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Jonizzel my Sizzle Started by: Brick_Pollitt on May 26, '09 11:01
Brick shrugged as he made his way to his old Dr Pepper crate in the middle of Bourbon Street to make an exciting announcement for the city of New Orleans. Since being removed from his position as CEO of Elegido, Brick had spent a lot of time sleeping. He knew it was now time to get to work and make some changes in the city. His first order of business for the day was to make the special announcement regarding one of his most trusted members of his inner circle.

I know, I know. I am so cool. What can I say?

Anyway, the order of business of today:

I am announcing that Jonizzel is authorized to set up in the city of New Orleans as soon as he so desires. Jonizzel has been a trusted member of my family for quite a while. He came into this world and set out to work extremely hard. He quickly made his way up the ranks through hard work, dedication, and loyalty to Elegido. In a ceremony deep within the walls of our HQ, Jonizzel took the oath of loyalty to this family for life and has taken his responsibilities to this family seriously. Many of you know him as one half of the MoJo show; others know him as head of Elegido's Tabloid department, but understand this - he has always done more than expected, and above and beyond most. He's not all about robbing stores and old ladies. He interacts within this community, and has a voice to be reckoned with.

Because New Orleans is set to change the way we do business in this community, I give you Jonizzel. I expect great things from you my friend. Together with duke5078, Jonizzel will run the day to day operations of this fine city.

Me? I'm going golfing. I'll be back later with more announcements about the direction New Orleans is headed.

Please welcome Jonizzel and give him the same respect you'd give me.

Brick applauded briefly before dragging his gold clubs toward his waiting car.
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Congratulations Jonizzel.

A fine pick to run the day to day affairs of New Orleans Godfather Brick, if I do say so myself... and I do!

Jono, may you go on to achieve great things in this thing of ours. You have already proven your abilities to those close to you, now is your chance to prove them to all.
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What a great choice. Our family lines go far back! He is a good guy and comes from a great bloodline. I know he will do you right! Congrats Jonoizzle!
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Congratulations Jonizzel, good luck.

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Jonizzel, today you make me proud!

I've been waiting for this day for quite some time now, and finally you're getting your chance.

I know that you will accomplish great things in the great city of New Orleans, and can't wait to see you get into that new suit that's just waiting for you!
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Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers must be looking down from heaven with mile wide smiles plastered across their mugs.

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what can i say old friend, will be fun seeing you in a bold suit. May i wish the best of luck your eons of experience could benefit the future blood well.
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well deserved Jonizzel good luck,
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Jono, what can I say other than it's always been a privilege to work with and along side of you. I know that your wisdom and vision will bring New Orleans honor.

Thank you for the brief time you spent as LHM of Intoccabile and good luck!
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Congratulations are due, old friend. Lenny hands out the finest cigars, which he brought from Dynin/Alfonse's Terrifically Tasty Tobacco , currently the only tobacco shop in the city of New Orleans

This has been a great week for New Orleans, and it just seems to be getting better and better.

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Congratulations Jonizzel. I am sure you will do well.
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Congrags Jonizzel. Wish you the best of luck.
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congrats Jonizzel
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wipes a tear and plants a tree

This tree will symbolize my love for,oh wait wrong speech.

With this Tree I show my undying, shit wrong one again...

Well F' it mate, the tree will grow just like you and shit. All bark and branches with your roots deep in the dirt. PLUS it will provide shade for my weary head.

smiles and walks away
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Congrats Jonizzel, you deserve it. Definetely.
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congratulation's! I wish you good luck and I hope your family is around for a long time!
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Jonizzel steps aside Godfather Pollitt. A smile from ear to ear he thanks the weell wishers and takes a Dr Pepper bottle from a bodyguard.

Thank you, all of you. I can only hope I can step into these shoes and do my best to help Godfather Pollitt and Don Duke make this city achieve it's fullest potential.

He raises his Dr Pepper bottle in the air

Cheers everyone.
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Congratulations Jonizzel I wish you all the best of luck.
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Congrats my mate, well deserved.
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Congratulations, Jono. It is good to see New Orleans growing strong and if you have earned the trust of Godfather Pollitt I am sure you will do a great job.
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