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"Some Things Left Unsaid" Started by: Vito_Dynin on Jun 16, '09 16:11
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You scramble around the factory, looking for clues. How is place important in that diary you found? The factory looks terrible, with only empty tables lying around the floor. Some are upright, some sideways on the floor. Some are brown, some are red... A little light bulb in your head lights up, and you start digging through the pile of tables and chairs, throwing them around like soft pillows. You discover a pool of dried blood, and it ain't comin' from the ground. The dried trail leads you to a small corridor, and then you spot it. A pile of rotten corpses. Even though the rats nibbled off their faces, you can see that they were beaten before finally killed. Even though it smells like shit, you decide to dig through the corpses too. After a minute of torture, you find an extraordinary body, which arms and legs aren't all bent and battered. It's hands are clutching something small, and you use all your strength to pull it out. You realize that the papers are very similar to the diary. You decide to start flipping through the papers, just as you did through the diary...

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The pages turned out to be like you expected. Wrinkly, ripped, and smelly. You begin reading.. July 1st 15:00 I think I'm doing a fucking routine here. I go to a city, get some fame, get some heat, and fucking run away or else something bad will happen. And when I leave, everything gets even worse. Yeah, as you've might have guessed, I'm not in LV. When I was trapped under the fucking debri, the stupid cops couldn't find us. Our men were smarter than that, and they found us, blew open the debri's with some explosives, and we were out. Then I got a mail from a famous Don in Miami, who asked me to merge with him. The deal was grand, it was twenty million dollars for the merge. And I couldn't refuse. I asked the Godmother to authorize my merge, and he thought I was going rouge. From that moment, everything went down as fast as cow shit. And cow shit is fast. The Godmother called her men, and they started shooting at me. Some of my most trusted members managed to hitch a ride on a plane before getting shot. The rest is still in Las Vegas. But I'm not that stupid either. I've my Left Hand Man Johnny back, and he is a smart fella. He's gonna clarify everything with the Godmother. I remember him telling me that they once had something.. back in the day of course.

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<em> July 2nd, 13:00

The fucking Don lied to me. How could I not foresee that? It was probably the hundred thousand dollars he sent me in his mail which made me come to this shit hole. Miami is a full geared narcotic factory in my opinion. Drugs are sold everywhere. Everyone wants them, even some cops! I wanted to leave, but some Savorani's decided to visit this place. And not only that. They're greatest allies (or so I've heard), the Bartochas decided to come too. I've sent some spies, and the Savorani's have left two hours ago. But the Bartochas are still there. They know of us, and I decided to take the chance. I have arranged a meeting with Don Bartocha and the Senator of Miami. It seems that the Senator and the Don know each other. Joe is going to hide a piece in the park, and I'll find it, and pop a cap in they're asses. Fucking great. </em>

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