Get Timers Now!
Jun 14 - 12:36:32
Page:  1 
Chit Chat About This and That Started by: Marietta on Mar 06, '09 14:46
They were late. Or maybe she was extremely early. What time was it anyway? Craning her neck around the woman tried to find a clock to no avail. People at the next table over were watching her like she was crazy. Screw them. Or not. She didn't really mind either way; Marietta Rossi was used to living in her own little bubble. Nothing else mattered except where she was and why she was there and all the hows and whos.

The atmosphere of the cute little coffee shop made the woman smile, tossing her long blond hair over her shoulder as her eyes trailed over the floral paintings and soft, cream colored tables. White walls gleamed from beneath the paintings, a stark contrast to the black counter tops where an older woman was manning the cash box. It was quiet, serene. It had been a long time since she was able to relax and enjoy herself that with a shiver rising up her spine Marietta sighed happily, melting into her chair.

A young, thin waitress walked over and delivered her cup of tea, placing a small bowl of sugar next to it. With narrowed eyes she surveyed the two empty chairs situated across from Marietta at the table. "Are you still waiting...?" the girl asked hesitantly.

"They'll be here soon, hopefully. Thanks," Miss Rossi said with a smile towards the girl, who nodded her head and grinned in return. Picking up a spoon she sprinkled a trace amount of sugar into her cup before stirring it slowly. Once more she couldn't help but allow her eyes to wander over to the picture window at the front of the shop, sitting right next to the freshly painted green front door. They were coming, right? I mean, if they ditched her she'd be so mad. No more Christmas effing cards for them.
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She stormed around her office, her eyes on fire. Throwing things to the side in search of a rhinestone encrusted tin she had found at a cute little boutique on Sunset. Finally after pelting Vicodin and her eye bleeding left hand man she finds it. Dashing down the stairs, nearly knocking one of her bodyguards over she runs into the kitchen to see two little old ladies eating her cookies. YES HER BELOVED AND SPECIAL COOKIES.

GODDAMMIT YOU HAGS!! Those are not for you! Christ, you have your own damn kitchen in your suites, why must you always invade this one!?!?!

The elderly women shuffle off, leaving behind only crumbs. Looking at the clock she rushes to the pantry.

Oh please let them be here, please please.....

She rummages around and finds what she is looking for. The last of a batch of cookies she had baked the previous night as a test batch to see if she remembered the recipe as her grandmother had told her. Taking the cookies from a plastic tub she places them gingerly into the jewelled tin, lining it with purple tissue paper.

Ok, cookies.. Check. Bra.. Check.. Clothes... check.

I can do this. It's Marietta, she and I go way back. I'm just wondering what she wants. We haven't had a girl day in ages. I wonder what brought this on. Ahh well...

She makes her way through the back halls of her retirement home to avoid any of her residents, they always wanted to play chess for some reason. Chess was an addiction to them these days...

Reaching the car waiting at the front door she jumps in before Old Jose could rope her into another game of Gin. Sighing she sits back in the seat.

You know where to go right? I'm already late! I must get there quickly!!!

She looks into a small mirror and fixes her hair a bit before arriving at the cafe. Stepping out of the car she pats her skirt flat and gives it a quick tug. She hated skirts and girly stuff, always partial to comfortable pedal pushers and slacks. Walking into the cafe she spotted Marietta. Waving frantically she makes her way to the table and flops into the chair rubbing her ankle.

These damn heels, always hurt my feet. How are you my dear? It's been ages. I have something for you!

She places the jewelled tin on the table and smiles as a waitress approaches and rudely interrupts them.

Coffee ma'am? Or are you still waiting?

Put off by the attitude she glares.

Yes, coffee would be fantastic.. And a bit of sugar too since things are a little bitter here. Make sure it's hot!

She turns to Marietta and smiles at the delight on her face when she opens the tin.

Just like Grams used to make, I figured it has been a while so you should have some. How are you my dear?

The waitress brings her coffee with a bowl of sugar and hastily places it on the table in front of her.

Will there be more joining you or is it just the two of you.. The waitress eyes the women and smirks. Ladies?
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Marietta tilted her head and raised her eyebrows at the young waitress. She'd been quite the bother all morning, but now she was just getting blatantly sassy. No tip for her, obviously. Maybe she would even dine and dash. That'd teach the brat. Not like the tea was really that great or anything. She'd had better made by questionable looking homeless men in Detroit.

"We're still waiting on one more," she said, wrinkling her nose at the 'ladies' comment. The girl walked away and turning back to Angel Marietta muttered: "What a bitch that girl."

Her feelings were immediately squashed when she saw the tin Angel had and quickly dug both hands in, grabbing handfuls of cookies in a maniacal glee.

"Oh you damn devil women and your cookies. I was at my heaviest when I worked for your Grandma, I'll have you know," she said with a smile as she took a bite of one of the cookies and purred inwardly.

"I'm doing alright. Same old same old. Just needed a day off so I left... Pedro in charge of the..." Glancing around and noticing that a few old biddies nearby were listening she quickly cleared her throat. "I left him in charge of the office."

She shook her head for a moment before perking back up. Not that Pedro was a bad man or anything. He just always seemed to get into some zany misadventures in her absence. If she didn't know him better, she would swear he did it on purpose. Or to annoy her.

"Anyway, how are you?" she asked of the younger woman. "Business going well? Are you taking good care of that husband of mine?" she asked with a small snort of laughter, knowing full well how charismatic and vivacious the woman was when it came to the L.A. crime syndicate.
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She grins over her coffee cup, her eyes sparkling at the mention of Prozac. Her boss, mentor, and best friend... A slight blush creeps across her cheeks as she begins to speak.

He's doing fine. He has just opened another pharmacy and has been travelling abroad looking for new salves and solutions. His latest was a Foot in Mouth cure that didn't include putting salt on one's foot. Last week he decided to get drunk at the home though. The old ladies spent the evening fawning over him.

She chuckles as she remembers.

I think he misses his mommy. He's been so sad lately, I'm seriously worried. He complains about never seeing you and shows up on my doorstep with guards and beer.. He goes straight to the common room and plays chess with Marge then moves onto Bess.. He will spend the entire night playing with these ladies. Some are from New York, some even flew in from Chicago and New Orleans to move into the retirement home. I have been amazed with their packaging.. Knitting and baking.

She grins as she looks over to see the waitress trying to listen in on the two women.

He really does miss you and the bond that our two cities have forged. You should call him. I know you two can work things out and maybe get to spend a weekend together. I know it may hurt my ladies, but to see the two of you smiling.

Her eyes brighten as a thought pops into her head.

You don't still have that rancher in the hills do you? The one we used to throw those parties at? That would be perfect!

The waitress approaches the table, her frustration with the ladies growing more and more obvious.

Refills "ladies"? Or would you like to actually order some food?
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Munchkin sits on the side of the road not believing this day. She pays this driver very well and yet he allows the upkeep on the car to go and the stupid thing to break down on the side of the road? Leaving her there to sit and wait for a tow truck! She thinks not. Munchkin orders one of her bodyguards to go find a phone and get another car here right away. She is not going to sit here any longer and leave Marietta and Angel waiting on her.

Minutes pass and finally another car arrives with another driver. Thanking her lucky stars that the guy had suggested keeping another one in the wings just in case something like this happened she leaves the broken car and turn to that driver

"You know Michael, I warned you about putting me in these situations. I am sorry but you are dismissed from service. I cannot have these things happening so soon into our agreement."

Munchkin jumps into the other car and thanks the driver for getting to her location so quickly and explains where she needs to go and that it needs to be done quickly. The new driver, that she had only met two times previously, hit the gas and pulled up in front of the restaurant more fast than imagined could be done.

Munchkin jumped out of the car and ran into the restaurant. She saw Marietta and Angel sitting at the table already, coffees poured and quickly occupied her seat.

Realizing the waitress is standing waiting for an order of some sort, Munchkin orders herself some coffee and asks for a menu.

"I am so sorry to have left you two waiting for me. Would you believe my driver allowed the car care to go lax and it broke down? Luckily my back up got there fast and saved me from not showing at all." Munchkin takes a deep breath and relaxes. "How are you guys? I hope your days are going better than mine and I didn't leave you waiting too long."
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A small smile crossed her face as she listened to Angel speak about a get-away at her vacation property on the outskirts of Los Angeles. It had been quite some time since she had been there... it had been even longer since she had seen her husband. Running a 'business' was tough enough on the individual, and it had hardly done wonders for Marietta's marriage. The man she had wed in her youth had been a man who was her constant companion; lately, though, with how rapidly both of their empires had grown the two had felt more like old friends.

"Yes... that would be nice. To reconnect."

Her thought process was lost at the approach of the little skinny bitch waitress again. Waving her hand dismissively at her and wrinkling her eyebrows Marietta turned to Angel once more.

"I swear to God, one more comment like that..."

A young, pretty lady approached their table and Mari immediately smiled at Munchkin, a Consigliere from the business in New Orleans. Pushing back the open chair with a smile the Godfather shook her head.

"No apologies, at all. We're just gabbing about random things. I'm doing alright... I think Angel's about ready to punch this waitress in the nose, though. How are you doing, then? How's the business?"
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Her stomach rumbling, but not wanting to have anything to do with the waitress she smiled to the ladies and stood up.

Excuse me ladies, I erm, know the owner. I'm going to politely ask for a new server. If I have to deal with that cheeky bitch one more time I'm libel to use the erm, yes, that thing I have hidden in my purse.

She grins mischievously and walks to a door located behind the counter. Without knocking she walks in, her gait unbroken. The waitress looking after her with an expression of worry. Raised voices could be heard from behind the door and then the sound of splintering wood. The door opens slowly and a smiling Angel walks back out, tucking some cash into her pocket. She sits back down with her ladies and smiles serenely.

Well, that was worth the effort. We will have a new server shortly... And anything we order is on the house.

A smile creeping across her face as she watches the waitress escorted to the door by the proprietor yelling from behind her in Spanish.

Hello Munchkin, I'm sorry I ran off when you got here. Just had to erm, take care of some business. How are you? How are things in New Orleans? I was so happy to hear the news of you setting up.

Feeling the glare of the owner behind her she turns and flashes him a huge grin, patting her handbag and motioning to her guards by the door. The older man slumps over and returns to his office, cursing under his breath.

Marietta doll, we really must get something going between our cities. It's been so long since we did anything together. I think the last thing LA and Detroit did together was your wedding!
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"Hello ladies. Business is going well in New Orleans; lots of new and exciting changes around the city. Still trying to get all the guys sober again after Mardi Gras though."Munchkin giggled.

Munchkin sat back and thought about business ventures between Detroit and Los Angeles. Her memory took her back to when her mom brought her to Marietta's wedding, what an awesome day that was. A beautiful wedding and a beautiful bride indeed.

"It sure is nice to sit down with some women for once. Even though I love all the men back home, there is nothing better than some coffee, food and wonderful female company. Now if only we could find some food, I am starving."

As if he had heard her from across the room a waiter approached the table and asked if there was anything the ladies would like from the menu, as he topped up their cups of coffee.
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She laughs and nods in agreement. Her eyes wet with tears. She places her mug on the table and smiles at Munchkin.

Oh, I totally understand luv, the draw of estrogen and caffeine is just too much to resist.. I cannot begin to tell you how much I needed this. Being stuck with males and seniors most of the day can be a real drag. You cannot imagine the mess the ones with Parkinson's make with the coc....

She notices the waiter approaching and quickly corrects herself.

Cross stitching that we are doing for the local orphanage.

Smiling innocently she looks up at the waiter. A very handsome man indeed. She would be sure to leave a tip after all and let Juan know that this server was by far more acceptable.

Marietta, are you ok? You look like you're about to explode? That tea getting your peanut bladder going again? The restrooms are over there behind the indoor palm.

She points as Marietta runs to the washroom. Laughing she turns back to Munchkin and the waiter.

We'll need a moment, our friend has had a lot of tea today. Please, leave the menus and we'll let you know when we're ready to order you, I mean... She blushes Place our order.. Of course.

Watching the now very embarrassed waiter stumble away she laughs.

I'm glad to hear that New Orleans is picking up. It's a beautiful city. Especially in the spring. I've had some good times there...

She glances at the menu and places it on the table, sure of what she is going to order as her desperate craving for a still bleeding chunk of dead cow has become too much for her to resist, much like Sherminator's pockets.

I hope Marietta is ok, I would hate to order without her... I'm starving though. One can only eat so much Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and cream of something vegetable.

Like I said, business is great... I am questioning this retirement home gig though. I swear I cannot stand the smell of menthol and if one more old man asks me to play a game of chess while sitting on his lap I may snap. At least you only get bead requests once a year!

Last week I had one gentleman from Philly asking me to change his diaper for him.... Every hour. I have nurses and attendants and of course my wise gu.. Uhm, more experienced members of the organization.

She looks toward the washroom again and sighs hungrily as her stomach rumbles.

Do you think she would mind if we ordered a plate of pastries to share while she's .. erm.. busy?
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Marietta, coming back from the ladies room with a sheepish smile, sat back down at the table as she overheard Angel speaking about ordering pastries. "Pastries it is. My weakness. Apologies, of course, for rushing off. I... actually, lets not get into that." With a small laugh to herself she picked up the menu. She hated to admit that she had a erm, flu, especially after dragging these women away from their daily lives and into a restaurant. Clearing her throat she fixed her gaze upon Munchkin once more.

"So you were speaking about Mardi Gras before I left. The entire thing was just lovely. The parade that you all managed to organize... I wanted to stay all night! Sadly I had to rush off midday for a stupid emergency..."

The woman paused, a look of distaste crossing her face. The 'emergency' had consisted of a huge car accident... into the side of her HQ... and of COURSE Pedro had been behind the wheel. Noticing the curious gaze from the other women she merely smirked and shook her head.

"You do NOT want to know. Let's just say it was a Rourke induced incident."

Settling into her chair and sighing softly to herself she picked up her still warm mug of tea and took a small sip... she wasn't going to be running off to the restroom any time soon again. Or at least she hoped and prayed to God she wouldn't. Sticking out her tongue due to the bitterness of the liquid she leaned over and spooned another trace amount of sugar into the cup.

"I've been thinking," she said, her eyes wandering towards the windows at the front of the coffee house as she watched the gentle stream of walking traffic pass by the building. The sky was starting to look like rain, she noted with an inward grumble. "Girl days... we should have them more often. And not just on our days off. We should find a way to organize some sort of... female sponsored branch of our businesses. Tell all the men in our lives that we're doing it to strengthen the bonds of New Orleans, Los Angeles and Detroit... but really use it as an excuse to spend more time together."

The older lady smirked devilishly. Any way she could find to get her business done faster *and* spend time with her buddies she would have no problem participating in. "Of course, if you're up to it, that is."

She paused and glanced at the two younger women. Both had been, without a doubt, highly motivated and influential members of the 'lifestyle' since they set foot onto the scene. To be able to work with them would make Marietta feel almost, well, young again.

"The table is most definitely open to suggestions," she continued with a small shrug of her shoulders and a giggle.
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"Pastries would be very lovely, not great for my diet but we can't be good every day now can we?" Munchkin chuckled at the thought.

"I'd definitely be into more girl days. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily business and spending time with you two is a great idea. Although I am loving the coffee time maybe a spa day here and there could be a good idea too. I am sure all of us could use a massage. I am sure we could think of lots of activities to enjoy together." Munchkin smiled at the thought of a complete day off, knowing full well that probably wouldn't be the case but even a few hours would be refreshing.

She looked out the window and noticed the first few rain drops hit the window and run down it. She really hoped that new driver of hers had thought to put an umbrella in the truck of the car. Her new leather coat wouldn't look the same if it was soaked through already.

A plate of pastries were delivered to the table and she picked up one and took a small bite.

"Oh ladies these are to die for, try one! If the meals are half as good as these sweets I may just have to make this shop my new favourite eating spot."
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She giggles as she listens to Marietta and places her lair back onto the plate in front of her. Her eyes watering from laughter she wipes a dab of whipped cream from her lips, dabbing the corners of her mouth with a napkin. Calling the waiter over she whispers into his ear, ordering a bottle of wine and informing him that they would be ready to order their entrees soon.

Spa days? Oh, I'm there. Anything to get away from the smell of stale denture soak and medicated rub. I tell you, it would make for a perfect way to let Vicodin and his partner in crime "Bob" do some stuff for the .. patients.

Noticing a quizzical look upon her companions faces at the mention of Bob she chuckles.

I've taken to calling my left hand... Director of Recreation "Bob" as his given name makes my eyes bleed. I'm considering volunteering him for our local hockey league. We've got quite the rivalry brewing with Prozac's teddy bear league.

Picking her lair back up she grins and flicks some cream at Munchkin.

You look worried about something. It's only a bit of rain dear. It never lasts long here. Intense and short lived, like most of my relationships sadly.

She giggles as she pops her snack into her mouth in time for the waiter to arrive with the wine she ordered and three glasses.

Thank you dear, you are a darling. We're ready to order I think.

Grinning once again she looks the man directly in the eyes.

I'll have a big ol' hunk of cow, still bleeding but not quite mooing, a baked potato with all the fixings, and some carrots... Yes, carrots.

Trying not to spill the wine she pours each of them a glass and smiles at the girls.

Don't make me feel like a glutton, order anything you want. I'm interested in ideas of things to do with each other and maybe get our cities working on common goals or at least having some fun.
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"Fun? That's a novel idea. I haven't had a full day of fun since... well, I know it's sure as hell been awhile."

Marietta giggled as she took a small pastry from the plate and nibbled on it. Angel's appetite had always been one to rival, and when she ordered a 'big ol' hunk of cow' that certainly took the cake.

"Another craving for flesh?" the woman couldn't help but ask with a snort of laughter as she turned to Munchkin, shaking her head. "I swear to God this woman came out of the womb craving meat."

Her attention was quickly caught by the bottle of wine that arrived at the table. "Cookies, pastries, wine... what are you trying to do here, kill me?" Of course she didn't *really* mind, as her green eyes lit up with delight as she took the glass and held it into the air for a small toast.

"Ahh, to new business ventures... female only, I may add, and to old friends." She nodded and carefully clinked her glass against the other two before taking a large gulp of red liquid. "Mmm, definitely a good brand, this one," she remarked before turning her attention back to her menu. She still hadn't decided what she wanted in all her time of sitting and gossiping.

Looking worriedly at Munchkin she forced out another giggle. "I haven't the foggiest idea of what I want. You order first. It might take this old lady another few minutes to get through the menu first!" she remarked, poking fun at herself and taking another gulp of wine. At the rate she was going she was not only going to be taking several more trips to the ladies' room, but she would be doing so tipsy and stumbling.
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Munchkin has to stop her laughing at the comments by both ladies and contain herself before turning to the waiter and ordering.

"I'll have the crab legs with rice and mixed vegetables please. Make sure there is a lot of melted butter to go with that crab as well."she said with a smile.

She finally tip her wine glass back after participating in the toast moments earlier. "This wine is beautiful Angel, you sure do know how to pick them."

"Hockey and teddy bears? I must make trips down your way more often, this sounds way too good to pass up."

"Joint business ventures? I am thinking on some ideas here but not sure if this wine will help or hinder my creativeness. Only time will tell, I am definitely not letting that stop me from enjoying this bottle or the next."Munchkin chuckles and winks.

"Marietta you decided on an entr yet? Everything does sound so good I know it took me awhile to decide myself."

She looks out the window and sees the rain coming down even harder than before. "Angel I was worried about that rain but a few more glasses of this wine and I might be out on that street dancing in it. Seems to be warm enough out there that I won't have to wear my new jacket and worry about ruining it either. Everything just seems to be working out for the best today."
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She looks out the window and smiles.

Rain, schmain, bring on the wine. Everything is better with wine. Although vodka washes the blues away.

Topping up the glasses she orders another bottle and smiles at Marietta.

Marietta, darling, Grams said you were indecisive, but erm, dear, it's just a menu.. It's all good. Trust me, I eat here all the time. Just go for the sausage.. I know how much you like it.

She grins and waits for the glare, which of course is delivered immediately.

I love you woman, you know that...

Looking out the window again she sees a young man run past rather naked followed quickly by a woman holding a rolling pin and yelling at him.

Hmm.... That gives me an idea... How do you think "Naked Mondays" would work in LA? Everyone has mugging rules and taxes... We need something fun... Something no one has done before. Something that speaks for LA as a city!

She turns back to Marietta who is sipping her wine reading the menu as if it were a statement of her accounts in Detroit.

Munchkin, I'm going to order for her soon...
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Marietta choked on her sip of wine when she heard Angel propose 'Naked Mondays'. Giving her the once over with her eyes she smiled and laughed out:

"N-naked Mondays?! Well I certainly wouldn't mind seeing you..."

She trailed off as the waiter raised his eyebrows and tapped his finger against his scrap of paper. A blush crept up her face and neck, making her feel as if her entire body was on fire. How downright embarrassing.

"Right, food," she mumbled, blinking her watery eyes at the menu several times before jabbing her finger wildly at the menu. "Just this pasta here. It sounds delicious, thank you."

She folded the menu closed and handed it to the man standing over her. With that the waiter nodded, smirking at the trio of ladies and wandering off towards the kitchen. Immediately Marietta dissolved into another fit of giggles and shook her head.

"Okay okay, so Naked Mondays?! That'd definitely set Los Angeles apart from the other cities for sure, but I have to agree with Munchkin. Maybe this wine is going to impact our 'creativity' here."

Pausing briefly once more she swirled her wine around in her glass several times.

"You certainly would be a popular city with the male men in our line of work." Giving a wink towards Angel she turned once more to Munchkin.

"And what suggestions do you have to propose now? 'Sexy Undergarment Thursdays?' Ahhh, I can just see it all now..."
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"You know Angel, you think 'Bob's' name hurts your eyes, naked Mondays with all those seniors may hurt everyone's eyes. A girl's only naked Mondays with tea breaks, now that may work!"

Munchkin takes another sip of her wine to get the thought of naked seniors out of her head.

"Undergarment Thursday's? Have you ever seen a munchkin man's legs? Not the sexiest things to be showing off to the public really. Don't tell Sayyid and Satanta I said that please."Munchkin winks at the ladies.

She pops the uneaten half of her pastry into her mouth and savours the tastiness. She sits back a little and tries to think of some great business venture for the ladies to work on. She realizes she was right and this wine is just not helping right now. She realizes the waiter has come with their second bottle of the night and smiles, thinking how she's definitely enjoying her day out.

She lowers her voice as the waiter leaves the table. "I do have something I could use your help with though. My connections are telling me there is a man in Florida bringing in some high quality goods for very low prices. Unfortunately I am not in the position to get in on the deals by myself, with our business being quite new. You guys are more established. Geographically it'd make sense for my guys to sell the goods, but if your connections can get us in the door to get the cheap merchandise I could foresee a good kick up for you guys as well. Maybe something better discussed in more private places at a later date."

Munchkin's eyes quickly dart around the room making sure she wasn't overheard sharing this information with the women. She takes another sip of wine and waits her growling belly waits for the food to arrive.
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She chokes on her wine at the very thought of the entire east wing of Shoreside Hills playing wheelchair polo in the buff and wipes the tears from her eyes.

Oh, oh goodness... I didn't get any on you two did I?

She dabs the corners of her mouth and smiles.

Thank you Munchkin, the images you brought to my mind woke me up from my fantasy of lifeguards in the buff on the beach. Although, Undergarment Thursdays.. That has possibilities. Full body longjohns count as undergarments right?

She looks at Munchkin with hope brimming in her still teary eyes.

Now, that other little piece of business... That sounds interesting. If we could work something out I would be very much open to it.. Very much so.....

Noticing the glasses empty she pours from the new bottle and smiles.

This is from my special reserve here, they keep it in the back for me and only me. I am glad you ladies like it.
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A young man pushes a cart of food out of the kitchen doors. He makes his way towards the ladies table. He looks at the three of them and notices one. Smiling he walks up to the table with the food.

Hello ladies, I would like to apologize about your last server she has been giving us some problems lately. I am Rorschach one of your chef's for today. Okay, so now who had what?

He looks around the table then to the food. Noticing one of the ladies to be Angel he puts a big smile on. His light brown eyes wondering the table and then at the ladies.
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She looks up at Rorschach and smiles.

Well, hello there dear. How are you? The still mooing steak is mine.. I totally lay claim to that!

She looks upon the cart hungrily and she twirls her empty wine glass in her hand.

And before I have anymore of this I should really have some of that.

She points at the steak and smiles again.

I do hope it's better than the Salisbury Steak at the home... I really, really do.

She stares at the plate some more and bats her eyelashes at Rorschach.

Oh, how rude of me. Ladies this is Rorschach, one of my fam.. erm.. Employees. He moonlights as a chef here when he isn't helping change linens at the home.
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