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The Sprozzington Chronicles. Started by: KingOfOnePercent on Mar 03, '09 19:03
Please note - this is just a personal account of what was happening with me at the time of writing, it's not meant to be an all encompassing account of events, nor will it necessarily be an unbiased account. I probably have gotten a few things wrong too, but hey ho.

At the time of these events, Anita was not yet a Godfather but was still the single most powerful crew by a long distance, though SoundWarnings family was next down the pecking order, even though he was only Consigliere. I would say a great majority of the site felt a bit uneasy at this stage, as if the peace and cooperation between cities would not last long. They were right.

Well, my second best account had just died - a 40 so kill Made Man account going by the Monikor Il_Signore. My best ever account to that date was a 2 bg Capo account called IronMan which I asked Jon to shoot as I couldn't hit ias. This was in the days where you could only have 10 bgs per account and where min time for Boss was 30 days. I was 29 days old at the time; hopefully that puts into perspective how new and naiive I was at this point, despite having played for almost a year.

At this time, my constant companions were Jon, Evsie and bighead. I came to play the game through Jon, who I had met on another game, the now defunct Although I had met a few others through Jon, namely, tiggy, Ganelon and UN, it was still only the aforementioned that I really knocked around with.

However, Jon as The_Narcissist had just died by the hand of Anita and co, as had me, bighead and most of his family with us, so it was time to pick a new family. Jon, who if I remember decided to take a break at this point, strongly recommend some guy called 'Toaly' and the Dawn of Glory, who I'd heard about but never spoken to, I joined him along with bighead, with my first ever account going by the "Sprozza" name.

It was in the DoG that I first met some lass called LauraHunt, later to be known as LauraCP. Even though she was a vet to the game, she knew next to nothing about hitting, and 'twas I that showed her the best method of ia wacking, only for her to become about four times faster than me over the course of a day, much to my constant chagrin.

Although my stint with Toaly didn't last long, it was some of the best times I've had on this game. I learnt a lot from Toaly in a very short time, and even more from UN - who, after I'd been in the family for only 6 days, got shot by Ulysses - RHM of Anita. At the time it was fairly shocking to see one's RHM, and a Boss in the family, hit the obits; and it was even more infuriating when we learnt why.

Flying Pig (Ulysses) made no secret of the fact he shot UN (OddThomas), claiming that OddThomas had around 200 kills (a very large amount in those days) and was planning to kill Anita. I later found out all of this was true, but at the time I was upset and angry with FP, directing all of my impotent earner rage at him despite knowing, deep down, that I'd have done the same thing.

Toaly felt the same, taking a wild potshot at Anita (or Ulysses - can't remember which) and promptly dying, at which point I joined some guy called SoundWarnings on the basis that my mate Evsie was his RHM. Little did I know how significant would this choice be.

It was at this time I developed my friendships with 'certain' people and laying the foundations of my playing experience for years to come, making new friendships and strengthening old ones with people like Jon, Mikado, bighead, Evsie and LauraCP, all people who, along with myself, would go on to bring back #Unicorns, a room to which Camazotz was not invited.

All of these people, including Jon who was actually Right Hand Man to a completely unaffiliated Crew leader (Cacciatoressa), along with other well known hitters such as FCUK, McKidds, The Fugitive (the first person who ever trained my jailbreak!) and Callum were in Frankie's Hit Squad.

By the time I had made Capo for what was then only the second time, Frankie informed us we were warring that Friday night. Bad news for me. I had surgery very early on Saturday morning, I begged him to reconsider but he said info suggested Anita was going to attack us so we couldn't delay, and he couldn't make the war any sooner; so I acquiesced. I still don't know whether Frankie genuinely had such info, or whether he just saw it as his best chance for a coup, but either way it didn't matter - I'd have followed that f00ker into the bowels of hell if he'd asked me too.

So, the scene was set and the die was cast. Sitting in the hit room on that Friday night, the minutes were ticking by and, as always seems the way in wars, we hadn't got the go ahead to attack yet. Finally, I told Frankie that I had to leave to get sleep before my surgery, and if I was going to shoot I'd have to do it now. He told me to go ahead, but pick a target below Made Man so as not to arouse too much suspicion. I picked an earner who I'd seen shoot several Ias, a pretty sensible target I thought.


You Failed to wack X-Stone.

I couldn't believe it, my first miss on that account. I dejectedly posted the failure and left to get some sleep. Later, I would find out that X-Stone was Clipper, and that he also had 20 bodyguards. Just before we planned the war, you see, the admins announced the implementation of no bg limit and bg wacking. Everyone got their BG's doubled but the BG wacking itself wasn't brought in until later - a factor I thought had a massive influence on that big war.

The next day, I woke up from my knee surgery and thought of only thing - must play mafie. I paid an extortionate fee to hook up to the Hospital's wireless and logged on. -Alexander- tried to WACK! You. That fucking arsehole, I never did like JJ. Without even considering my earner miss the previous night, I went ahead and took a shot at him. Success! Haha, take that you big fucking prat.

I logged onto irc and told the folks in the secret UN hit room which must not be named the good news. Ash (Thunderbutton) and Dirk (FatWhineyCunt), who had by this point joined in on our side got very upset. "He was safe listed" they wept for their moronic friend. I told them he'd shot at me and that was the end of that. Although they moaned a bit, Frankie shut them up in double quick time and told me to go bold, now I was hitting.

I duly complied, setting up in New Orleans in my first ever bold venture. I should point out that I don't actually remember much of this war, I was high as a kite on morphine and most is either snippets of memory or my own records, I'm afraid I can't shed much light on what other people were doing in all the madness.

Anyway, there I was in New Orleans without pro, a tempting target for any of Anita's hungry hitters. Kerotan didn't dilly dally and hastily took a shoot at me, yet I backpacked him to death. 1 Don down, deeez.

High on confidence, my next shot was one of Anita's Consigliere's, Carter; also known as leadfoot on irc. Being a ridiculously nice guy, he wasn't arsed that I shot him at all, though to this day he hasn't forgiven me for my total lack of whisper.

Next up, a made man hitter who's name I have regrettably forgotten, doesn't matter though; he too died along with the rest, I was on fire. With Thunderbutton dead and Frankie misfiring, I was being egged on big time and my next shot was rik3245, a Boss with a few Bgs. No problem. Ter fucking rah rik.

But it was time for some bad news, my wireless ran out, game over. After much pleading with the Doctors, I essentially discharged myself and cadged a lift home from the parents, still slightly high on the old morphine. Forced into sleeping, it was some hours later before I got back to the pc, logging in to what I can only describe as heartbreak. I had been dead 7 minutes. 7 measly minutes. I later learnt that the fearsome Anita had even missed me, compounding my misery even more.

At this point, I feel it only prudent to mention something on the topic of "TGG", an acronym by which this war is now generally known. I often hear people say "haha - I was TGG". No, you were not. TGG was a joke, and fuck all else. By this point, Jon and VJ had joined in the war, and sitting in #the_art chatting, Jon changed his name to Jon|TGG. "What's that?" asked me and bighead "Team Good Guy". It was a bit funny, we changed our names and had a bit of a chuckle, nothing more, and the name seemed to spread through irc - to the point where some of Anita's hitters were changing their name to " name|TBG" (very original!)

Although I do find it very amusing and flattering that "TGG" was taken to be some wildly successful underground group who managed to manipulate the site into widespread war - it simply didn't happen like that, and to suggest it is basically insulting to Frankie who planned and instigated the war. That being said, it didn't stop "TGG" and it's "members" from being used as the scapegoat for many many months; notably where Schwarzenegger blamed us for shooting his BG's despite us being in different cities - a scurrilous accusation from which I have never recovered.

But more on that another time.
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Good story :)
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Excellent read, I wasn't around for any of this so hearing accounts of these events are interesting. Most definitely looking forward to more!
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Great story, that was around the time of my first account, though I was with The_Narcissist and died before the war happened, and before he was so powerful, hehad just got his crew recently at the time of my first acount actually, then my second account was after the war :p.. I missed the best part!! :(
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I remember that time, I went bold under the name w00t and was promptly shot to death. Its nice to hear the account of what actually went down though. Nice read.
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I actually remember w00t lol, just because it oe of those names you dont forget lol
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Excellent Sproz, look forward to hearing more tales from back yon.
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Wow i thought you turned a good hitter only recently Sprozz. I was shocked with how much Branston had :P

Great account, bring on the next one
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I Really enjoyed reading this :)
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Aye around the time of my very first account. good times :)
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I don't even remember most of that. How amusing.

Excellent effort as always...
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Fuckin A life of a real Mobster :)
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Mikado was blamed for the BG shenanigans. You were simply a bad apple if I remember correctly.
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Even being labelled as such has had a profound affect on the way I play the game. :
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Nice story, real interesting :)
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I love stories from the good ole days.
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I remember this very well. It was a good night even though we lost in the end.
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What ever happend to leadfoot? lol i really do miss these days
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Very entertaining post. Takes me back a bit.

I second the thoughts that leadfoot is ridiculously nice. On a side note whatever happened to JesseJames and whiney Dirk?
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I put the C in #uniCorns. The fact that you lot sat in that room without a vet like me in there shows exactly why you fail.
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