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What Makes A Leader? / A Discussion Started by: Phantom_Ghost on Apr 11, '09 04:06
Phantom_Ghost walks out into the public, late at night. Some bar-goers are out and about, he sees a few familiar faces and steps up to the street corner and begins to speak.

I thought I might get a little discussion going here. It will be short and sweet, in hopes the feed back will consume the discussion as opposed to the initial statement.

Today we saw bloodshed. I was attacked in more ways than one. Once physically, and once verbally. I do not wish to re-hash the events that took place today, as I believe I am a man of the future, as opposed to a man living within the events of the past- thus I will focus on the verbal attack.

I was mailed today, at random, by a man who outright questioned my ability as a leader simply because I kick up a fee to Godfather ThomasRourke. Obviously, as any self-righteous narcissist would do, I continued looking at myself in the mirror, but I did kind of wonder what the general populous thought of this.

In my family line's years here, I've always liked to stir up a friendly discussion about the thoughts rolling around in my head, in hopes that it answers the questions of others who were simply too afraid to ask.

My question, in summation remains: What makes a leader? Because a person pays for Auth, does that make them undeserving? Does it cast a shadow over them? Are they viewed as Crewleader Jr., or as a legitimate leader?

You may choose to answer one or more of these questions, or respond to something else entirely, but I'm curious, so I'm sure many are.

I suppose, as it is my discussion, it is fair that I kick it off, so I shall do so.

In my opinion, a leader is not viewed or judged by "how" they got where they are, rather what they do while they are there. To say a person is undeserving of a position simply because they pay to be there is not only ignorant, but embellishing the business deal to make the leader in question appear infallible so long as they pay the price. As many of you know, this is not the case. If one makes a mistake, they will be punished for it.
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I believe this is a good topic. What does make a good leader. I think that a good leader should be friendly. Not friends but friendly. He should make his image a great idol. To raise moral. Not worry about money or power but to incourage greatness among his family. We call ourselfs familys but you would do half the stuff that you do in a family. You like to support each other. Not argue and disagree with each other. With happiness and closeness among the family will come success. You start at the bottom and work your way up.
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dont worry PG, your a great leader! =)
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How one attains their position as a leader does not ascertain whether they are a leader or not. The New York system is simply our old auth system with an express lane. The leader of the soon-to-be authed gives his permission and the Godfather of New York gives his permission. It is the Godfather's city. He can set up anyone he damn well wants in his city. The fee paid to him is not unlike the tributes leaders pay their godfather. Matter of fact its almost generous he only holds the New York families accountable for a set amount instead of a percentage.

Moving away from the topic of New York, not everyone that is given the right to be called a leader is a leader. We have all seen leaders whom didn't deserve the title. Therefore they aren't leaders at all in reality. Good leaders practice what they preach, they follow their bosses rules (if they have one), they often seek council amongst their most trusted mafioso in order to make the correct decisions in given situations - but are able to act without council and still make the best decision possible 9 times out of 10. They treat their family as they should be treated. For being a true leader in This Thing Of Ours is to uphold the foundations we built this mansion on.

Most of all I think the thing that makes a true leader is, as you say what he or she does. Words can have much flair, but show nothing compared to the pure fact of action. It is the only way we can truly look into the eyes of each other in this world shaded by gray, where we can see the soul of our fellow mafioso. A view into the mind of the leader. Where their intentions show.

Many people have many different ideals for what a leader truly is. Partly because leaders mean something different to all of us.

The best way to be a good leader - is to lead as you would want to be lead. The old parable of do unto one another as your would have another do unto you. Those who lead well weren't born that way - they were brought up in this world by others who lead well.

ApolloJustice straightens his tie. And steps back to listen and comment on the rest of the discussion.
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Tommy is walking by and stops to listen to Phantom. He is reminded of a quote from the late Fu-ManjuRourke about being a leader and Tommy would like to share

1. Lead by example. If you wish your crew to be hard working and diligent, it is important that you live up to your own ideals. There is a saying “I would never ask anybody to do something I wouldn’t do myself”. If your crew see you showing up at noon late and being unprofessional, it will make it much more difficult for them to follow your advice.

2. Humility.  To lead we need to encourage others to act in a certain way. However, if we try to lead through our inflated ego people will not respect us. Rather than stressing your self, try to lead through stressing certain principles. People will be much more willing to follow a leader who embodies humility.

3. Appreciate your Crew.  To be a good leader, you cannot underestimate the importance of offering gratitude to those who are trying hard to do the right thing. If people get appreciation then it will definitely encourage them to continue doing the right thing. At the same time, our appreciation should be sincere. We should not flatter but look for something good a person has done.

4. Have a Clear vision.  Often to lead, you will need to overcome the resistance to change. If people have been doing something for a long time then they have an instinctive aversion to implementing new ideas. To introduce a new way of doing things you have to have the confidence and belief in the new way. People will definitely pick up on the belief that you have in your own vision.

5. Avoid arguments.  If people criticize your approach, often the best thing to do is not get involved in arguments. You can listen to their criticism politely and thank them for their concern, but often the best approach is just to focus on the new approach; look forward and don’t feel the need to defend yourself. This gives your vision certain nobility.  This is most applicable to the streets

6. Listen to others.  A good leader should try to feel part of his crew rather than superior, if you listen to others, they will definitely appreciate it. Often you may find that your goombas have good ideas that you can incorporate. Even if they have unworkable ideas, it is still worth giving the impression you value their opinions, even if they are not used.

7. Create a positive atmosphere.  If you try to lead through creating a climate of fear, or competition, you will undoubtedly create problems. If you can lead whilst maintaining a positive attitude, it will definitely bear fruits in the long run.  Granted, its important to make sure that they know that if you get ignored, they WILL fear you.

8. Don’t always take yourself too seriously. There is no harm in making a joke at your own expense. People will appreciate a leader who can admit a mistake; it is after all a human quality. But, just don’t make a habit of it and make sure they know that one mistake is ok, a pattern will lead to swimming with the fishies.

Reply by: Fu-ManjuRourke at Mar 26, '09 14:01

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Well, some people work hard and take time and dedication, others chat up the highers in the coffee shops in order to attain their esteemed positions, some even like to use their fathers and mothers past accomplishments to make it to the top, and then there are people like you who pay money in order to get places. Not saying it's wrong or you are a lesser crew leader, I would probably never be able to take to such a task and do it perfectly. Adding to the fact that really getting there isn't the same as what you do with what you got whilst actually being there.

Pauses and allows the people to digest what he is saying.

I am just saying that you took one of the more... eh... easier roads to the top. Some people will call it unconventional, but those people aren't wearing bold suits. Really, with all due respect I would have to say that while it isn't the most conventional way of getting there, you're there and you shouldn't worry what people say about you.

Jumps on to his horse and trots off to a far away land.
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I pretty much agree with everyone here really. How you get to the top has absolutely no indication on your leadership skills, but it does have a indication on your character.

If you work your way to the top it shows your ability to put the hard work in, pretty much this is the old school way.

Then there is paying your way up, this shows your ability to earn money, and that you know how to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you.

What really shows your a good leader is how you rule your crew.
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Okay so I'm not gonna answer as to what makes a good leader. We all have our opinions on it and they all generally run the same course.

What I'd like to comment on is Godfathers and Crewleaders. See in my eyes these are two different roles. The Godfather controls the entire city, it's their ball park and they can set whatever rules they wish. Crewleaders who reside in a Godfathers city do so with the Godfathers permission. So I see no reason why the Crewleaders should not kick up a little extra cash to the Godfather.

The Godfathers don't need to auth Crews just for extra income. You would like to think that the ten who the Godfathers trust to keep around them are more than just your average crew jockey. The money they would be pulling in would by far be enough to keep any Godfather.

We are all about business, some of us are lucky enough to have complete control, the rest have to respect this control and it's only right that Crewleaders kick something extra up to those who own the city they play their trade out of.
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What makes a leader? Because a person pays for Auth, does that make them undeserving? Does it cast a shadow over them? Are they viewed as Crewleader Jr., or as a legitimate leader?

This has long been a hot topic of debate. Reading my forefathers journals, it has always been something of a hot topic here on our streets and I've no doubt this will continue into the future.

My own view, on a very specific aspect of it as if we went into too much detail we'd be here on the streets for days on end, is that being a leader... whether you want to say a good leader or a great leader it makes no odds, is about far more than being the head of the family. Anyone can don a bold suit and set up a headquarters, it takes far more to be a 'leader'.

Whether the HQ is paid for with a weekly tribute or whether the person is given auth to set up makes little difference in my eyes. Its their actions, what they do day in and day out, that makes them a leader.... or simply be the figure head of a family as the case may be.
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Ahh, as Satanta said, such an old debate and one that has always had lots of views on.

There are so many qualities that can make a leader, but in order to be a leader, you need followers, not just people who stand in your HQ for protection and who make minimal input. A real leader ensures that all in the hq are playing a part, however big or small.

I think there are a few qualities that may assist in creating what I would call a real leader. Ruthlessness would be one, but also a sense of fun would be needed, people react much more better to light hearted fun than threats. A leader needs to be extremely organised too, for when the members are needed to be called upon for various actions, the leader will have to organise abruptly. I think constant communication with the members is also needed, gaining a good rappor with your followers is the key to any great famiglia!

Some people may say having a good gun or other stuff like that makes a good leader, as that is why most are remembered, but if you lead a family and leave a mark upon all of them long after you are dead, then I think that would qualify you as a good leader.

In a nutshell a leader is someone who can lead his members into any situation without hesitation from them.
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*Nods and Smiles at the topic and discussion going on*

My question, in summation remains: What makes a leader? Because a person pays for Auth, does that make them undeserving? Does it cast a shadow over them? Are they viewed as Crewleader Jr., or as a legitimate leader?

Not to be rude or "disrespectful" but to answer your particular question WITH OUT the entire body of work to support Auth, paying for it does leave you undeserving and a little less than "Crew Leader Jr." . IF you have your body of work and it is incomplete, as in have gained the respect with in your family, have a voice in our world in more than just "Way to Go" and "Get me a Gin and Tonic Please" but maybe lack experience etc. Then I would say no it doesn't, but to do nothing and simply shell out some clams to get auth is in poor taste.

Alot of variables are at play here, and with out knowing an entire situation this is all in "Theory". The bottom line is if a Authorizing Leader states you are worthy, who are we to disagree unless closely linked to it ?

*closes eyes hoping he didn't ramble on to much*
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Let us look at it from this angle, ladies and gentlemen.

Doesn't everyone, in some way or another, pay for auth?

Whether it be through a stipend to the Godfather every week, or being the best Mafiosi from your existing crew, we all pay in something on the road to the bold suit.

I myself didn't even know I was paying, yet I was. Every day I came to the streets and worked my ass off, kicking up my tribute of blood, sweat and tears (and the occasional million or two wired to my leader's bank). And though I wasn't dreaming for it outright, every thing I did was putting an unconscious deposit into the "Bank of Auth". One day the late Don Iris took a look at my bank account and decided it was time for me to get that upgrade that I had unknowingly earned.

In some way or another, we all pay for auth. Money. Hard work. Words. Respect. It's all something we have to earn and in turn spend in order to get there.

Just because some people take different roads to get there, does not mean that in the end eventually the roads do not again someday meet.

So what makes a leader, then?

As I said in a recent interview, and yes I'm going to quote myself being the narcissist I am, "someone, much better than myself mind you, once said it's not the length of your tenure, but the legacy you leave behind".

During my time here I have seen it all. I have seen old, "good" bloodlines authed in the hopes that they would do well, only to see them piss away the chance just like any other and pay for it in death.

I have seen people of iffy, rogue or disgraceful bloodlines ascend to heights they never dreamed of, just to prove everyone wrong. I am happy to say that I have actually assisted some of them in getting there myself.

My Great-Times-A-Million-Grandfather was one of those people who had never quite had the chance. And though he was a rogue of war, after the death of his Boss, he did not look to the beginnings of how he got his suit. Instead he did the best with what he had and looked to the future. Even if many, many people didn't like him, every now and again I'll hear his name thrown out on the streets casually and know that despite everything, he is at least remembered.

And for me... when I first set up I told my closest friends and associates that I was going to always always do my best by my family, and do the best to my ability to lead. After all is said and done, and I'm nothing but a memory to my Great-Great-Times-A-Million-Granddaughter, if at least ten people remember my name and what I did... I'll know, from the beyond, I did something right.
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Ahem, in conclusion, which I did not make previously as I got a little too excited there, is that "What makes a leader is what you do to make yourself stand out. What you make yourself do to be different. What you make of yourself to in the end be remembered."

Find your calling and act on it. Find that one thing that will make you be remembered. And that is what makes a true leader. All the other names will fade into the infinite background of This Thing of Ours, but if yours can still be remembered in years to come- that is what makes a leader.
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Caius had been leaning on a T post across the yard where this discussion was taking place and thought he would enter his own two cent

I believe the thread leader asked earlier if people look down on those that were auth'd because they can afford the Godfather ThomasRourke's taxes. I don't. Then again, I am the first of my line. I work hard, keep my nose clean and am one of the loyalist supporters the Godfather has.

I don't know the story behind my boss starting his family. I do know I was the third member ever, and why I joined was simple. Leadership. and Ability. Signing up to this life of ours was a business decision, (in rl) and it has become, an amazing time for me.

However, when I received a msg from the RHM, it was written correctly. Not a "Hey come join my crew?" Like many of the other leaders had done.

At first, I regretted my decision, I will admit, but then I started to get to know my boss, Premier, which many have done before me. He taught me everything I now know about this life and continues to teach me. Earlier this week, I was given a change that many first time mafioso dream of. Becoming a LHM and assisting in leading a crew.

Why did he do it? Was it because of my hard work? I honestly, don't know. I can say, that I have yet to find a better leader.

I'm not trying to make this sound like a tribute to my CL in anyway, I'm merely stating that the qualities that it takes to become a CL he has.

Ability, Responsibility, Time, and Leadership...

At one time it was a dream of mine to lead a crew. I will admit, isn't it a dream of everyone's that currently isn't in a crew? I was young, foolish, and looking for a new adventure. Now? I won't say I'm old and wise, because I'm always learning new things. What I will say... is this life wouldn't be what it is for us without a select few that know how to lead.

What of the others? Well... at least we know we didn't train our guns for nothing :)

Caius stepped off the podium and half expected to get shot... it did sound a little more pompous then he had hoped. He stepped over near the Godmother of DT and kissed her ring before going back to his T post, and lighting another smoke
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