random crap as well and we'd be sitting there for ages laughing our assess off.. I was moved to a crew and was very nearly driven to suicide because of how depressing the crew (chat) was.. Thankfully I was moved out and didn't but damn.. People need to lighten up. Don't take stuff to heart. Sure, Roleplay. This is after all a rp game.. but for christ sake.. don't take anything to heart..

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Exactly Tanger.....such a pointless kill haha. apparently theres a lot of douchebags on this game...more than i thought :D

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To the music of Rawhide

Trollin Trollin Trolling

Keeps those words a'Rolling

Trollin Trollin Trollin


Kyubey is a Trollin

Deadpool is a Trollin

Keeping those words a'Rolling


TyrionLannister is a Trollin

I am just a Trollin

Keeping on a'Trolling


Troll that Clown Troll Noob

Troll them all

Keep on Trolling TROllinggggggggggg

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looks on solemnly, it's sad but common to see someone so bitter about their death but claiming otherwise.  In the simple attempt not to besmirch the names of the dead, everyone has a reason why they ended up on your list sadly.  Rafi, once upon a time your profile alone may have meant an admin wack and the bigger tragedy is the vile comments your latest incarnation spewed at other members of Inglewood who had nothing to do with your demise.

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Id actually never saw that profile before. Thank you Moloch.

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Visas, I love that song! Do you perform this at any shows? 


As Vindictive smiles and smirks with Visas and TyrionLannister.


Here is the lyrics one more time. 


To the music of Rawhide

Trollin Trollin Trolling

Keeps those words a'Rolling

Trollin Trollin Trollin


Kyubey is a Trollin

Deadpool is a Trollin

Keeping those words a'Rolling


TyrionLannister is a Trollin

I am just a Trollin

Keeping on a'Trolling


Troll that Clown Troll Noob

Troll them all

Keep on Trolling TROllinggggggggggg

As Vindictive dances to this fine beat.  

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That profile always made me laugh

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